Thursday, February 19, 2009

quack quack

Thursday was a pretty mild day here on Tall Tree (I think the temp may have hit 51 --- come summer i'll be sh sh shivering!!). Anyway, Mommy had some typing to finish up so, as has become a bit of a routine these past 2 days, Daddy and Matteo enjoyed some outdoor time.

First, again as is routine, Matteo takes 2 trips around the block on his green truck (no exercise here folks, just fresh air), they then proceeded to walk one time around the block (please refer to Wed's pic and you will know this takes an average person 10 min, and a mini-person [matteo] 30+ min!). So on the way back I met theem and Matteo saw a puddle next to the house he wanted to splash in. Well after telling him we had to go home and change his shoes, he then went back to the puddle and splashed around like a duck for about 10 min. When I came in to change him his boots, pants and legs were all muddly, but oh those blue boots that match nothing that Daddy picked out kept this toes nice and dry :-)

Below is a video of his fun. Oh to be a child.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh I miss those days not caring about getting dirty or messing up your outfit. I use to love puddles. Still do but I just can't bring myself to splash in it!!

    Maybe Matteo can show me how to throw caution to the wind!!


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