Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dolly's 2nd birthday party

The magical day has arrived. One of the two days I look forward to yearly (for 2 years now) - our birthday parties - with Blessed family and wonderful neighbors.

Of course like every party dressed in our finest (because other days we just party in our underwear).

Chloe May has two girl friends six months older - whom we both really love - Rory is one of them (long story short, Rory was also there the 12 AM phone call asking her mom to watch Matteo so I could go to the hospital [and get some epidural!] - Rory was five months old and on the team already!

Cousin Rocco says Chloe is his best cousin ever, such a sweet boy - always at our parties and ready for a good race with Matteo - we love his innocence.

The Grandmothers smiled and helped put the party together with their delicious salads and warming demeanor - and how many requests did I get weeks previous for Grandma's famous cookies? :-)

Of course our friend Patrick and his siblings  helped celebrate!

The pinata was great fun, though to be honest I am a horrible pinata hostess when going by age - I only got up to 5 and it broke pre-all the children getting a swinging turn (though I would like to blame it on the pinata HOLDER - Jules, who in hindsight hung it way too low!)  Don't worry Matteo has already requested one - for his birthday.  And no, the pinata was not filled with loads of candy, rather just enough to satisfy  your sweet tooth for two days (unless you are a glutton) - and then only one, otherwise it was filled with rings with large gems, $100s, necklaces, some whistles, a few moms came up and gave me a kudos or two :-)

more festivities to follow...


Present opening time couldn't wait - so for the second time of all my parties, we opened...PRESENTS!!!!

Chloe May received books, clothes from our grandmas, barrettes, an 8x10 of our Dear Friend Marisa's cat Shelby whom we love (spot on awesome!), a kitty magnet (b/c whenever we go to Marisa's Chloe always asks to "play" with her kitty magnet), hats and butterfly wings and TWO shoe gift certificates (awesome!)

Yes, I know they go on the back, and YOU know they go on the back, but when it's your birthday, it's YOUR birthday and you get what your way!  The monkey hat stayed on the rest of the party - personally I would have preferred the crown.......but again, it was Chloe May's day!
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Always my favorite part of a party is cake time.  No-doubt-about-it.  Everyone comes together and I'll never forget Matteo's 2nd birthday, it felt like the roof was going to be raised off the house!  Same here (though we were outside).


The cake this year is becoming my favorite - homemade ice cream cake.  Simple, easy and lots of yum yum fun to make (but of course you have to taste test your ingredients!).  I'm being honest when I say some people I tell don't even bring gifts, just coming and having you sing adds to the joy and magic of the day - and true that, it's just awesome.  I'm only sorry you cannot see the look of pride on Chloe May's face having blown out all three of her candles :-)  If you didn't make it, I have no doubt you sung along with the video in your heart xoxo.  e.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


I enlisted Jules' help today to put the training wheels back on Matteo's 12" bike (since Chloe is always asking to ride it - but of course, it's Matteo's!).

So off she goes - though after 5 min she prefers to be carried back home - who doesn't?!?!

And yes, this is just what the Doctor ordered. . . I cut loose a little, broke out a chip or two,

took out the birthday candles, caused lots of laughter trying to teach Chloe May to blow out the candles on cue "....happy birthday to you!"
In the end we all found it more funny to  have her blow them out as she so desired...... and thus we will see what Sunday holds.

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Chloe really misses Matteo when he is gone.

Started to make that lemonade we spoke of today. Slowly of course.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Still holding the lemons......

Went to the Doctor today and all scheduled for surgery Monday.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


So today life handed me some lemons...........

Went for my 11-13 week sono for downsyndrome - Jules took Matteo to swim lessons and Chloe May stayed with me.   Early on in the pregnancy I'll never forget (2 days pre-finding out I was pregant), I was at a puppet show with Matteo & Chloe and they were both on my lap and the strongest feeling came over me that I had all 3 of my children with me there in that moment.  Then of course I got the postive test, the strong sono, sharing the happy news - but then I started to tell Grandma I don't feel pregnant/didn't think I was.  And then the neighbor told Jules about her daughter who had a m/c in early Spring and she never felt pregnant and what a bad sign that was.  But my body never showed me the secret it was hiding  - - - it didn't need to - - I'm a Mommy.  So getting up on the table today, having the tech pour the jelly on my belly I told her I was nervous, things didn't feel right - naturally she calmed my fears........ searched for signs of life........told me we would need to do a different sono - - and confirmed indeed we had lost the baby. 

My heart broke & in that moment all I could think of was I need my mom's voice and Sarah's arms around me.  So I called grandma at work - and when they went to get her I got disconnected so when I called back Grandma picked up and I remember clear as day saying "Is this Adriennne ******", to which she replied "Yes."  (you see, I could not say "Mom" - as I could not get out the words - so I shut down and went into professional mode).  And I sobbed just apologizing for calling her at work - but I knew I just needed her voice - 100 miles away, her voice soothed me.

And then there was Sarah, I left her two vms - and she called back - allowing me to stop by.  But first I had to tell Jules  - so I went to the beach - and told him.....saying he was shocked is mild - but I asked him to keep Matteo and allow me 30 minutes to process at home.  And I stopped by Sarah's house - and I'll never forget she gave me the tightest hug and then I looked in her eyes and she had tears, as if she felt my pain and understood - tears as if she lost a friend - and just that hug and those tears, man how they held me over until of course Grandma and Gramps came.

That's right, though I told them not to, they left work and came - because you know what that is what mother's should do - even when told not to.  I needed Grandma and she was there - Gramps too (certainly not to lessen his role) - - how does Grandma always know.

Like I said today life gave me lemons and though I should start on my lemondae, today I think I will just sit and cry.

