Sunday, September 23, 2012

Soccer again

 Back with our old team - this will be Matteo's SIXTH season with these coaches.  And back together with the same team we have enjoyed for so many seasons.

Look for some strong defense movies in the future. Go Cardinals !!

Saturday, September 22, 2012


We enjoyed a trip to NYC today courtesy of the local library and took in the Intrepid.  Something we have been trying to do since April.

The kids enjoyed getting inside everything possible and trying it out.

We all enjoyed the largeness of the space to shuttle.  Such a sight to behold.

And I will never get  over the skyline.  I was fortunate enough that Jules, Matteo & Poppi went into a submarine in the end, Chloe fell asleep and I just sat and took in the beauty of this skyline for well over an hour.  And as Chloe woke up I headed down 3 levels only to discover the elevator was not working and hence, carrying CHloe and managing the stroller we ventured downstairs.

So fortunate Poppi came to stay for the weekend and will be sad to see him leave tomorrow.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Hawaiian Day

Loved Matteo's outfit for Hawaiian day!


And yes, the bus has been quiet for a bit now.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sleeping & Reading

Matteo has gone back to sleeping well at night.  Even laughing in his sleep, which is always a great sign.

And his reading 15 minutes a day continues to explode.  What a wonder to be part of, a child learning to read.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day off

Having off from school today - I would say the better part of the morning was spent with me cleaning out closets and drawers and the kids playing nicely  - - side by side, though separate in their actions.  

It was lovely.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

mismatch day

Mismatch day at school (and yes, Dolly too got in on the action with the different shoes....all day).

Monday, September 17, 2012

days off

Matteo had off from school Monday and Tuesday this week for the Jewish Holidays.  At one point Matteo informed me he didn't like having off four days and missed his teacher and bus driver.  To which I thought to myself, "Oh Matteo that bus driver does not miss you"  LOL. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fire pit

Remember our fire pit I told you about.  I simply love sitting around it - quiet, talking doing our own thing.  The kids enjoy it as well.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Kevin

At a friends birthday party - Matteo felt comfortable enough to strip down to his underwear and take one last swim for the season.


Happy Birthday to our friend and neighbor Kevin

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

stick gathering

Making use of the quad and gathering sticks for the outdoor fire pit.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I love sitting in the driveway after school and relishing in the joy of Matteo & Chloe playing.  Daddy often joins me at this hour.


Thankfully Matteo is learning the rules of the bus and all is starting to calm down.  

School he enjoys, however the waking at night and having difficulty falling asleep is still present. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Yet another bus incident

I'm pretty sure I'm going to relabel my blog "the school bus", because when the bus pulled up today  - - - and oh if ever there was a cat who ate the canary, Matteo's look on his face said it all.  Now mind you today was the first FULL day, so two other sets of parents where there waiting, and I learned super early on, never get close to the bus for fear you will be spoken to.  Well today the driver actually said, "errr.r.... Mrs. G, can you come here."  And there I stood smiling and waving, to which he repeated it again so sadly I learned that Matteo took part in hitting another child - though playfully, still hitting.  Of which Matteo stood at the bus doors profusely saying "she told me to, she told me to."  AND I BELIEVED HIM!!!!!!!  But when he came inside and I questioned him further, seems he was following another childs lead.

We sat down and wrote the girl an apology note. 

I called our friend Ms. Marisa and asked her to come over tomorrow at 4 PM to get Matteo off the bus because I don't think I can.  Either that or I will need 2 ounces of wine to just get me to go to the bus stop.

But let me tell you Matteo comes off the bus hands me his bookbag and outside he is playing and running and riding the quad Uncle Rocco lent us for over an hour.  I have to drag him in for dinner.  School has done nothing to slow Matteo down. 

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Because who doesn't enjoy playing outside in their pjs.

Today Daddy and I jarred 13 cans of applesauce after picking 2 bushels of apples these past few weeks.  We are preparing for winter.

Friday, September 7, 2012

3rd day

....and on the THIRD half day of school when the bus pulled up and Matteo was sitting all the way up front.... I simply waved to the driver and walked away.  When I questioned Matteo as to why he was sitting up front he replied, I'm still learning the rules, but I don't mind."  And i'm thinking that's good Matteo because get used to it LOL. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012


When the bus pulled up after Matteo's second half day of school and I asked the driver how Matteo is doing - and he replied "he's a little loud" - I fibbed and said "well he'll settle down, it's just a little exciting right now."  You know I lied  -- - - Matteo is all about energy and excitement.  But really, I know this man has another 178 days with Matteo I don't want to crush him early on :-) 

Besides, how innocent does he look :-)  

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


September 5, 2012 Matteo enjoyed his first day of Kindergarten.  His teacher - Mrs. H was a welcome  surprise - though I did write the school district requesting her after the rave reviews from our pal Caleb.

And after about a week of waking up in the middle of the night, anywhere from 1-3 x, unable to go back to sleep I attributed this all to the unknown of what would happen during kindergarten.  After all who wouldn't be nervous/afraid of leaving Mommy, riding with a strange bus driver and going to a new facility with people you don't really know.  

But alas when the bus pulled up, Matteo ran right up joining his friend Patrick and laughing.  No tears on my end - - I felt as though Matteo was ready. 

And with only a half day for the first three days, you know we lived it up in the afternoon.  Shaving cream and all.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mission accomplished

LANDED!  - the client that is.  Way to go Daddy & welcome home!

Monday, September 3, 2012


The only reason we came home from the cabin a day early (arriving home at 2 AM): Daddy was to take a 1 PM flight to Michigan to try to land a client.  Good luck Daddy!

On a much sadder note, Matteo spent the better part of the morning crying over having had to leave the cabin (which of course made Daddy feel horrible) and then the better part of dinner crying (which made mommy feel horrible) due to his missing daddy.  Granted the cabin was grand and we do miss Daddy, but I am thinking someone is nervous for Wednesday Kindergarten. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Last day

My nightly view of the campfire.


Enjoying being young.

 And we toasted hotdogs on a stick over the open fire.  Delicious.

Quad riding


It felt like we were on a cloud these past 4 days.  limited cellphone use, making use of what we had, showering under a tree, etc.  It was a dream.  I now understand the allure of camping (though not the camp grounds with all the organized activities, etc.).  The simple life has always been my way of life and continues to be.

We left around 10 PM for a 4 hour drive home.  The kids sleeping.  Daddy had an unavoiable business trip he was scheduled to take Monday.  and let me tell you when Matteo woke when I put him in his bed at 3 AM - I laid with him for about 30 minutes as he cried and cried at having had to leave the cabin.  I cried too, it was that much fun.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

More cabin fun

There is also a stream a down a small hill that we all played in to keep cool or amuse ourselves. Here we caught crayfish, frogs, etc.  Nothing huge, and they were always released back into the wild.

Remember how I told you we always sat around the fire?

 And the kids often enjoyed the stream as well.

Yesterday I woke with a UTI - my second in my life.  Thank you to my sister whom I was able to call at 4 AM - by the miracle of God - as we had zero cellphone service.  We later traveled 30 minutes into town where I called my dr. and he prescribed a medication.  I was back to good operating condition and back on my feet.  The lack of sleep was barely noticed.