Thursday, May 31, 2012

Zoo take II

After last weeks monsoon, I always promised the kids I would take them back to the zoo and today I made good on that promise - with an added surprise. 


While we saw lots of animals, I was glad we went last week to see the animals we did (though soaked to the bone) - as it just felt like we enjoyed more attractions this week.

 such as the bug carousel

 riding a camel

seeing a 4-d movie, and much more.  This was an exhausting 5 hour day (not including travel time) - but I hope the memory/experience will be enjoyed for years to come by everyone.

I always enjoy a generation picture - below are three generations.

 and my favorite picture of the day - perhaps even week - my Dolly.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


after our last few really busy days - - - I decided to go commando today.  Yes, in a pair of old shorts and shirt - commando all the way.  Even took Matteo to school, went walking with Chloe - and man did it feel good.  Mama needed a little downtime. e.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


After a 9:30 follow-up dentist appointment, and a quick stop at a local store I took the kids to the beach.

Matteo is one of the two specs out there swimming during low tide.


 Even Chloe May (who continues to surprise and amaze me) - ventured neck high into the water.  Again it was low tide and the water felt relatively warm on this hot and humid day.

I watched Matteo work on the below sandcastle for about 40 minutes (no joke) - alone - only to have it smashed by a little girl - - yes there was tears and "you're so mean."  Matteo did apologize when I explained that she didn't know better - - and built  his castle even higher. 

And while I was only going to stay 2 or 3 hours, we stayed 4 as Matteo made friends with 3 other boys his own age or slightly older - - a rarity as those aged children are usually in school - - and enjoyed swimming and digging in the water with them.   Funny, every time I hear Matteo approach other children (and he does this often) and says "can I play with you), my heart momentarily skips a beat and time stands still as I wonder if, and I've said this before, this will be one of life's hard "no" lessons.  Thank Goodness we encounter that seldom. 

Monday, May 28, 2012

Tall Ships

Today we ventured about an hour east to see the Tall Ships.

 We were about to board 4 out of 7, as some already left the port by the time we arrived.  However we did witness hearing cannons go off - which was pretty cool in itself.

These ships were replicas of ships that had been in wars over 200 years ago, in the War of 1812.

 We touched numerous ropes, sails, masts, helm wheels, even cannons!  One of the ships was called the Bounty II was in the movie staring Marland Brando.  We then ventured over to a local ferry where for the total roundtrip fee of $4, we enjoyed a boat ride (thanks E Family for that tip two years ago).  And finally upon arriving back home, we stopped for ice cream and hit the beach - because it was Memorial Day after all.

A lovely time was enjoyed by this Family this Memorial Day weekend.  We hope you enjoyed your weekend as well.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pool Party I

We were invited over our friends Ally & Elissa's pool today for an unofficial kick off to summer swim.

And swim we did!  Remember this is the house where we spent so much time last year I wondered if I should forward our mail there ;-)  Not forgetting any of his swim moves, Matteo was like a fish in water.

Even Chloe May (with arm floaties) - enjoyed the shallow end with Daddy and her pal Elissa. 

And yes, Daddy was there for a swim as well.  Even got into the spirit of things by trying his first cartwheel off the diving board (upon my prompting of course).  


Heck no would I do that!

And finally, my Matteo - always up for a little challenge.

thanks again to our friends for their ever so gracious hosting.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Birthday Fun

Photo opp taken post-rib poking and subsequent bite.  Why all smiles - because we are going to our friend Caleb's birthday party - and not any party, but a Lego Ninja party (a first for this family) - and GRANDMA is coming with us (another first).

Matteo's 2nd longest friendship - with Caleb.  We met Caleb and his mama when Caleb was 21 months old.  I still remember that first meeting, his mom said she remembered  me based on my pants (cargo).  We soon after met at a nearby school where Caleb bought his tricycle and Matteo his push mower - the boys shared toys and a friendship was formed.  I always wished I had my camera for that first play date, but alas the memory is fresh in my mind.

When I snapped the below pic I didn't realize it until further review that the boys were holding hands.  How innocent.

 The two grandmothers met and exchanged many pleasantries - as they have much in common.  Love of grandchildren, fabulous daughters ;-) 

After some swing set play the games got underway, one of which consisted of a relay race.  Matteo and Chloe have never taken part in this fun activity that I so fondly remember growing up,

 but dare I say, they were both naturals at it.

 After some balloon popping fun, the entertainment came out in the form of a ninja - -

Lest we forget the little sisters.

 May all your wishes continue to come true.

And we came back home to enjoy some times with Gramps as well.

When writing in a book for Caleb, I found the below quote and thought it appropriate. 
"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living.”   - Dr. Seuss.

The above quote, has been on my mind ever since discovering it.  Perhaps you will ponder same in your days ahead as well.  Cheers.  e.

Friday, May 25, 2012



our friends came to play today - all day in fact!  11 AM - 7 PM.  There was a lot of food, fun and in the end hide and seek tag!  The sun started to shine late in the day - perfect. But I don't think I need to tell you that Mommy literally crawled into bed at 8 PM.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


With a 20% chance of rain, we decided to take our chances and go off to the zoo today.

