Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Homemade presents!

If you're name begins with an "A" (as in Andrew), you are 6 years old and our cousin, well this just might be your homemade Christmas present! (Actuallly it is!).

And when the boy is away (at school), Chloe May will play (in his bed!). I think she misses him - me too Chloe, me too.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Phone call

So we have this Elf named "Elfie" - who sits and watches us during the day and reports to Santa when we sleep at night. When Matteo wakes in the morning he runs to find the Elf's new spot (though we must not touch him or he will lose his magic and hence not fly to the North Pole where Santa lives). Well last night Matteo wanted to know how come the Elf can talk to Santa, but we can't. So I called Santa and left a message for him to call back. Tonight he called back. :-)

Oh the joy in Matteo's eyes. (Special thanks to Uncle Frank).

And Chloe May continues to love Santa....or maybe it's the fact that there is another 2 foot person out there :-)

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Sunday, November 28, 2010


Chloe May is delighted with Grandma's Santa that we took home with us (courtesy of Grandma of course).

And Matteo is back to his happy self again today thanks for asking - apparently nothing a showing of the movie Cars and an additional 4 hours of sleep could not cure.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

feed a fever?

I have always forgotten if the saying is "feed a fever starve a cold" or vice-versa, however today, after waking with a fever, the only thing Matteo did all morning was sleep sleep sleep.

Personally I think it was more like he needed to catch up on rest after all the Thanksgiving excitement and rest today he did.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Burning off the calories.

In order to burn off yesterday's feast, and because it had to get done, today we took to yard work/leaf raking.

Chloe May was in the spirit of it, carrying around Matteo's blue rake.

And Matteo is beyond excited to pedal through the leaves and he does it with such ease.

And look what Matteo demonstrated to me he can now do: pick Chloe May up :-)

The silliness and fun never stop here on the Lane.

Thanksgiving I

HAPPY THANKSGIVING 2010!!! Jules and I have so many many blessings, starting with our two, healthy and happy Matteo & Chloe May.

How did we celebrate today, well today actually happened in four (!) parts. First, I woke everyone early (6AM) so we could hit the road by 7:50. Chloe May is always the last to get dressed (I am always afraid of the exploding diaper!) - but the quickest (I am sure this will change in due time!). Seriously, doesn't she look like a little Dolly (hence I call her my Dolly)?

If you notice her tights are more of a "fun" type - I will never forget the time I was introduced to dressing a girl in a dress and "funning" it up with - well fun tights - our friend Rory's first birthday. She had on the most adorable yellow dress with white shirt under it, and then these oh so adorable tights. So Sarah, thanks for unknowingly teaching about how to dress a girl with tights - I am really smitten with it :-)

Ok so what song did we sing today? "Over the bridge and through the booth to Grandmother's house we go."

Funny thing is when we arrived, Gramps came out to greet us arms outstretched and bent down to hug Matteo and Matteo ran right past him to.... well you guessed it: GRANDMA!

That's okay Gramps, Chloe May loves you so!

Thanksgiving II

Grandma was very disappointed that this was the closest I allowed Chloe May to get to the chips :-)

Instead she enjoyed appetizer of broccoli (Matteo too!).

And don't worry, Chloe May eventually warmed up to Grandma.

And oh what fun, we enjoyed watching the parade with Grandma and Gramps!

Thanksgiving III

With the promise of girl clothes, we took a spin up to Aunt Adrienne's house - and believe it or not this is the first time we have ever seen our niece Jessica on Thanksgiving!!!

Chloe May was none to happy to be woken up for a visit.

But Matteo was tickled pink to visit with Jessie and all her zuh zuh pets!

Like I said, Chloe May - not happy.

And when we finally went back to Grandma and Gramps' house Nanny, Poppi and Cousin Rocco were waiting to greet us as they had arrived!

Thanksgiving After party

Did I mention Grandma and the spread she puts out every year? Not to be missed - that is for sure ;-)

And like all good parties, this one too had an after party (when you travel for 2 hours, you are not going to just leave after dessert, besides free food!).

Mommy was wise enough to pick up two 50 cent puzzles for Matteo yesterday at the $1 store (cars of course) - and let me tell you these puzzles kept Matteo occupied for no less than a total of 2.5 hours. Fifty piece puzzles (!!) - I wasn't sure he could do it, but I'm telling you matteo is really amazing me lately.

Yes, that is Chloe May in dinosaur Pjs - she too enjoyed Uncle Rocco's visit.

And alas with our goodbyes said, we hit the road and headed back home.

Gramps and I were discussing just what a wonderful Thanksgiving this was - and how was it different than years past - - - well this year I bought wine and Grandma had beer :-) So with that in mind Grandma we are going to RSVP a place for 4 for next year!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgivings past

Last year I blogged our Christmas cards past- and we received positive feedback. Hence this evening, I am taking the opportunity to remember Thanksgivings past - hope you enjoy the trip down memory lane.

