Saturday, February 28, 2009

He uses his feet too!!

Don't worry folks, Matteo still uses his little legs to get exercise!

But i'm sure he LOVES his "green truck" the best :-)

Friday, February 27, 2009


Like our precious Matteo, our little Bundle of Joy has two feet......

a left and a right :-)
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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Whats wrong with this picture?

Yes Dears, there is something wrong with this picture: Matteo's eyes are on the road in front of him :-)

Actually he was just driving up and down the driveway with Daddy....but yet another reason you should not entrust me to your kids or your car keys to Matteo.
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ash Wednesday

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust......." a reminder of where we all came from and what we are all going to turn into (in my opinion).

Really humbles a person if you think of it. We truly all are equal.....I guess except for Walt Disney whom I believed froze himself so one day he can thaw and come back. Do you think he will get free passes to Disney world? :-)

Lent has begun, let us reflect.


Our morning started out a bit difficult this morning, as it was Day 2 back at the Browers.
You see, Jay J was upset because I told him he was not allowed to take his brother's batteries (then again there are two sides to every story and that is just my 100% correct verision of events). However, being the quick thinker I am and not wanting to send anyone off to school upset, I quickly woke up Uncle Jules (you may know him as Daddy), who helped Jay J find some songs on the computer and I think Jay J was then happy going off to school. Problem solved at the cost of Uncle's Jules' sleep....maybe Grandma is right, poor guy.

Note: Different table, same zip code as previous day.

Jules & I got a kick out of this. Oh to be a kid again. I bet this was the worst punishment for this little person (heheh I won't say who), but really, I could write this easily 25 times and not be affected...or is it effected.

And surprise surprise, guess who came to visit!! KATELYN! AND AMY. This was such a great help as it helped to entertain Kimmie who was feeling a bit more grumpy and I know Mommy enjoyed the adult conversation.

And here are our two gals! Great smile Amy, a million watts.

And so that was my first two days at the Brower house. Consisting of Kimmie being upset when 1) she needed a diaper change and 2) her mom called on the phone; 2) also consisted of Matteo pulling/biting/touching Andrew's ears; and lastly 3) of Andrew telling me each and every thing Matteo did that upset him. Is this a preview for what a household with more than one child consists of? Not sure, but we are scheduled to go back next week...and ironically Matteo kept asking Andrew to come home with him, to which Andrew agreed and Matteo keeps asking to go back. I'm sure the next thing will be when Kimmie talks, her asking ME to change her diaper. :-)

And in closing, a preview of just some of the fun times we had.....

tune in next week when we return to enjoy some more quality time together :-)

Oh to be young and learning to share.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Well Monday proved to be an interesting day not only for the Gravinese-Almstead family, but for the Brower family as well.

You see we were scheduled/committed to babysit the Brower children while their Mommy attended orientation. This included, Jay J (8 yrs.), Andrew (4 yrs) and Kimmie (terror). All was fine, until one by one we got rid of them: first Jay J, three hours later Andrew and who is Kimmie left with, relatives she really doesn't know. So here are Kimmie and Matteo looking out the window as Andrew goes off to school.

Kimmie kept this part of the couch warm for over an hour, just watching Matteo and I---daring not to move.

Uncle Jules let the kids enjoy some fresh air--though no exercise by pushing them on this car. You see Andrew and Matteo exceeded the weight limit for the car, hence the car was slowly dying and Jules gave it the helpful push it needed.

And once again, different town, different table, but same computer and computer programmer. If only we could charge 4x as much for the additional help....oh wait did i say HELP--haha silly me.

The funny thing about this picture is by the time the Brower children's Mommy came home, Kimmie couldn't wait to get away from us, Andrew had enough of Matteo biting/pulling and touching his ears and i'm sure Jay J had homework to do....however we all stayed together until bedtime 7 PM and as Matteo put it so appropriately "lights out."
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Sunday, February 22, 2009

No one vacuums like Daddy

Daddy is sure to get the job done with Matteo helping!

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Who's paying the bills?

A bit of a hard picture to see, but I am sure you get the jist of it.

Matteo is giving Daddy some instructions on how to program websites (or whatever Daddy does).