 It started drizzling on the way there.

 After we were there for 15 minutes it turned into a heavier rain.

 When the monsoon hit for about 2 hours we sought shelter in various animal houses (the birds have never been so fascinating).

About 5 minutes after this photo we opted to leave - - and walked/ran to our car in the monsoon.  I don't think I've ever been so wet - even in a shower.  The kids rode home in their underwear.

We hope to try again next week.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Daddy's in charge

When Daddy is in charge (as was the case yesterday) - 

 anything goes.

(yes, Chloe is asleep).

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Today all the pieces fell into place.  Hallelujah

Special thanks to Daddy for all his support. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Shake it

Shake it Chloe May

Shake it!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Soccer and baseball

After soccer on sunday morning,

we took off for our first ever ballgame!

And we sang, take me out to the ballgame, take me out to the crowds, 

buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks, I don't care if I ever come back.

 cause it's root root root for the home team  

 and if they don't win it's a shame.

 Cause it's 1, 2 3 strikes your out at the old ball game.

Such an exciting game - top of the 9th the game tied, bottom of the 9th the home team bought it home.  The crowed erupted and we ran the bases.  I can foresee this as a yearly thing for this family of 4.  Can't get more American than a good old ball game.  Lovely indeed.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

hiking and swimming

Today we went to a new place - where we enjoyed music and storytelling by our favorite music and storyteller Johnny!  (perhaps you recall my talking about him before on my blog).  The kids were treated to a banjo (a first!) and other new stories by Johnny - - a fun time for all.

Next, we took about a mile long hike around the property - and hope to go back in mid/late summer as that is when many of the flowers will be in bloom.  Be sure to check back.

Then, because we were so close and yesterday was such a swimming success, we headed to the local beach. 

Yes, there was swimming involved.

 And the picking up of helmet crabs.

 A long way along the beach during low tide has Matteo & Jules wading deep into the Sound - and a lovely day was enjoyed by all.

Friday, May 18, 2012


** Be true to your teeth or they will be false to you ** - at this rate, I'll take the "false."  Sucks.

Anyway, to help cheer me up, I took the kids on an impromptu beach outing - where because it was last minute, we were sans bathing suits.  No worries - I didn't see a sign that said suits required.

And yes, there was swimming involved - though brief.


And no, I can never get enough of the brother/sister photos.

Daddy's homemade pizza and a puppet show helped bring me out of the slump I had fallen into earlier that day.  Thanks Daddy.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mothers day picture

The below picture was given to me as part of Matteo's mother's day present at his school - - apparently it is a silhouette of Matteo - - I don't see it - do you?


Ironically - which tells you how little I know my child - when I walked in to where all the pictures were hanging other mothers were saying "oh yes, I see Matteo", Jules too sees matteo - so pretty much it's just me who doesn't.  Do you?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Matteo the builder

Matteo is very much into building lately.

 Anything that involves magnets or blocks - Matteo is loving it.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Butterfly release

A great birthday gift by our friends Ally & Elissa - over the past few weeks you may  have heard me comment on our butterflies - how we sent away for caterpillar eggs, watched them hatch and grow and today we released them as butterflies.  Three butterflies in total.  Nature is amazing.


And today Matteo had his kindergarten screening - which obviously they said he is more than ready to go.  September here we come -  - just not too fast please :-)

Go on, hitch a ride on the back of a butterfly.  There's no better way to fly.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Mother's Day 2012 was rather bittersweet.  After waking up and realizing that I lost my priceless bracelet that Grandma had given me on Jules' parents 4+ acre land - Jules went back up to search for same.  He figured he had a good shot at finding it because where we were playing soccer was not that large an area.  I on the other hand, was torn, as I didn't want to lose the bracelet, not sure WHERE I lost it and not wanting to be away from Jules, but not wanting to put the kids through another 4 hour car ride.  So Jules went alone - and the kids and I went to our friends house for a BBQ. 

In the end, Poppi found the bracelet within 10 minutes of Jules' arrival - - - Jules came back and celebrated some mothers day with me at the BBQ and we were all together.  And the cherry on the cake was the finale of Desperate Housewives, which I have watched on and off since it first aired and which was a great finale (I thought). 

 Nobody knows of the work it makes
To keep the home together.
Nobody knows of the steps it takes,
Nobody knows-but Mother.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

First Holy Communion

All dressed up .....


for cousin Andrew's First Holy Communion. (andrew is behind the little girl).

Andrew preparing to make his First Holy Communion.

The children all sang a beautiful song.

Outside the Church Andrew was all smiles for the camera with his mom, dad, sister and brother.

 Godparents too of course.

 And how can you do anything but smile at the Cousin picture.

 Seriously, did you think I would be left out?  Auntie Pooh?  Giving Andrew a big old kiss- - - because I think at this age it's easy to make kids blush :-)

And how proud are we all at the magnificent job Andrew did in participating with ceremony.  He was chosen to bring up the Bible - a poignant symbol that Grandma pointed out.