Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bike riding

Today was almost a repeat of our post-Irene blog.  The day started unusually early with both Matteo and Chloe May getting up pre-7AM.  Well with Daddy working until 4:30 AM I wanted to keep the house quiet so he could sleep, so I took the kids to the local beach to play on the toys for an hour.  We then headed to Target (love it!) and on our way home received a call from our friends (the boys on the tire swing pic from Monday) to go bike riding at the park.  Matteo loves this family with their 4 kids - so indeed we did go bike riding.  Having not been to this park in quiet some time it was new to Chloe May and a treat to Matteo.  Though I had my camera a picture would not have done it justice - Matteo riding bikes with an 8 year old, twin 6.5 year olds and a 4 year old.  Matteo was never far behind the 8 year old and kept up beautifully the whole time.  We certainly enjoyed bike riding with our Dear Friends and were more than delighted to receive the invitation.

As we were leaving the park our Aunt Marisa called (yes, the kids have taken to calling her Aunt as they love Her so!) - and we were invited over for some swim time - which Mommy really appreciated as I felt as though any sort of water Matteo was in would help aide in the healing of his knee. 

And though Aunt Marisa has this beyond georgous pool,

sometimes we find the most pleasure


in life's simplicity.

 Our day was beautiful in so many ways - unfortunately it ended on a sad note with Matteo not being able to walk.

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