On a "life doesn't stop note" - Daddy informed me he actually sits and watches/listens to Matteo's swim class (whereas I sit down the beach with Chloe with the other parents out of earshot though).  APPARENTLY on this very day, Matteo got two "strikes" while in class.  According to Matteo 1) this is not uncommon and 2) he is the only one in class who gets them...... to which I replied what if you get three strikes and he says "you have to try really really hard" - to which I asked what CAUSES a strike...... to which he replied "if you don't get the biggest rock" - - - really Matteo??  :-)  Thanks for bringing the sun back into my day.

PS - let's play a number game: 7/27/08 miscarriage number one; 8/5/09 - bring Chloe home from hospital one year (to the day) after having my first D&C; 7/28/11 - miscarriage number three.  That one week period from July to August is certainly a roller coaster one for me - check back next year to see what happens in 2012!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Chloe May gets nothing but compliment after compliment when we go to the beach on how adorable she is - the Moms esp love her boots.

The boots were my idea after her being upset at the feeling of sand for the first 3 or 4 days last week. Well HELLO of course she is upset about it, how would I feel if someone made me walk on play doh without ever having really been in it before? So the boots really help to combat any "sand feeling" while she is walking and I am slowly introducing Chloe to standing in the sand in the water and she will stand/play in the sandbox at home - hopefully by next year she feels more comfortable in the sand - in the meantime, yes she does look   A D O R A B L E!

 And I simply continue to fall more and more in love with this beach - 5-7 minutes from home, no season pass, just gorgeous! 
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Sunday, July 24, 2011


Today Matteo was tickled "green" when our Dear Neighbor Missy's grandsons paid Missy a visit and ran our bell for Matteo to come and play.

Dolly on the other hand was none too pleased as she was not invited and I felt as though if I took her over, then I would have to stay and those boys would probably have more fun without an "old lady" cramping their game play. Tried and tried to distract her as I did, she would have none of it and cried her eyes out for a great deal of time - however when Matteo returned she was all hugs - and he was receptive (to Mommy's hugs too!).

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Deep End

Today we were invited over our friend Marisa's pool - and proving that his swim lessons and practice sessions at the beach are working, Matteo swam in the deep end by himself - unassisted by any flotation device!  He was more than excited, especially to be diving off the diving board with his friends :-) 

Daddy was able to come and enjoy some pool time as well. 

Friday, July 22, 2011


Where oh where has time gone

that our Dolly is about to turn 2??

She is such a breath of fresh air.

and thus ended our first full week of swim lessons.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Before going to swim today we took some time to see our favorite musician play at a semi-local park. Despite the triple digit temperatures, a great time was had by all.

Even Daddy didn't want to miss the festivities.

After our 4th day of swim lessons and playing on the beach for hours, we came home and unwound under the sprinklers.

Loving Summer of 2011!

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Dare I say we are becoming beach bums - and I love it!

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Another glorious day at the beach.

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Monday, July 18, 2011


Today Matteo started swim lessons with our local Town.  And let me tell you for a phenomenal price, Matteo is taking ten 1/2 hour lessons at the beach.  What really "blew me out of the water" (haha) was that for every 3 children, there are two instructors and for a good part of the lesson it is one-on-one with child and instructor!  Can't beat it.  And the friends we run into is like a library/school/neighborhood reunion!  Can't beat the fun.  We arrive around 11:30 ish and I try to stretch Chloe May until 2:45/3 PM - and then let her nap.  We'll see how it goes.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

After a sluggish morning and a yummy pasta lunch, we bid au revoir to Nanny & Poppi

and to our neighbor's pool we have an open invitation, so we made use of it!


Glad Nanny & Poppi came to visit when they did, but now we are gearing up for what is sure to be a busy week! 

Saturday, July 16, 2011


We took a little break from visiting Nanny & Poppi to go next door and help Paige celebrate her 3rd birthday.

The party was fun, Matteo had his first bad-mitten experience, we "volleyed" a bit and there was a ball pit.
A rare glimpse of Mommy and Dolly - - happy to announce we are expecting - due date during the second nor'easter of 2012.

And what party wouldn't be complete without colored frosting all over our face and clothes :-)

Pre-birthday party Nanny taught me how to preserve the peaches we picked.

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18 jars later I would like to invite you over mid-winter for some yummy peaches.

Friday, July 15, 2011

The End

With Nanny & Poppi in tow (love the mini-van) - we took a road trip. One that lasted: 3 potty breaks, 2 hours and 1 vomit (matteo taking his vitamin on an empty stomach).

WE ARRIVED at the lighthouse.

Matteo had such a delightful time - we climbed all 137 steps 3 times and was asking for a 4th and 5th time.

Of course we visited the beach at the lighthouse as well - and our little clan took to a rock walk - where Matteo and Poppi found two muscles still alive - so of course we took them home to continue to examine them.  Below three generations - breathtaking isn't it.

And what Dolly doesn't love her Poppi.

And while Chloe May napped, I knew we should have left, but oh you can't leave a place like The End without sampling some seafood and that is just what I did.  The ride home only involved one potty break - and it was easy as it was Matteo.  Now we are talking about the next lighthouse we can visit - I think that will be in September as Matteo is really smitten with them.
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Thursday, July 14, 2011


With today's cooler temps and lower humidity, I took the Matteo & Chloe, some of their friends and Jules peach picking - -

No tree was too tall for our Dolly.

Matteo dug right in!

You might  say a "peachy" time was had by all!

And early that evening Nanny & Poppi arrived - the fun continues.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Having been invited over our friend Ally's house today - we are never one to turn down an opportunity of course we accepted.
Chloe May made great use of her first pool floatie.

And when he jumps in like this Matteo yells "surfboard" - - to which I asked if it hurts and Matteo said yes, his belly (but he continued to jump in like this numerous times).  I love him :-) and Dolly too of course.

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