Monday, February 23, 2009


Well Monday proved to be an interesting day not only for the Gravinese-Almstead family, but for the Brower family as well.

You see we were scheduled/committed to babysit the Brower children while their Mommy attended orientation. This included, Jay J (8 yrs.), Andrew (4 yrs) and Kimmie (terror). All was fine, until one by one we got rid of them: first Jay J, three hours later Andrew and who is Kimmie left with, relatives she really doesn't know. So here are Kimmie and Matteo looking out the window as Andrew goes off to school.

Kimmie kept this part of the couch warm for over an hour, just watching Matteo and I---daring not to move.

Uncle Jules let the kids enjoy some fresh air--though no exercise by pushing them on this car. You see Andrew and Matteo exceeded the weight limit for the car, hence the car was slowly dying and Jules gave it the helpful push it needed.

And once again, different town, different table, but same computer and computer programmer. If only we could charge 4x as much for the additional help....oh wait did i say HELP--haha silly me.

The funny thing about this picture is by the time the Brower children's Mommy came home, Kimmie couldn't wait to get away from us, Andrew had enough of Matteo biting/pulling and touching his ears and i'm sure Jay J had homework to do....however we all stayed together until bedtime 7 PM and as Matteo put it so appropriately "lights out."
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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a tough day but you survived!! It's always nice to have some help so good job to you to Giulio. And BTW I love Kimmie's outfit very cute!


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