Monday, May 31, 2010


At almost 10 months (!!!!!!!!) old, Chloe May is still experiencing some firsts......

first time at a parade......

however all the excitement wore her out :-)

and GUESS who put the sunscreen on Matteo yesterday at the pool--------

"ouch" is right.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend!

Happy Memorial Day!

A special thanks to our Dear Friends Marisa and Brad for opening their house, pool and backyard to our family - - we all had such a wonderful time - - clearly the perfect host and hostess.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday Part I

Saturday was a crazy fun day - - we started with a trip to the local acquarium.

First Daddy and Matteo were able to put their hand in water and touch stingrays - - which was exciting in itself because Matteo really enjoys water!!!

Next, Matteo cautiously touched a snake.

Oh and where was Chloe May during all this excitement - sleeping of course :-)

but this wasn't any ordinary trip to the aquarium, no this was an EXTRA SPECIAL see, today was........

P A R T Y! ! ! ! !

our Dear Friend Caleb's 4th (!!) birthday party - hence free admission - great food and most importantly CALEB!

The party included a tour around the acquarium with a very nice young lady, a ride on something that went really high in the air, pizza, cake and many great friends whom we are getting to know more and more from seeing them at various parties.
What a great afternoon for all.

After the aquarium, we were invited to stay longer - an opportunity we took full advantage of.

Matteo waded in the river they have, full of lots of live animals...... which is pretty funny because when DAddy took Matteo in, right away Matteo pulled down his pants because he had to urinate...quicky Mommy pulled him out and took him to the bathroom (no we don't normally pee in pools)..however when Daddy HELD CHLOE in his arms, they said she was not allowed because she was wearing a :-)

And we met a snow monkey up close!

As exhausted as we were, our day didn't end there.............

Where else- Grandmas!

That's right, at 5:15 we arrived safely at Grandma's house!!!!

Daddy had to install a new lock on Grandma's door.... and really do we ever need a reason to visit our Darling Grandma? :-)

Just as we were getting ready to leave, our cousins showed up.... which is always delightful.

And Matteo and Chloe enjoyed one last photo with Grandma and Gramps.

Arriving home close to 11 PM - Daddy then went to work until 3:30 AM - - poor Daddy, let's hope he enjoyed himself so much that day he didn't mind the long hours.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Sleeping Babes

Well knock me over with a feather, after our super long (and fun) playdate yesterday, followed by a trip to Oma's - Matteo fell asleep for TWO hours today!!!!

Oh did I mention during this time Chloe May slept as well :-) While normally I wouild miss them, today I was productive.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

He's growing.

Having visited 3 preschools recently (no i'm no closer to a decision), I decided why can't I teach some of the stuff I recently saw at these "schools" to my child - - hence, I went to the local art store to pick up some supplies. Here Matteo is making a "snake" - - - helps with fine motor skills - - - whatever he enjoyed it and isn't that all that matters? :-)

And no I didn't know he had such tall and skinny legs either :-) SO HANDSOME!

Lastly after a super duper all afternoon playdate at a friend's house, we went to visit Matteo's great grandmother who is recently in a nursing home - but first Mommy got these two together for a picture, because I really have been meaning to have their professional picture taken - but figure one of these days I'll get the picture myself!!

Also special thanks to Aunt Lois for taking time out of her busy day to help a family of four who was lost - - you see on our way to Oma's -the gas light went on. .. in the middle of a parkway where we were in a not so nice neighborhood. So Daddy takes the next exit - we drive around a bit and then find a gas station, but now we are lost. Call Aunt Lois or should I say Superhero Aunt Lois, who directs us on the phone and then meets up with us and saves the day - - and yes we made it to Oma's house - lesson learned: gas up ahead of time :-)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


With the temperatures heating up (90s!), you'd better believe we broke out the kiddie pool.

Even Chloe May enjoyed some H2O!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Stronger and stronger

She's building up those leg muscles....
watch out Matteo all those head bonks you give her....I have a feeling she'll be coming for you soon :-)

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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Parade - or not.

Matteo reminds me of a rockette in this picture :-)

Sadly Jess went home today - - - but our roost was not empty for long as we kidnapped our friend Patrick next door (age 4) - and he joined us for a trip to a parade at a pond...we missed the parade, but no matter, Matteo and his little friend enjoyed an ice pop by the pond, then threw sticks in the water, I bought them each a small balloon filled with water, and we danced in the streets :-) A great trip all for the price of $3.25!!

After an exciting 3 days this Mommy is so beyond tired - - and so is my little Matteo.
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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Petting zoo

Day II of having Jesse here, had me a bit worried. I wanted to keep her occupied enough so that she didn't miss home, while still not leaving too much of my "comfort zone."