Matteo's first Thanksgiving - 2006 - notice Grandma - her mother (Oma) and cousin Andrew in the background (2 .5 yrs).

In 2007, again we went to Grandma's house and this time we shared our special holiday with Cousin Rocco, as well as Jay J & Andrew and of course Kimmie is a newborn.

Looking back on this picture, 2008, I cannot believe how CHUBBY Matteo was!!! And if you notice the truck he was holding, I have no doubt it belonged to Cousin Andrew - funny thing is whenever we went to Grandma's house Matteo would always attach himself to one of Andrew's toys which we would end up coming home with :-) I think Andrew silently loved sending his cousin home with something - and when Matteo stopped asking for things, Andrew just offered.

And this is a very poetic picture, my Godson and my Dolly - Thanksgiving 2009 -

Check back to see how we celebrated Thanksgiving 2010!

Gobble gobble, Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


With the start of the Holiday season tomorrow, we reflect this evening on all we have to be thankful for. One of our many Blessings that comes to mind is great friends.

Tomorrow we will share Thanksgiving with four more of our Blessings, Matteo and Chloe May's grandparents.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

T is for ........

If it's a day of the week that starts with a "T" and ends with a "y" - you know Matteo's bottom has been in the timeout chair at school - and today was no exception. So all weekend I mention to Matteo - not really lying - how the little boy who WAS in his class who used to sit in the timeout chair alot is no longer there probably because he got too many timeouts (certainly not too far fetched) - and that it would be a shame if he too had that consequence. Made no difference. When I picked up Matteo today I asked the teacher (who really looks exhausted at the end of the day) - if Matteo rolled around on the floor to which she replied: not as much as usual...... (I did ask!). Then she continued with (but really Ms. Teacher I stopped asking!) - she has to hold his hand alot! Ho hum.... this our school experience continues......

Have I shown you Matteo's school picture?

He just makes me melt :-) - So handsome.

So today before school, Matteo - who has helped make yesterday's turkey craft for his two teachers, principal and 2 special friends - informs me he wants to give another turkey to another boy in his class - and with 40 minutes before school (and still have to eat lunch, brush teeth, etc.) that is exactly what we did - make another 11 Tom Turkeys! :-)

And again, so handsome, when picked Matteo up at school today, he was wearing a pilgram had he made - or the teacher made - but oh so adorable! Oh to be 4!

AND AUNT LOIS recognize this familar face???? BUNNY!!

Please notice how well we are taking care of Bunny (Aunt Lois gave Matteo Bunny back over the summer when we visited her house - much to my dismay - she swears Santa is bringing a pink flamingo to which I reply no way!). Anyway, with tonight's (it's 4:15 pM look at how dark EEEK!) - warmer temps (60s!) - Matteo took to building Bunny a warm home outside for the winter. And he still remembers who gave it to him "Aunt Lois!". See you in 31 days!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Crafty Monday

Having spent some time at various websites recently, I found a really great Thanksgiving craft to enjoy with the family. First we needed pinecones. But drat, they were all up in our trees -- - no fear Daddy found two and then went in our "woods" and low and behold came out with a stick full. So Matteo and Mommy too took to the "woods" (really just some tall grass and trees), and found more and before I knew it our bin was full of: PINECONES!

And then because the temps were so warm, Matteo took to showing me how he turns into a camaro and rides over his bicycle ramp (seee photo below).

And yes Daddy and myself have raked over 100 bags of leaves for the month of November alone (we are keeping count). And by "myself" - I mean Daddy gets the leaves in a pile - whether by rake or yardman - and I stand there holding the bag open :-)

And gobble gobble - - OUR CRAFT - - Tom Turkey and his friends :-)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Goodbye Soccer

Today was our last day of soccer - and I am going to miss it for the winter. What a great feeling being outside on a Sunday morning, 9 AM on the soccer field - with temps as low as 40's - though obviously warmer in Sept and earl Oct. But man to be part of a team rooting your kids on - nothing crazy of course - just the team spirit was simply exhilarating. This particular after the game and goodbyes (I think we'll be back in Spring) - we only stayed to play a small bit on the toys and then off to Church.

After Church we came home and I made some homemade hot chocolate (call or email for recipe - yummy and fun to make from scratch) - and then LEAVES!! Of course when the trees are as tall as they are here on the Lane - you get to rake rake rake every day in the FAll :-) I even made a song about raking leaves which Matteo loves and I hear him singing it around the house and to various adults.

Then to top off our day, our neighbors came over for appetizers - yummy and with 4 kids, you would expect someone to fight - NONE - I swear!
What a wonderful day today was. I hope your Sunday brought you joy and happiness.

