Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My how you've grown

Not such a great photo of Chloe below, but as I was preparing dinner this evening, I heard Matteo whispering to Chloe (as he was leaning over her in the photo below) all the nice things Mommy says to Chloe, i.e. hi sweetie and I'm so happy you came to live with us, etc. Really made Mommy happy to hear all that.

And I went to buy Chloe a new winter hat and the smallest size they have is 3-9 months......but as you ccan see in the photo below, it's too large on her.....

Speaking of "large" guess what grew when I was pregnant with Chloe May? MY FOOT!!!!!! How disguisting is that? But then I got to thinking....

and now I feel glamarous!!! So yes, I like my size 10.5 foot and if you have any shoes that you think would fit, by all means send them.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday Farm

Tuesdays Daddy and Matteo enjoy time together at a local farm program. Below is a picture Daddy took while out alone with Matteo at the farm...what is Matteo thinking or seeing....i dont know and dont' want to know..he's with Daddy and perhaps Mommy is resting!!

Of course Matteo always visits his local friends when there.

And later that evening Daddy and Matteo tucked in "Tiger Leopard"...yes that is my halloween handtowel which is not getting used because it is now Tiger Leopard's bed!

And alas a rare photo of Mommy :-)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Chloe May

Don't tell Matteo, but when he is not around on occasion I take a picture our little sister Chloe May.

Daddy asked me a question tonight, a question that had me worried for about 10 months while I was pregnant, how does it feel to love 2 (as in 2 children). When I was pregnant I could not imagine loving another as much as I love Matteo, and clearly as a mother of 1 this worried me deeply, but I accepted that I would just not love the second as much..however when Daddy asked me I had no ansswer because you see, I can't remember not feeling the love I feel for Chloe ever..and that's really odd because she isn't even 2 months old yet! Man she works fast :-)
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Sunday, September 27, 2009

Silly Daddy.

I love this picture for 2 reasons can you guess????

1. Front and center shot is my ice cream after dinner - - probably about 2-3 teaspoons fit in that cup, topped with whipped cream and sprinkles...oh boy is Chloe eating well tonight (no i did not feed that to Chloe, but i hope you get the joke) - - please note, we do not normally have ice cream, however we have 2 cartons left over from the christening...; and

2. more importantly I love Daddy in the background. Such a great shot of him. He was being those people you see on the news when the newsman is reporting a story and those people are standing behind him waving--when Daddy did this wave as I was taking the picture it made me laugh out loud and i'm not usually one to laugh out loud :-) Bravo Daddy, Bravo!!!!!

The man in the yellow coat.

Poor Daddy, how he manages to find himself up on the roof on every 3rd rainstorm is beyond me, but, well here we go again :-)

And happy news, after a TRYING day with Matteo - I actually called a friend to see if she would take Matteo for the next 2-3 YEARS, I asked him if he would like to sleep in his own room, to which Daddy replied "that would be neat" and alas, Matteo is in his own room, wedged in the corner. And people said it would never happen.

Well okay, Daddy promised Matteo when he got off work he would sleep with him, to which 1 AM came and there was Daddy asleep on the floor...why no picture of Daddy and Matteo you ask? BECAUSE MOMMY IS ASLEEP :-) And ironically we sleep with the wrong children, you see i'm an early riser, and yet I sleep with Chloe who likes to sleep in and Matteo is up at 6:15 AM (clockwork I kid you not) and Daddy is still snoozing.... and by the looks of our sleeping schedule looks like 2 children is all we will ever have ;-) Just a little joke.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Family Day

So today Daddy was good enough to insist on a Family Day...oh Daddy, you're so so sweet with really good intentions, but you had no idea what you were getting into :-) (read on).

Ok so what else to do on this festive fall day, but APPLE PICKING--- with a 7 week old and a 2 3/4 year old!! So after listening to poor Chloe cry in the car for 5 out of the 15 minute car ride - we arrived at the apple orchard...only to sit in the truck for about an hour while Mommy nursed, changed and try to fit Chloe and her sweater in the sling....MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, we are off to pick apples :-)

Below after all that Mommy and Matteo stopped to enjoy some of the "fruits" of our labor..apples!

Matteo had to get on Daddy's shoulders and reach up high for some of them as well....

and wouldn't you know it, Chloe got in on the action :-) First time apple picking Chloe, yes dear this is your year of 'firsts'.

