Saturday, March 31, 2012

Chucky Cheese

After an early morning craft with Amy & Katelyn and some yummy pancakes, we bid farewell and hit hthe road to visit Nanny & Poppi & Cousin Rocco.  After a small play we hit the road again for Chucky Cheese (just saying it gives me the heebee jeebies).

Matteo was more than delighted with all the video games.


Even Chloe May got into the action.

And we sang Happy Birthday to my Dear Friend Lauren's little Lou.  He is 6, or as Lauren said, "two hands now."

And on that note, after Chucky Cheese, we rolled into the garage at 7:30 PM - and everyone was awake.  Much to Daddy's delight. 

Friday, March 30, 2012


After our travels yesterday, I think a little veg out session was in order.  So today I did indeed just chill out on Amy's couch while the kids played pirates for 90 minutes (and not a tear was shed).  Amy took the opportunity as well to play dress up with Chloe May - much to her delight.


But oh to see Matteo & Katelyn's blossoming friendship during this playdate and not interfere, etc.  Just let them do their thing, figure things out, simple, easy, lovely.

We then packed lunch, bikes, helmets, etc. and ventured to a nearby park.  At this park we enjoyed some time on the toys but then headed into the woods in search of the rock slide that we enjoyed last time.

 We were not disappointed.

 And while the kids throw rocks into the waterfall with Amy, I lay back for a few minutes and took in the picturesque sky - as blue as ever.

And it was in these woods that I realized, it's not the amount of siblings you have, but rather the bond you have with them that matters.  I love my two - and hope that their friendship continues long after the day is done.

 And it was at this park that a skater asked about a water fountain and I offered an unopened water in my car.  And this very skater later turned around and gave Matteo his very first skateboard (did you feel the light from his smile where you were - because I'll never forget it).

And it was on this day that I got the first call of the school year from Matteo's school.  That's right, last years first take at school did not go as smoothly as I would have liked, so imagine my surprise when Jules called to tell me to call the school because they left a message at home.  It seems that Matteo is upsetting his first crush at school, so much in fact that the mother had to call up.  You see if you know Matteo you know that he likes beingthisclosetoyouatalltimes.  And when you are painfully shy (as I believe this girl is), having someone thisclosetoyouatalltimes does not make you feel very comfortable.  So while the mother expressed this to the Director, she also said she knows Matteo is nothing but kind and has the best intentions (thank you!).  She just asked that the teacher and myself (I already knew) be made aware of the situation.  I told the Director I would indeed talk to Matteo, but in fact there is little I can do otherwise as his teacher helps him to work on this "problem" of personal space.  I on the other hand enjoy having Matteo in my personal space at all times and love to tickle and hug him.  

Later that evening we again enjoyed mushroom burgers (thank you Amy!), and after the kids were tucked into bed Amy, her husband and I laugh, joked and enjoyed each other's company in the kitchen waiting for the mega millions numbers to be drawn.  Yes Daddy & I who never gamble purchased two tickets.... after all you gotta be in it to win it.  We didn't win - - but we scored Matteo's birthday number on one ticket!  And finally, it was during this conversation that I learned Amy dated MY HUSBAND......... yes folks, another post, another time I'll divulge those secrets...or won't I??  Either way I feel secure in saying both Amy & I are secure in our marriages and this coming May/June will have been with our mates for 17 years!! Tune in for that posting!!!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Reading II

And so it has become a little routine, Matteo & I read together in the morning, Chloe May listens and as I prepare breakfast Matteo reads to our Dolly.

And on this day after lunch our "vacation" began - we ventured three hours to see our friends Amy & Katelyn and to celebrate another friends birthday party.  But first stopping at work to see Grandma. :-)  Always a treat.

Then arriving at Amy's house just in time to run around a bit, have Amy give Chloe May no less than 6 pairs of shoes/boots/crocs, etc.  (which made them instant BFF's) - and enjoy mushroom burgers (mmmmmm).  Yes back at Amy's and all the planets are alined and all is right in the universe.  Daddy stayed home to work (someone has to pay for the gas).

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Matteo taking the time to read to Chloe May.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Inspired by the circus, Matteo spoke for days about getting our dog Walter to jump through a hoop.

Thank you for not disappointing Walt!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt

With Daddy away the children will play.

 Today we biked/walked up to the local park for an easter egg hunt (of course we needed our baskets and bunny ears).

 BONUS meeting the Easter Bunny!

Chloe May got into the game of it right away.

 And Matteo survived in the kindergarten section and held his own very nicely.

