Saturday, January 31, 2009

Not so fast Saturday

Surely you didn't think that was the end of our saga. Oh no, whatever comes out, must go back in. Well first things first, Daddy is here lying the new carpeting courtesy of Gramp's closed carepting store. Boy am I glad I stocked up Grumps (no spelling error there! haha).

Next, as always a fine helper, Matteo is helping Daddy vacuum the new rug.

Well Mommy bores easily. Hence she (really had DAddy do it) assembled one of Matteo's almost ruined birthday gifts.
What happened next is pretty funny (to someone with my sense of humor). You see Matteo is so into hammering that he does so without being cautions (as if a 2 year old is ever cautions). Here if you notice, Matteo hammers once, twice, and on the third time he hurts himself, hence he disappears without so much as a peep. Matteo often lays on the floor with his head down when he gets hurt, not wanting to be touched or consoled, however I don't think my laughing made him feel any better!

Oh no wait it did, here he is coming for a hug and kiss that only mommy can give :-)

In the end our storage room is back together and our rug needs new padding and to be set back into place. Only a small portion, so other than two days lost, we made our pretty lucky.

Friday, January 30, 2009


Not sure how we survived Friday, and yet here I sit, typing the blog. Well Friday started out a bit unusual as Matteo and Mommy had to make up a day at school (our last day to be exact), hence into the tub early Matteo. Next Mommy showered and with 25 minutes to spare before school started, I went downstairs to our WBS (wood burning stove) to dry off with Matteo. Well as I was watching Matteo and Daddy play together, I said to Daddy, "mmm the carpeting feels wet" to which Daddy replied "no it doesn't." Granted, Daddy was ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM, so of course he wouldn't know! So I proceeded to prove backwards and sure enough as I moved, my socks got VERY WET. Daddy inspected and upon opening our storage room doors, discovered everything inside was wet/soaked/ruined. The time is now 8:55 AM. Next Walter (dog) comes downstairs, looks very upset, sure enough about to throw up. Mommy runs him upstairs and outside WE MADE IT! Okay, all that happened within a span of 10 minutes to Mommy did what any other Mommy would do, threw on some clothes and quicckly left with Matteo for school, this was clearly Daddy's mess!!! Below is Daddy emptying all my "treasures" out of the storage room. Also included, useless stuff, regifts (Not anymore), never worn clothes (i just donated them), yet to be opened christmas and birthday gifts (we opened them now as the boxes were ruined).

Please take note, this is Daddy's 3rd time mopping.......clearly not happy. Also, please take note of the target mop and pail which if you refer back to December Mommy had to drive for, etc. Well clearly daddy is mopping in style.
Mid-day the mood is lightening a bit, Daddy with happy with his caffeine fix (tea).

THE CULPRIT (spelling is not an issue at this point, as I am exhausted!). Not that our house is ever below freezing or 65 for that matter, however let this be a lesson to everyone...really there is no lesson just dam frozen pipes :-)
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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dentist Thursday

Every six months Matteo goes to the dentist, to be sure Mommy and He are keeping up with his oral hygiene. Well today turned our six month mark and sure enough 8:30 AM that is where we headed!

And never one to disappoint, Matteo kicked, screamed and cried the whole time. Not sure who dreaded this visit more Mommy or Matteo, but pretty sure it was Mommy :-) Anyway, above you will see his sparkling white smile. Well worth the tears Mommy.
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Wednesday

Another day, another snow storm. Not that I am complaining, tis the season. Here is our darling (for the moment) Matteo posing for Mommy in the freshly fallen snow, before going out to play in it.

And where is Kitty you might ask? Well this picture could go one of many ways. Was she run over, about to be run over or resting? Well fellow blog readers, I am happy to report, that she is just resting, though Kitty I would be careful as Mommy is not the best driver in the world. :-) You keep resting there, you might not make it up one day.

Next, after finishing shoveling three driveways, Jules and Walter took to enjoying some free play. Here is Walter mid-jump. And if you look to behind Walter to the left, you can see our house :-)

And the excitement didn't end when we came inside, oh no! Here Matteo received a package from Grandma and Gramps................. hmmmmm what's inside??
BOOKS!!!!! Great thinking Grandma and Gramps. You can never go wrong with books.

And sure enough, Matteo made himself cozy on the chair (which Gramps said would never get used....oh how wrong he was!) and started reading. Granted this is NOT one of his new books, but he started reading nevertheless :-)

We're off to the dentist tomorrow for Matteo, WISH ME LUCK!
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Why ever would I blog about a silly green "M"?

There's a very touching story behind this M, one which will linger in my heart forver. As most of you know Matteo and I go to school on Tuesdays (Mommy & Me). Well today's probject was gong to be each child decorating their first initial of their name. All the children received colors of blue and yellow, they were standard colors. However our Dear Teachers knows Matteo's love love of the color green, hence she went out of her way to make a special "M" just for him. Doesn't that just touch your heart? It's the simple things that make our day on Tall Tree.