Actually he is probably sitting there the whole time saying "me watch cars, me watch cars--ah ah" as he typically does when Daddy is in front of the computer. He must think that is all Daddy does....or is that all Daddy does :-)
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Friday, February 20, 2009


Well today, despite the windy weather, Matteo and I ventured out for our daily walk. However unlike every other day, today was anything but uneventful. You see, when our walk was 2/3 over a white car goes speeding past us just as we crossed the street and I do not exaggerage when I say almost hit the carriage. THEN jules came and met us, and again THE WHITE CAR goes speeding past us. So we had to stop off at the accountants house and then on our way home, Jules saw the white car before me and STOOD in the road as this car was racing down the road. (does not not know where my $ comes from?). Well he calmly (and you know i am not lying if you know jules) said "can you please slow down" and then the male passenger gets out and starts yelling and cursing and jules repeats it to please slow down and this young kid is yelling and cursing so Jules backs away from the car and just as they were about to speed off I SPIN MY HEAD AROUND AND GET THE FOLLOWING: EMG5031. Oh yes B*tch, I got your license plate and not only that but my quick thinking inspector gadget skills haad me write in the sand so as not to forget or reverse any digits. Then a handicap man stopped and gave me a pen, to which I wrote the plate no. on Jules' hand.

We go home and what do I, AS A CONCERNED CITIZEN DO??? Call the police. Oh yes. This could have all gone another way, but honestly if you get in our face when we have a simple, REASONABLE REQUEST, then be prepared. So the police come say they are gpiong to the persons house (young teens). He then returns later and says that he warned them, they were having a lover's quarrel (don't care but good gossip), and he has dealt with them before. Best part of all (perhaps unknowing to him), he told me where they live. Oh yes EMW5031 I've got your street address.....................and i'm not a nice person when upset.

But other than that, i'm really a great person :-) provided your responsible and not speeding in residential roads. :-)

M-F, 1-18

This video is great of Matteo. Everyday we practice the calendar while he eats (an idea we received from Mommy & Me) and we also count the days. matteo prefers his Daddy to go over the calendar with him (personally I think I sound better, but whatever) and I'm so proud. Here he knows his days of the week as well as counting to the present day number 18.

Matteo is so squishy and cozy, just seeing this video is making me feel better already! Thanks for allowing me to indulge.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

quack quack

Thursday was a pretty mild day here on Tall Tree (I think the temp may have hit 51 --- come summer i'll be sh sh shivering!!). Anyway, Mommy had some typing to finish up so, as has become a bit of a routine these past 2 days, Daddy and Matteo enjoyed some outdoor time.

First, again as is routine, Matteo takes 2 trips around the block on his green truck (no exercise here folks, just fresh air), they then proceeded to walk one time around the block (please refer to Wed's pic and you will know this takes an average person 10 min, and a mini-person [matteo] 30+ min!). So on the way back I met theem and Matteo saw a puddle next to the house he wanted to splash in. Well after telling him we had to go home and change his shoes, he then went back to the puddle and splashed around like a duck for about 10 min. When I came in to change him his boots, pants and legs were all muddly, but oh those blue boots that match nothing that Daddy picked out kept this toes nice and dry :-)

Below is a video of his fun. Oh to be a child.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fill'er up Wednesday

Like any morning, we always start our mornings with a delicious breakfast - fill'er up! But as many of you have come to know, we actually have TWO breakfasts! One consisting of cereal (hot or cold) and typically another 2-3 hours later consisting of some sort of meat and occasionally eggs or bread.

Daddy is always in time for the second breakfast...however THIS MORNING (if you can call it that) he woke up at 8:55 AM!!!! HOW DO YOU SPELL LAZY?? Me---I spell it D a D D y! haha. In his defense he has been working until past 2 AM, however I am a stay-at-home mom and work 25/8! :-) I win.

And Ms. Amy if you are wondering what all of the fuss and tears were over when we arrived at your party on Sunday, see picture below. Matteo forgot his car stickers at home. So today we decorated his shirt with ALL OF THEM!

And Daddy and Matteo have taken to taking daily walks around the block. Note: what takes Mommy 10 minutes to walk this route (long legs - long strides), takes Daddy and Matteo 30+ MINUTES!!!! You see the problem here is that Matteo is pulling Andrew's mac (shhhh he doesn't know we have it / stole it on Sunday). Daddy put the mac on a stirng and it NEVER stays upright for more than 15 seconds, hence the constant stopping! Oh Daddy you are your own worst ememy. Mommy NEVER would have done that....and now you see why.

And lastly toot toot (tooting my own horn), you see I have been procrastinating getting oil for over 3 weeks now and I was going to buy it on Tuesday, however decided to wait an extra day, price dropped 10 cents and BOOM, i saved us over $20~! Oh yea, money in my pocket :-)


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Mr. Turtle

Katelyn, we still have your turtle, thank you for sharing (though he wandered off and was lost for most of today).

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Monday, February 16, 2009

moving forward...