And counting up the loot at the end after having met our friends - the E Family.

And of course Daddy received a warm welcome when he arrived home later that evening by Mommy and the following morning by Matteo & Chloe May.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bye Daddy

And so it is Daddy went to help Uncle Rocco for the weekend and we are left to hold down the fort - - - let the party begin :-) 

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Usually when we have somewhere to go I get dressed first and Daddy always pulls this stunt (which I love) where he tries to match my clothes to the best of his limited wardrobe ability.  See below pic.


Matteo & Chloe May also dressed a bit alike in matching elephant shirts - - - FOR THE CIRCUS TODAY!

 That's right, a great time by all - lions, motorcycles and elephants!

 And after much anticipation the grand finale - - the DRAGON.

 Since the show was so early - we had plenty of time to come home and, because of the milder weather, we decided to do some planting.  Today we planted a tree - a bit of our 10 year wedding anniversary, earth day, etc. rolled into one. 

I love this photo and am surely going to frame it in the house - rarely do we get a picture of Walter in our photos - and I love how simply clothed we are, etc. 

Cheers to being alive and enjoying the simplicity of our close-knit family :-)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Meep Meep

Last night after dinner Jules was telling matteo about the cartoons he used to watch growing up - i.e. road runner, bugs bunny, etc.  And if you know Matteo you know how much he LOVES LOVES listening to stories.  So imagine his delight when Daddy rolled out of bed (the usual 8AM) and told him he found some of the old cartoons on Youtube.  At six minutes each, Matteo delighted in watching two.

But I must ask, how is the most delighted below? 



We love you Daddy.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Tell and tell as I may - Chloe May insists her nose does not fit in the slot made for it when wearing glasses.

Sister knows her style and no one is going to tell her different.

Looks to me she is destined to be a future pop sensation.
We apologize in advance, to the future generation.

Happy Spring we celebrated all day today.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Another day in the sunshine

This was a fun coincidence - while babysitting our friend Elissa today the girls matched!!! Now who is who?

And one of the four fig trees we planted over the weekend - courtesy of our neighbor who grows same!

And on this last day of winter, I must say we are loving these spring like (no jacket) temps!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

St. Patty's day celebration

Enjoyed some corned beef and cabbage with Nanny & Poppi today - also Uncle Rocco & Cousin Rocco.  Cousins on their bikes, running through fields of grass and plants being transplanted over many counties - could the day get any better.  Cheers to good times and building memories to last a lifetime.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


That's right - Mama got a new handbag today!  AND I AM LOVING IT!

No not gucci, not coach, nothing black or bleak or dark or murky - rather pretty with flowers to represent this stage in my life......(just hoping that stage is not saying "over 75 over 75...hahahah).

Have not carried a purse since the day Matteo was born - always with a diaper bag - well with no one in diapers and the accidents are left at the occasional glass of water, times are changing.  Though to be fair the diaper bag is in the front seat of my car ready to be broken out when at the park (as it is filled with snacks).

And today as we worked in our yard outside and Matteo & Chloe May enjoyed being covered (honestly) in dirt, a neighbor stopped by and said "you don't see too much of that anymore" - meaning kids playing in dirt.  I hope they never stop playing in dirt - just wish it didn't end up on the house :-) 

And finally, Happy St. Patrick's Day - complete with corned beef and cabbage again here on the lane and just as great as last time.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Every journey starts with a single step, today began my (hopefully no more than) six month journey.

Thanks for chipping in and helping out today Daddy - though it is your job as much as mine :-)

Thursday, March 15, 2012


What's so funny about the below picture- 


Simply that after months Matteo & Chloe are back in the same bed on the very day we buy Chloe her OWN bed!! (good thing Daddy is sleeping and doesn't see this! haha).

Monday, March 12, 2012

Registration - K

Registered Matteo for kindergarten today - ............ today sucks.  How is it I still remember him at 3, 6 and 9 months old?  I miss those days.  Wishing I had the sense I do today and could go back and rewind.

Sunday, March 11, 2012


In honor of St. Patrick's Day next week - this Family of 4 attended the annual St. Patrick's Day parade in our scenic  little town.  

Mommy best of all loves the parade - the road closing, walking to the parade.....

 seeing the towns folk for miles on end.

