Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lawn chores

While Chloe May rides the swings,

Matteo helped Daddy mow the lawn today!

And an afternoon trip to the country has me loving the view of two boys running through the fields, searching for treasures in the woods and enjoying a campside fire - - some pictures I just don't feel like sharing and this is one of those times - pictures all for me :-) I'm sure you understand.

Get a good rest, tomorrow starts May!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Brother & Sister

On Tuesdays and Fridays we go for early morning walks with a neighbor - and then when we come home the kids play in the yard while I clean up from breakfast. Leaving them on their own I find is best for them helping each other/talking to each other. Case in point, after a ride on the swings today like her big brother,

Matteo helped Chloe May get on the seasaw

this was just priceless to me.

And after screaming and throwing the biggest fit you can imagine (which normally I don't give in to), and crying "teo, teo" after being removed from Matteo's bed at bedtime, I gave in and let Chloe May sleep with Matteo (though I'll probably bring her in with me at bedtime).

And in other kitchen news, we placed the order for our cabinets today - which has me a bit nervous!

Up next: kitchen demolition. Tune in Memorial Day weekend!
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Thursday, April 28, 2011


Matteo all set for school - and always so handsome. Chloe May - adorable and loves posing with Matteo for pictures!

And in an effort to ensure that our cabinets are not crap and worth the money, Jules' dad came down (as he is a carpenter) to go to the cabinet store with Jules and then to all our delights came back to the house for some quality time and dinner.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011


A really great day for running around outside and as Matteo likes to: barefoot!

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Monday, April 25, 2011

Matteo's clothes

Too funny not to post, though borderline inappropriate(?).

Remember how I told you how proud Chloe May is to pull her pants on and off by herself? Well today after Matteo undressed and put on clean underwear and clothes, Chloe May goes into the laundry and takes Matteo's dirty underwear and pants, pulls off her own clean underwear and pants and puts Matteo's on - all by herself!

She was so proud!

And this happened not once, not twice, but THREE times today!

And on a day filled with quiet and tranquility - I wanted to share with you Matteo's (and my) favorite Easter egg!

The weather is warming up, so I hope you are able to get out and enjoy this wonderful time of year, full of color and wonder at all the possibility life has to offer.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Part I

While we were sleeping,

the Easter Bunny came!

Matteo & Chloe May were delighted and excited when they woke up.

Finding eggs and treasures really made our morning.

And then one picture before our road trip!  Special thanks to Daddy for allowing me one special splurge on Matteo's boat shoes this year (which I absolutely love!). 

Easter II

And as if you had to ask where our first stop was:

While Matteo delighted in Grandma -

Chloe May entertained herself rolling around on the floor.

I'm sure Gramps was there too - :-)

and then after a brief stay at Grandma's house - off to Nanny & Poppi's we went!

Easter III

With Daddy telling Matteo stories before bedtime at night, some of the stories include a bow and arrow - so Matteo was more than happy when Uncle Rocco had a real bow and arrow to show and demonstrate for Matteo (not so happy when he was not allowed to shoot one off).

Chloe May loves her Nanny and goes to her so easily.

Even I dusted off some old work clothes and got all dolled up for the occasion (even wore a pair of 3" heels - not necessary for our setting, but feeling very good!).

And when you can visit with cousin Rocco and easter egg hunt together, roll down the hill and have races, well how could you not smile?

And a quick pit stop at my girlfriend's house (whom I try to see once a year) - has me extra loving this Easter (picture to follow).

I hope you enjoyed a Blessed Easter.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

4 1/2

4 1/2 - simply gorgeous and as filled with life as one can be.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Egg coloring

After another viewing of snowhite (yes Matteo cried again) - we enjoyed some Easter egg coloring.

This was a lot of fun for Chloe May as well.

She's such a Dolly!

And to top off the day, the kids enjoyed some spaghetti -

Thanks for sharing Friday with us.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Have I mentioned we had a brick missing off our chimney - well as Daddy says, if the brick was there, and now it's gone, where did it go?? Good question Daddy and with that in mind- the chimney man came to re-cement (or something) the chimney.

And also today we had a visit from Jules' parents: Nanny & Poppi - who brought along Cousin Rocco - much to everyone's delight.

While Nanny taught me a new recipe in the kitchen (thanks!) -

the boys tilled the garden to get it ready for planting/harvest day.

And to get back to the chimney, we also had the front stairs touched up.

So now you may once again enter our property without fear of flying bricks or loose stairs! Come on over :-)

And last of all: a great day by all!

Oh but wait, we found ourselves a tile man !!! The only hitch is he is coming over Memorial Day weekend - - can't wait.  pics to follow.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A day in the life of us!