Still barely recovered from the weekend and all of the fun we had, Matteo and Mommy headed out with Daddy on MOnday. While Daddy attended a boring work meeting, Mommy and Matteo went shopping. Mommy however was very disappointed with Babies r Us in their clothes selection. Old navy as well. However when Daddy picked us up and took us to Carters, Daddy saw JUST HOW MUCH you can spend on spring and a few summer clothes and asked if we were done for the season. Sadly, no Daddy. To which daddy worked until 3 AM making up the money! haha. Anway below is a spring pair of PJs that Matteo simply HAD TO have. They have trucks on them, well just the pants at least. You see it is not Spring here on Tall Tree just yet, hence the layers. So we moved from monkeys to lightening to trucks, he is growing up and moving forward.

Doesn't he look so proud in his mix-matched pjs?
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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Katelyn!!!

What a picture perfect Sunday and what better way to spend it then with great friends and let me tell you, that is exactly what we did. Today we were off to Katelyn's FIRST birthday party. Though the trip was long, it was well worth it for the great friends, good laughs and happy memories we created together on this special day (did I mention pizza and cake?)

Below is a picture of the birthday girl herself, one day before her "official" day, though Amy did give a brief lesson how Sunday was her actual birthday due to leap year, or something like like that. To be honest, over my head and I was smelling pizza..I think I heard it call my name.

Next, Amy thinks she got a picture of Jules first (according to her blog), however sorry Snap-a-ratzi, we beg to differ.

Augh, Best Friends and their two precious children. Do you see how it was worth the trip? I haven't seen Amy in what must be 18 months, however like true friends when we first saw each other there were no long drawn out hellos, more like "Matteo is crying, how can i quiet him as quickly as possible?" Good work with the on-hand stickers Amy, though next time Cars woudl be more appropriate. Anyway to get back to what I was saying, it was like we never missed a beat when seeing each other, the way it should be. Friends.

The proud parents below.

And what party isn't complete without a make-out session? Here Matteo is giving an eskimo kiss to Katelyn.

And when Katelyn dared to sit on my lap, Matteo kept insisting "My Mommy" and after about 10 times of saying that (she didn't get the hint, though she was not trying to nurse off me, so maybe she did), Matteo proceded to climb all over the two of us. LIke a good sport Katelyn really didn't care.

PRESENT TIME and let me tell you, Katelyn made out great! A few rockers, some styling clothes, a push car with long handle (for your great outdoors Amy) and many more presents.

Katelyn trying out her new wheels.

And finally, another happy couple, who truly enjoyed such a relaxing time together with their friends - - Thanks Amy and Dan, and we'll see you in another 364 days :-) unless Amy takes my offer and comes and spends a night or two with Katelyn (Danny too of course).

Amy, not sure if you have this on video, though I imagine you must, however it's so exciting to watch it over and over I thought you might enjoy it. (Please excusing the crying toddler mid-way through, I swiftly airlifted him upstairs and away from the festivities).

but not before one last shot!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today was Valentine's Day and boy was it filled with lots of excitement.!

First off let me start off by wishing everyone a very happy and love filled day :-)

Next, let me show you Matteo's newest undertaking: locking and unlocking the little lock (thankfully not the deadbolt..yet!) on the front door. He pushes over his little blue chair and uses it as a step up and proceeds to lock and unlock the front door. Oh Amy the joy you have ahead of you and you dont even know it yet..haha.

Next Grandma and Gramps came to visit and along too came Cousins Jay J and Andrew.

Andrew still doesnt' fit in Matteo's little car, though he always tries. Honestly I can hear the car gasping "help me...can't breathe."

Next when activities began to dry up a little bit, throw on some coats and head outside for some R&R (running and more running).

And finally what day would not be complete without a dead squirrel? Our neighbors (directly across the sttreet) have come to have this little guy sleeping there for over a month now. It did however provide some entertainment for Jay J who took to tyring to throw rocks at it across the street.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Grandma and Gramps sent Matteo a Valentine's day card.........

but they have some pretty stiff competition with Jay J, Andrew and Kimmie!
WHO OH WHO will Matteo choose???

Lastly a picture of Daddy reading Matteo his new Valentine's day book "spot" . Cute picture so I had to post it, Matteo insists on sitting inbetween Daddy's legs when they read he says "cozy".

Mmmmmm what do you think, ddo they look alike?
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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Downs Syndrome

Last week great news at 8 AM this week it waited until 9:34 AM when the nurse at the doctor called to say all my blood work, etc. for down syndrome for the baby came back and looks excellent. Doesn't she know how easily pregnant woman cry ;-)

Later that day Mommy had way way too many errands to run so Daddy came to help (maybe I just magnified it so I could have DAddy's company hehe). Anyway Matteo decided to use his birthday giftcards for Toys r Us and purcahsed himself a new ABC puzzle (3rd one that we have - it's not like they ever change - but its his "money") and a new bike. This bike is really great, though I think Matteo will outgrow it by next year, however our friend Caleb has one and I think he really enjoys it and I also think it will help Matteo learn to peddle and he can ride it when Mommy goes on her walks. Its a bike with a long long handle that Mommy helps Matteo to steer, while he sits and peddles NO BENDING OVER! Anyway, he too picked that out with his birthday money. Man, to be a toddler with a gift card!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Spring is in the air....sniff sniff.