And about a half hour of picking apples, eating apples and enjoying all the orchard had for us to enjoy, Matteo announced, "I have to do poopie" :-I.....wellllllllll okay Daddy where is the potty that is ALWAYS in Mommy's car..well still in Mommy's car --- and we have Daddy's truck. No problem we'll rough it and use the outhouse --except someone has stage freight :-) So Matteo wanted to go home and that is what we did, but first, we had to take a picture of what we picked, on our first family outting at the apple orchard - 9 apples :-)

Well at least you can't call us gluttons...and I think that Family Day will last Daddy well into 2010..i'm exhausted reliving it :-)

ps Amy we hope you are going to take Katelyn apple picking, you have some georgous orchards up by you!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Head Holding

At 7 weeks old, Chloe is doing a great job of holding her head up......

though Matteo still cracks up with laughter watching her wobble about :-)

And finally, Mommy was so happy to speak to our long distance friend, it was a brief 13 minute call, but it left mommy smiling nonetheless, "Hello long distance friend" :-)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Summer are you back?

Chloe May got all dressed up today to celebrate what is sure to be one of the last few 80+ degree days..

And never one to be left out, Matteo joined his sister.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

If you take a moose to school.....

Happy with my decision not to send Matteo to preschool at this point in time (though all summer I felt guilty about it). But as our ever so wise friend Sarah pointed out, who wants to tell a 3 year old (not that he is yet) - - "hurry you are going to be late for school". Yes, thank you Sarah for pointing out he will have two decades (we pray) of school before him soon enough and at 3, really is he going to hurry up? Well certainly not in these heels! :-)

Yes Chloe, I feel your fear, I too would cry if a moose was sitting next to me :-) especially a moose with blond hair.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


On Tuesday Matteo started with the farm program again....and today Daddy and Matteo learned to make applesauce.

And yes, Patrick is still there :-)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Christening Day

Sunday was Chloe May's christening day.

We were very blessed to have Aunt Adrienne (Mommy's sister) and Uncle Mike (Adrienne's husband) as Chloe's godparents.

Chloe's dress (below) was made from the train of Mommy's wedding dress - the same style that Mommy wore on her christening day (which incidentally was also made from the train of HER Mommy's wedding dress).

Grandma arrived early to help dress our Dear Chloe May before the church.

All dressed...but wait...

Don't forget her bonnet (also made from Mommy's wedding train).

Christening II

Cousin Jessica arrived at the house too before the ceremony to wish Chloe a nice day.

And I am happy to report that Chloe slept just about the whole ceremony!

Our Precious Grandma and Gramps!

And yes, Chloe May with her Parents and Godparents.

Christening III

And best of all, Chloe and Matteo got to enjoy time with their cousins (andrew, kimmie, Jay J and Jessica).

Mommy got to visit with each of her sisters - -

and we have a rare family photo.

And did I mention gone are Matteo's curls? Yes, he is almost 3, time to make him into the little boy he is so quickly becoming.

Later that evening..

Later that evening, as I walked around the house when all the food was put away and the company had all left, I wanted to capture on films what I saw, to kind of preserve my memory.

I saw Daddy and Matteo's dress shoes in the doorway, both of which set of shoes I love.

and thrown on the couch was Matteo's white shirt. Ironically earlier tht moring I was trying to decide what to feed him for a snack so as not to dirty the shirt, so I gave him a carrot, and seeing this shirt reminded me of how he had orange on his shirt from the carrot--I was probably better off giving him a sloppy joe to eat :-)

Anyway, that was Chloe's May's special day and we thank all who made the long trip to celebrate the day with us.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Miss Chloe May

Tomorrow is Chloe's special day....

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Snakes and Noodles.

What could be so special an event that would cause Mommy to make 4 1/2 lbs of baked ziti?? Something must be going on this weekend :-)

And leave Matteo and Daddy alone and they come walking through the house with a snake ....

which eventuallly Matteo wound up HOLDING!!! (He later ran away I am told...and have not asked any questions since).
And a joke turned .... wrong....

weeks ago, Daddy told Matteo he (daddy) was going to eat spaghetti wtih a large spoon and bowl ...and clearly Matteo never forgot and INSISTED beyond insisting that he be allowed to eat his noodles like this made him happy and made for a fun photo!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

New Shoes

Matteo got some new shoes today...

so why is he continuing to wear Mommy's? :-)
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Our growing love for Chloe

Yup, everyday we grow more and more in love with Chloe (Matteo included!).

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Halloween in September

Yesterday was like Christmas for Mommy and today Halloween for Matteo.

Yes, Matteo INSISTED on wearing his Halloween shirt today, so really why not? I justify it as the more he wears it the less it costs :-)

And on another Matteo note, I think he is starting to like Chloe! Yes, he now gives her ALL her blankets at once and her three stuffed animals. Clearly Chloe is not only growing, but growing on Matteo :-)

And I think by weeks end we will send out a Missing Poster for our Darling Katelyn, whom we have not seen updated photos in in quite some time! GET CRACKING AMY.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Christmas in September!

Just about every day we go for a walk: Matteo, Chloe and Mommy, and today I decided to memorialize how we all walk (see picture below).

Yes Chloe May is there too :-)

And today I, a mother of two, decided it was Christmas in September. Two healthy children, what more can I ask for-- okay sleeping in on occasion :-) haha.