 With the added excitement this year of his new bike, Matteo and Daddy took off for the parade earlier and rode bikes in the normally two lane road - for about 45 minutes.  Much to Matteo's delight and Chloe's upset and tantrum that she needed to go home and get her bike (too late the parade started).  And let me tell you for about 3 days after the parade Chloe May continued to say how she wanted to ride in the road by Waldbaums like Matteo.  Sister don't forget :-)

Matteo also got a simply joy by asking if he could run across the street and back when the parade experienced a small lull - the joy on his face says it all :-)

And per usual, back home in time for corn beef and cabbage - much to everyone's delight (and my surprise).  Top of the mornin' to  you - see you on St. Patrick's day!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Elissa.

All dressed up to help our friend Elissa celebrate her 3RD birthday

That's right, another party this week and boy are we ready! 

When you've got your party hats on and your pants off - you know this party is rocking!

Love this photo as Matteo exercised the utmost patience at waiting to sing Happy Birthday. 

(yes, he is so handsome).

Always rocking - Happy Birthday Elissa and Grandma Marsha.  

Friday, March 9, 2012


Matteo got a new bike today!

And let me tell you this bike has "blast off" written all over it.  Matteo is loving it and cannot ride enough.  
Daddy on the other hand, his riding partner as I don't own a bike, is more than exhausted and often times has trouble keeping up.

And today has me wallowing in self-pity having received some rather crappy news.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Matteo has made very good use of his phone list - which contains 3 phone numbers.  He likes to dial the phone himself and often as I walk by his bedroom I will hear him talking to Gramps on the phone.

Below he is sharing a morning chat with his Aunt Colleen.

I on the other hand have been enjoying a phone and computer free week as much as possible and loving every minute of it!

Last Happy 3rd Birthday to our pal Elissa!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Matteo was colored happy when his friend Patrick came to call on him to play after school.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Party III

Today we enjoyed our third party in three days!  Ellaina from Matteo's class turned 4 years old today.  After school we enjoyed some time at a bouncy house/meets arcade.  Lots of fun, though for the better half of the party the arcade doesn't entice Matteo as much as climbing though "Kilimanjaro" - and yes the name is exactly as it sounds.  Lots of climbing, mazes, etc.  And if you know me, you know I do not much care for small, tight spaces.  So when Chloe May got stuck in their 2x, the first time a friend went in to get her out and the second time I sucked it up and went in. 

The best part of the party is always the coming together to sing Happy Birthday - and just before that Ellaina's mother gave such a lovely speech about how much everyone meant to her, etc. 

And surprise surprise, at the end of the party (because when it's a bouncy house, you don't leave before they are turning off the lights), Ellaina's mother told me how much I inspire her to be a better mother and just how simply kind I am.  (Which is ironic because on the way to the party Matteo asked me if you could ever be too kind - to which I replied no.)  These words really touched me and actually made me tear up (yes I am a softie). 

A great three days - and now I need some rest :-)

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Rory's party

Though we were out quite past our bedtime, we still arose at the usual time and got ready for our pal Rory's 3rd birthay party!  The party was from 10-12, which I loved and featured some brunch type food (another plus).  

All smiles as we prepare to celebrate.

 The birthday girl wearing the crown we made for her and full of joy.

 And finally, I love this photo - these two pals see each other 4-6 times a year, and I am still amazed at when they see each other how they run and jump up and down - - as if not a day has passed.  And despite the chocolate teeth, these two have the whitest and best smiles on a boy I have seen.  Kudos to great brushing.

And with the day still ahead of us, when we got home and the weather was warmer than usual, what else were we to do but enjoy the outside and practice our rollerblading.

To end this blog post, I have to comment on the great party bags.  Not filled with candy or anything I feel I have to fight the kids about not having, etc.  No we got crayons, coloring books, window clings (a first!), and finally glow sticks.  And who is the biggest kid of all making a flashlight:::::


Finally, you know the party favors are a hit when you fall asleep clutching same! :-)

Goodnight & thanks to the E family for including us in such a wonderful party.

(Same pic as above, just without the lights on).

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Last ice skating & celebration

Today was Matteo's last day of ice skating - and all I can say is he did a great job and really enjoyed himself!


Not only did Matteo take 5 lessons  - but Daddy and Matteo enjoyed endless (or so it seemed every Tue or Thur) free skating lessons.  Hard work pays off.

We then came home, rested a bit and late in the day were off to celebrate Cousin Rocco's 7th Birthday!  

The celebration was at my old stomping ground, a restaurant I used to bus tables at and a Dear Friend of mine still works there part-time.  Can you tell Matteo was colored happy at seeing her?  (He often tells me she is his favorite person in the whole world).

 Matteo was also delighted to see his Cousin Rocco - whom I don't think we have seen in quite some time.

And the rest of the night was full of great laughs and fun times...perhaps a little too much fun ;-)