Today can only be described as a day from God :-)

The weather was picture perfect, we got to the park and saw our friend Caleb, then came home and enjoyed some MORE outside weather with D A D D Y (always the perfect playmate)! Matteo rode around in his green truck which is becoming a daily habit - weather permitting - and he loves loves loves it! The best $$$ I ever spent. And don't worry I am sure his thunder thighs get plenty of ground time (as the battery on the truck only lasts an hour or less and our outside time consists of 2-3 hours, sometimes more).

And finally with such fine spring weather, who ccan nap? CERTAINLY NOT MATTEO! So he didn't. After our walk (which never fails except for today when it comes to putting him to sleep) he came home and played outside some more!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Imitation Sarah, as you may know, is the sincerest form of flattery, so I hope you don't mind. :-)

With the start of school today, Mommy decided to take a page out of our friend Sarah's "mommy book" and "wrote" on the fridge just where we were off to today. However, unlike Caleb (Sarah's son), Matteo needed to be bribed in order to stand there and not touch the letters.

Below Matteo is posing for Mommy before his first day back at Mommy and Me (3rd semester!). In his hand is a red M&M, which did the trick to not only make him smile, but also make him stand still! I know I know candy at 8:55 AM, but clearly it was worth it :-)

Couldn't choose between the two cute pictures, though I am wishing I closed the cubbard on this one, so you don't seee all of our cereal boxes :-) haha.

And Mommy is really happy to report that Matteo really enjoyed school today and he acted more independent (which surprisingly did not tear my heart apart, then again I coiuld dance without holding him!). Also he called out answers to questions during story time and really, in my humble opinion, shone nicely at school today. Next week is another class though and that can all change :-)

Thanks for reading our blog and sharing our day, can you believe I start my 18th week of pregnancy soon? Eight pounds I gained so far, and yes, I am sporting two baby bumps, one in the front and sadly, NOT one in the boobs, but rather in the rear - - haha. TMI?

Monday, February 9, 2009

The tax man cometh..........

Gramps your package is on the way. It contains: shamwows (I was embarrassed to buy an "as seen on TV" package) and a cellphone, good luck with both.

And now for our big news. Monday we spent 2.5 hours (tell me about it!) at the accountant's office. I have to brag, Matteo was a complete angel...and yet he can't sit 40 minutes in church without yelling "all done" at some point or another? Anyway, neutral news came from our visit, the tax man neither took away nor gaveth, so WHEW! However we did receive bad news that if Daddy's business continues to do well, next year we will OWE money....which then becomes a catch 22, do we want his business to succeed, but then we have to pay more in taxes, or do we want it to not do well, and then we DON'T have to pay more in do the math, my brain hurts from all of the time spent in the tax man's office.

Well after that fiasco, Mommy decided she wanted Nachos, however I didn't know how to make them. I told Daddy I was off to do "research" and after saying it 4-5 times, he caught on and insisted on helping me "research" how to make nachos. Yes folks, we ended up at Ruby Tuesday's eating Natchos (don't judge me - it was all about the cheese).

And finally, we ended our day with a smile. You see Matteo has taken to taking off his pants. So last week when he had a play date with a little girl (Madeline is her name Amy, so so adorable! Sarah, I believe Greg knows her mother Colleen), anyway, Matteo and his friend were alone in a separate room for about 10 minutes and then into where the mother and I were sitting walked Madeline and Matteo - and Matteo had taken off his pants. A very funny picture if you ask me. :-) So below you will see that I have taken to showing Matteo that he pulls his pants UP! And below he is showing me just how high he can pull his pants.

Wow, this was a very long post, can you tell I am procrasting my house cleaning?
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Sunday, February 8, 2009

A true boy!

With Sunday's mild temps (though a bit of a windy one), came lots of snow and ice melting! And when you are a true boy at heart, that can only mean one thing: PUDDLES!!!!!

Matteo certainly enjoyed jumping up and down in the puddles and can you believe, all that water and his socks were only "damp" in the end?? I have to pay tribute to where tribute is due: DADDY! He wanted to buy those boots (even though they are blue and do not match his snowsuit) and Daddy picked out Matteo's winter coat as well. Excellent work Daddy!

A surprise visitor!

Well what a wonderful surprise we received Saturday night when Matteo received a surprise visitor.

Clearly he was more than delighted, as we don't see this cutie too often.
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