A morning and lunchtime routine of ours is often to look out our large picture windows and watch the birds and squirrels come and scamper about the lawn and garden, sometimes digging, sometimes chasing each other - but always a sign of spring! Matteo, Chloe & I delight in seeing this and enjoy watching these fun little animals - - I cannot imagine better entertainment for my young little ones.

And at 20.5 months Chloe May is being more assertive and wanting to do more and more like Matteo, case in point, she puts on her own pants (see how proud she is below). The only problem (for me) is she is still learning and this often involves screaming in frustration on her part and no one dare help her - - lest there be more screaming - and when she finally accomplishes this her smile was worth all the noise!

(and yes much like a girl - she often can't decide which to wear hence the 4 or 5 extra pairs she brings out).

And every now and then we renew our kitchen project: this week - re-picking tile.

And at bedtime Chloe May loves crawling into Matteo's bed and snuggling with him.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I think I'll miss Grandma....

No I'm sure I will. But perhaps more so she will be missed by Matteo - who cried when she left.

So I rented him Snowhite from the library - - because sometimes I wonder if I have done him an injustice not letting him watch TV daily .

He laughed, he was scared at one part....and in the end he cried. Honestly - when snowhite "died" - he cried - - and then I knew he hasn't missed anything by now watching tv daily - - rather I just saved the "best" for him to enjoy and appreciate as he grows up rather than giving it all to him at once. Perhaps that is what is wrong with the world today - kids have cell phones before they reach "double digits" - - sometimes when you have to wait for something it is better than having it every day. Or so my simple mind believes.

And the proof is in the pudding (which Grandma bought us about 4 boxes of!) - Daddy has never seen snowhite either!

Monday, April 18, 2011


Grandma is in town and much to our delight for a stay!

Grandma took delight in feeding Chloe May her breakfast this morning - - as I normally put the food down in front of Chloe and let her feed herself however she sees fit - which being 20 months she tries but normally the food ends up in her hair, on her clothes, etc.

After a jumping library session, Matteo was delighted to watch the dump truck dump 10 yards (that's right) of dirt in our backyard in an effort to stop the rotting trees behind our soil (previous owners) from making large holes in our yard.

Grandma could not get Matteo in the sink fast enough to wash his feet when he was done running around the backyard barefoot (mmm...nature).

And finally we hope for grass in 4-6 weeks - - in the meantime -- and I hate to say this: please don't walk on the dirt - alot of time and effort (4 hours) went into spreading it out, in addition to the cost of seed, etc.

Check back to see how it grows!

And I hope you have your taxes done - no need for an extension here on the Lane! :-)

Sunday, April 17, 2011


For about the 2nd or 3rd straight week Gramps came out to help Daddy sheetrock parts of the kitchen - - nothing we haven't done for Gramps or wouldn't do for anyone else.  It feels good to have help - thanks Gramps.

Of course with Gramps comes Grandma - and we were tickled pink to see Grandma's 2 day overnight bag!  Two cheers for schools on vacation because that means a visiting Grandma.!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Beach hunt

Just in time for Easter (though a bit cold) - we bundled up in 5 minutes flat today to head over to our local beach for their annual Easter Egg hunt! And with 20 little ones in attendance it was an intimate and fun time by all!

Remembering last week's hunt, Chloe May had no problem finding and picking up eggs (though she stopped for a "break" mid-way for some swing time).

The silly hat parade was indeed .....silly :-)

In the end the kids enjoyed their treasures found in the egg, some munchkins and juice boxes - - really I think the allure with our family and juice boxes is putting the straw in the box, those first two or three sips and they pretty much walk away (well Chloe May of course has the juice running down her from squeezing the box - not yet having mastered the "wings").

And on our kitchen front news: we were delivered a blow today when our contractor informed us he would not be able to undertake the job as his schedule was too full and we would like to have the kitchen completed by early August. This was quite a blow and really deflated our day - - so we accomplished nothing. However every time I got blue I reminded myself that we have two healthy children and our health... and I reminded myself of that quite often because just that alone kept us ahead of the game and that is what is important.

And thank you to all who inquired: Matteo is indeed walking and running normal again - - I chalk it up to either a virus in his thigh or just having sprained/strained his leg.  Again this is what is important - - how it broke my heart to see his otherwise normal and healthy child walking not normal.  Thank you God.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Growing & hair

Someone pinch me as how did this happen to our Dolly!!!

She looks all grown up - - which in a way I absolutely love - - seeing her personality come alive is really fantastic - I don't think I embraced it as much with Matteo as I do with Chloe May.  And let me tell you at 20 months she has mastered the word "NO" - - which was very unlike Matteo at this age!  Then again Matteo didn't have someone pointing at him, petting his hair, tapping him, etc. :-)  Mmmmm yes siblings - - the fun is beginning :-)

And just in time for Easter (with time to fill in a bit) a haircut for my Matteo!