Thursday, September 1, 2011

A quiet day

Matteo woke up today unable to walk.  I wasn't overly concerned as I knew Matteo did an incredible amount of bike riding yesterday, keeping up with the older boys and never stopping.  Also he did great swimming and also running at our friend Marisa's house - so I thought we were due for a quiet day.  I took Matteo to get his back to school hair cut (carrying him the whole time) - and then we relaxed at home, enjoyed a package Grandma sent and just were quiet.  As the day wore on I encouraged Matteo to weight-bare on his leg, which he did with a considerable limp at first and then better and better.  By the end of the day Matteo was walking, but slowly.  Thanks for the concern - but Daddy just feels as though it is a pulled muscle.  And as far as his knee goes - Daddy said it's looking much better :-)  though he still feels as though Matteo should have got gotten stitches.  Personally, I feel as though scars on our body make us who we are and build character :-)  Perhaps you have a scar with a funny story attached or you'll never forget the day you received your injury - no matter how many years pass.  Funny in the middle of Chloe May's birthday party I was speaking with a dentist's son who confirmed the amount of people who get braces really don't need them, purely cosmetic. I didn't want Matteo to get stitches and be semi-traumatized for the point of keeping his body perfect.   I have a few scars on myself that I like - one where I fell down the stairs at home, one where a pedal went into my leg and another on my arm.  Most recently I have one that I think will turn into a scar on my knee where I made the foolish choice to run while holding Chloe May in the woods.  That last scar is a forever gentle reminder to me not to be overly impetuous - but I'm worried that when winter comes and I"m wearing pants I'll cover it up and forget it!!!!! :-)  And truth be told, I usually like being impetuous. 

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