Next, as if that wasn't enough, our friend Caleb's Grandma was in town visiting for the week. What a treat talking to Caleb's Grandma at school today. She is always so upbeat and happy, really puts a smile on your face. We only wish we could have enjoyed her company more, but rumor has it she is expecting a new grandbaby in March and she just might be back in town. Well Grandma if that is true, we certainly wish you safe travels home and look forward to talking again soon. You are always such a delight!
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Monday, January 26, 2009

Amy to the Rescue

Amy you have rescused us! If you recall our "monkey" pjs were getting holes in the plastic feet and really could not be fixed, only cut, but that leaves a toddler with no feet pjs and a ccold bedroom. Well Amy looked tiredlessly for these monkey pjs and sadly did not find them. However she did suggest we go to Kohls (kudos amy), which advice we followed and lo and behold, we didn't find monkeys, but WE DID FIND "RACE CAR" and anyone who is familiar with Matteo knows he enjoys the movie, books and characters from "cars" very much so. So thank you Amy, you save us (unless of course these get holes in the feet).
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Gutter Monday

We started the work week off as we do most days that we eat Cheerios, by Matteo saying hello to "gramps" on the cereal box. This man is clearly not Gramps Mommy explains to Matteo as his name (to the right of the picture) says "George" and it tells a very nice story of george and why he is on the cereal box. However Matteo insists it IS Gramps, hence Mommy winds up saying Good Morning Gramps. First of all, Gramps doesn't smile that much. Second of all, WAYYY too much hair. And finally, Gramps has blue eyes. I think I will make an eye doctor appointment for Matteo. :-)

Next, we are nearing the end of our house project (yeah!) and with Monday also came gutters, which we all know are so important. Here is a sideview of our house with new gutters.

We have provided many pictures of the house moreso for Gramps' (not George's) sake. He was interested.

As always, disregard the blue door.

Ok so now you see we have gutters. Thank you for indulging me if you made it this far :-)
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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bottoms up!

Bottom's up! :-) (cider in a fancy class for a pregnant mommy).
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Wet Saturday

With the melting of the snow Friday and then the cold snap arriving Friday night, Saturday was sure to delight a toddler. This was Matteo's first real experience with puddles and ice.

Not sure if you can tell, but Matteo is up to his ankles (waterproof boots that Daddy so rightly encouraged Mommy to buy even though they were blue and didn't match his snowsuit - kudos Daddy) in water and dry as anything.

Again Matteo having a grand old time running through puddles.

However a dear Kitty was not as prepared and hence come Sunday morning was STILL dryiing off. Kitty next time you need to be better prepared for all types of weather.

And in case you had any doubt about a boy and his dog, rest your doubt. Matteo loves loves Walter. Walter has no comment as of yet.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday PM

So when Mommy goes to bed at night, this is what Daddy and Matteo do. Play with a racetrack. However, I would like to point out the PLACEMENT OF THE TODDLER!!!! He is not making his way down nor up the stairs, rather sitting on the stairs playing. Also now that I am viewing the picture, Daddy has placced a set of 200 blocks on a little foot stool......tipping hazard! Now to all Mommies out there, need I say more? :-( tisk tisk Daddy.

And Grandma Matteo loves loves your meatloaf (as does Mommy). Here he is feeding it to Green Sally.
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Almost finished Friday

Well Friday was quite a busy day here on Tall Tree. Seemed as though our house was full of workers, workers and more workers. And with the nicer weather they had company ourside: Matteo, Mommy and Daddy. Well here is a redo of our shed. Originally they didn't outline the window in white (as the house is) and Mommy is such a stickler she made Daddy tell them over and over that it was not correct. Well we came to learn that they RAN OUT of white window trim (not my fault), hence had to travel a distance to buy more (agian not my fault or problem). Wouldn't you agree how much nicer the shed looks with white trim?

Below is a picture of our house from the back. Please notice the deck that Mommy helped Daddy build when pregnant with Matteo. Could a man do that not without moaning and groaning hte whole time HAHAH ;-)

From view from the road. With the exception of the smurf blue front door and outdated garage doors, not too shabby, though I am not sure about it and have suggested to Jules that we do the front in all brick instead.....he has yet to respond.

Another front shot. Please disregard the blue door, I know I want to.
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Thursday, January 22, 2009


HALT ALL PRODUCTION ON THE HOUSE, WE HAVE A PROBLEM HERE ON TALL TREE!!!!! Matteo's absolute favorite pair of pj's (honestly he has worn these every day since pre-New Years - hence the problem) are showing signs of wear and tear, and that is not good. You see these are Matteo's "monkey pajamas" (i know they have other animals on them as well) and it is a miracle that he doesn't wear them to school on Tuesdays. He loves loves these pj's.

And below you see our problem. This probably would not be a problem, if MATTEO had not discovered the hole, however he did and now he fiddles with it and makes it bigger and soon bigger. Please note: THESE ARE NOT HIS ONLY PAJAMAS, but they are the only ones he will wear. These are not his only monkey pair, however THESE are the only monkey pair that he will wear! YOU SEE MY PROBLEM?

Ok now here is your assignment should you choose to accept it (Gramps you have no choice) FIND THESE PJ's for Matteo! They are by Carters and I need 2T or 3T (preferably). I will pay for them of course, however will not reimburse your time as I would extend the same courtesy to you if you had a toddler!

Thank you for your help.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

PM shots

Here are some pictures from the end of the day. A great job I think so far I think. Jules says he cannot remember the old house and what it used to look like...funny I think.

The blue door will be changed in the Spring to a deep red an white. So check back then for those exciting developments. And remember Spring is just around the corner (though to be honest, I'm still hoping for a snowstorn or two that brings at least one or two feet of snow...not sure why since we are always ALWAYS ALWAYS together, the 3 of us). :-)

The square on top will be changed to an octagone per my wishes.
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Moving along.....

Ok well with Day 2 of construction of our house underway, it seems as though the men are moving right along and will be finished by tomorrow! Brrrr...did I mention the temperature is in the 20's today! Not exactly a day to be working outside. However to show our support, Matteo and I played outside for an hour and a half and then later went for a 30 minute walk. So please always remember I am a team player!

Back view.

Side view

Other side view.
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