Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fill'er up Wednesday

Like any morning, we always start our mornings with a delicious breakfast - fill'er up! But as many of you have come to know, we actually have TWO breakfasts! One consisting of cereal (hot or cold) and typically another 2-3 hours later consisting of some sort of meat and occasionally eggs or bread.

Daddy is always in time for the second breakfast...however THIS MORNING (if you can call it that) he woke up at 8:55 AM!!!! HOW DO YOU SPELL LAZY?? Me---I spell it D a D D y! haha. In his defense he has been working until past 2 AM, however I am a stay-at-home mom and work 25/8! :-) I win.

And Ms. Amy if you are wondering what all of the fuss and tears were over when we arrived at your party on Sunday, see picture below. Matteo forgot his car stickers at home. So today we decorated his shirt with ALL OF THEM!

And Daddy and Matteo have taken to taking daily walks around the block. Note: what takes Mommy 10 minutes to walk this route (long legs - long strides), takes Daddy and Matteo 30+ MINUTES!!!! You see the problem here is that Matteo is pulling Andrew's mac (shhhh he doesn't know we have it / stole it on Sunday). Daddy put the mac on a stirng and it NEVER stays upright for more than 15 seconds, hence the constant stopping! Oh Daddy you are your own worst ememy. Mommy NEVER would have done that....and now you see why.

And lastly toot toot (tooting my own horn), you see I have been procrastinating getting oil for over 3 weeks now and I was going to buy it on Tuesday, however decided to wait an extra day, price dropped 10 cents and BOOM, i saved us over $20~! Oh yea, money in my pocket :-)


1 comment:

  1. I love that first picture it looks like all of Matteo's cars are trying to intimidating him into give them his cereal. HeHe!

    Giulio looks like he had a shot of Jolt, do you remember that drink pure caffeine.

    Good saving E, so savy with the deals!!!


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