Before I go, do you recognize::Chloe !!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday happenings


Daddy assures me Matteo has a very technical mind . . . . . but I say "Matteo wouldn't you like to play with the train track rather than BUILD your name with it." Matteo enjoys thinking outside the box.

And well surprise surprise, look who came out of the stuffed animal box KITTY! (Recall during the 2's - Matteo would not let Kitty out of his sight!).

Sweet kisses from a sweetie!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday fun day

Like her big brother, Chloe May too has taken to sleeping in the stroller ......why Grandma invested in a crib all those years ago is beyond me :-) (though I am happy to report that Matteo continues to sleep in his own room - by his own accord!).

And speaking of Matteo, feast your eyes on his handsome soccer face!

SOMEONE PINCH ME - where did my Baby go??? :-)

And Daddy has become accustomed that when I say I'm going to Marisa's for an hour at 3 PM - to expect me at 4 PM - that I never show up at home before 7 PM. Oh the joys of a great friend.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

So long friend

Today when matteo went to school, we learned that his friend (who also hit some students in the class on a daily basis), was no longer in his class - not sure if he switched schools or what, but either way so long for now friend. Don't fret though, the "time out chair" is not without a bottom - - today it was Matteo's. Apparently at the end of school Matteo took to rolling around on the floor and thus not listening to the teacher. Ho hum, thus begins our school experience :-)

And in case you were wondering what photo DID NOT make the Christmas card:::::::

Don't mean to "Christmas rush" you, but man am I feeling accomplished TOOT TOOT!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


So alas, as I said last evening, the sun did indeed rise today - though it played peek-a-boo through the clouds most of the day. A productive morning (as was yesterday) with us bagging 14 bags of leaves (yesterday was 25!). So why my frown yesterday - simply because Matteo did not want to give me a kiss goodnight. You see he was enjoying the coloring book grandma sent him so much that when it came time for bed he asked for one more picture to color. Okay. Then another. Okay, but last one. Well by then it was 15 minutes PAST his bedtime (and he still needed prayers and story), and he asked to do one puzzle quickly - no I said. So he cried and cried and said "shame on mommy" - and didn't want to kiss me goodnight. So when he was still up at 8 PM I said he could do it and then turn off the lights himself (I know I'm a softie) - so he did the puzzle and then - wanted to kiss me goodnight, but I didn't want him to as my feelings were terribly hurt. Well we went back and forth and finally....at 8:50 Matteo and Chloe were both asleep! In the end, he did kiss me goodnight, but first I wanted him to understand that his words had consequences - did he understand in the end....... well it's a lesson I'm still learning.

And why the success today - well simply because I woke up feeling like I wanted to get something "Christmassy" accomplished and VIOLA: our Christmas card is taken and finished!! Order will be processed this evening!!! Hooray for not feeling rushed! :-) See I told you the smile would return!

And we'd like to send a big hats off to our gal Rory who is trying out the potty at 20 months! Like I said to her mama: she continues to inspire us!

Thanks for stopping by, see you tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Tonight i am sad, but alas the sun will rise tomorrow and so will my smile. Thanks for checking in. e.

Monday, November 15, 2010

outside activities

And so after really practicing and practicing his 12" green bike, yesterday with cousin rocco here, we took the training wheels off Matteo's 16" bike and viola, he surprised us all by not only initiating riding same, but also riding same WELL!

He certainly has a lot to smile about :-)

And a picture at this tree is becoming a yearly happening: 2009, 2008

(and yes that is Chloe May's smile!).

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The celebration continues

Another day, another party! So today after soccer (which dare I say the coach said Matteo has some serious skill and his focus is getting better), Nanny & Poppi, Uncle Rocco and little Rocco came over to ...what else...help Jules celebrate this birthday (again!).

Not twins, but rather Jules and his older (by 5 years) Brother Rocco -

And if you come here you are almost guaranteed a walk!

And alas the innocence of cousins enjoying each other's company.!

Happy birthday one last time Daddy - this Mommy is all partied out! :-)

And last, but certainly not least, a special thanks to all those who called or sent cards for Jules' birthday - always appreciated and it just goes to make our day all the more merry!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

34 never looked so good!

Well knock me on the floor, look who's 34!!!!!


To kick start our day, Daddy treated us all to egg sandwiches. The kids and I continued our day donating some of our time to the local LLL tag sale - and Daddy later donated some of his time (very selfless on his birthday I must say) to helping clean up and haul away all of the non-sold items from said tag sale.

And SURPRISE, I threw Daddy a surprise party (actually I just wanted a friend to come over so I called it a surprise party).

That's right one of our favorite twins Jennifer & family came over and helped Daddy blow out all 34 candles....

which if you have ever sung happy birthday with this crowd, or perhaps it's the new thing to sing, you have to say "are you 1, are you 2.." until you get to the person's age, well by the time you get to 34, you're cake looks like::::

but really it's a box cake and even with wax, it's delicious!