Hence, we headed to our local petting zoo - - where the skies were a bit overcast which was fine with me because no suntan lotion!

Matteo and Jesse enjoyed bottle feeding the new animals.

We made friends with Clide who is 18 years old.

Everyone (but Mommy) rode the Turtle ride over and over and over and this continued no less than 12 times ...or 21(?)

And when I left Daddy alone for 5 minutes with 3 children...I came back to find him having caught (I kid you not) a chicken..... now tell me, DO YOU SEE ANY KIDS IN THE PICTURE---- :-I

We all arrived back on the Lane safely :-)

Good night

After about 30 minutes of loud giggling, Jesse and Matteo fell asleep "camping out" on the floor....

and this belly is filled with lots of Mommy's Milk :-)

Friday, May 21, 2010

Jessica Day I

With Cousin Jesse arriving late last night - we enjoyed a leasurely morning at home and took to the beach in late morning.

Jessica and Matteo enjoyed some time by the water.

Chloe May took to the shade (please disregard the tissues in her mouth - they were promptly removed after I took the picture, but obviously that involved tears - yes my own).

When we arrived back home....I had my first concert with an audience of 3 - 3 kids that is - but that inspired Jesse to get her fingers "wet" and play some piano.

Oh my Chloe May...soon to be 10 my heart breaks...where did the time go?

So sadly at the end of the day I had to call Jessica's DAddy and inform him, while he thinks he can come and get Jessica on Sunday he cannot - because I am never giving her back NEVER. First off Jessica is awesome and if that is not enough she is totally awesome - and then finallY SHE HELPS! She helps with Matteo, with Chloe..... she's nice, she's sweet, she's funny, she's lively...... so I offered her to take camp at our house..or to move in...i'm keeping my fingers crossed for the later. Tune back in to see her decision.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

All Aboard!

Once again taking a page from our friend's book, we decided to take a train ride to the next stop---but then Daddy did one better and suggested going two stops.....and with ants-in-his-pants Matteo on board, DAddy relized one stop would have been sufficient!

Chloe enjoyed the trip after a brief snooze - and if the train ride was brief, you know the nap was as well!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Funny face matteo

After insisting he didn't like Edimame,

Matteo discovered the joy of breaking them open and enjoying them - - and oh the faces that followed!

And we dusted off our goggles in anticipation of cousin jessica arriving and going to the beach with us!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


With all the rain, what else am I to do but send Matteo and Daddy (yes that IS Daddy in Mommy's rain boots) out in the rain for some good puddle jumping fun.


And if wonders never cease, lookie who is learning to stand on her own :-)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A clean mouth

Many times when Matteo comes up to me and smiles......I know he has taken the initative to brush his own teeth :-)

Saturday, May 15, 2010


After some hard work most of the morning (though Matteo took a 1.5 hour park break)...

Daddy and Matteo enjoyed some ice cream - because yes, I will give Matteo ice cream mid-night as opposed to right before bed (where is the sense right before bed and besides what fun is that?)

Friday, May 14, 2010


After a fun playdate with our friend Caleb (of which Matteo asked me no less than 4 times later that day if he can call Sarah and thank her for letting him jump on their couch) - -
we caught our first frog of the season..

and based on the above picture, I'm thinking Kermit isn't too pleased.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Inevitably throughout the day Chloe "eats"/takes off one of her socks,
today that also encompassed her pants and shirt much to Matteo's delight.

Monday, May 10, 2010


After celebrating at Grandma and Gramps' - - I went "shopping" at Annmarie's house on the way home :-)

She is moving and hence giving me some great finds!

40 years! (ouch).

40 years of wedded bliss......well 40 years :-) haha.

Happy Anniversary Grandma and Gramps - - we look forward to the Golden One in 10 more.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

What a wonderful Mother's Day I had - - breakfast made by Daddy (delicious), a photo album which I have come to expect and was not disappointed (it's a year in review with stickers, etc. by Matteo and Chloe), and then Daddy went to work and Mommy, Matteo & Chloe May went to a BBQ at a nearby friend's house. Best part::::: I GOT TO EAT DINNER!! Yes, I said to Matteo, do you want to eat (he didn't), so I ate! Didn't have to worry about Daddy's work either, because he was home. And didn't have to rush becausee really where was I going? :-) This worked out really great....almost best mother's day EVER..except I didn't see Grandma..but we will see her tomorrow for sure.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


A great day to spend a couple of hours down on the farm and get to know some of the new baby animals....

Matteo held a chick

A storyteller sung and told us stories

Matteo met a worm he liked (then again he never met a worm he didn't like!)

And Chloe and Daddy enjoyed some up close and personal time!

Yes Mommy was there too !