Monday, February 9, 2009

The tax man cometh..........

Gramps your package is on the way. It contains: shamwows (I was embarrassed to buy an "as seen on TV" package) and a cellphone, good luck with both.

And now for our big news. Monday we spent 2.5 hours (tell me about it!) at the accountant's office. I have to brag, Matteo was a complete angel...and yet he can't sit 40 minutes in church without yelling "all done" at some point or another? Anyway, neutral news came from our visit, the tax man neither took away nor gaveth, so WHEW! However we did receive bad news that if Daddy's business continues to do well, next year we will OWE money....which then becomes a catch 22, do we want his business to succeed, but then we have to pay more in taxes, or do we want it to not do well, and then we DON'T have to pay more in do the math, my brain hurts from all of the time spent in the tax man's office.

Well after that fiasco, Mommy decided she wanted Nachos, however I didn't know how to make them. I told Daddy I was off to do "research" and after saying it 4-5 times, he caught on and insisted on helping me "research" how to make nachos. Yes folks, we ended up at Ruby Tuesday's eating Natchos (don't judge me - it was all about the cheese).

And finally, we ended our day with a smile. You see Matteo has taken to taking off his pants. So last week when he had a play date with a little girl (Madeline is her name Amy, so so adorable! Sarah, I believe Greg knows her mother Colleen), anyway, Matteo and his friend were alone in a separate room for about 10 minutes and then into where the mother and I were sitting walked Madeline and Matteo - and Matteo had taken off his pants. A very funny picture if you ask me. :-) So below you will see that I have taken to showing Matteo that he pulls his pants UP! And below he is showing me just how high he can pull his pants.

Wow, this was a very long post, can you tell I am procrasting my house cleaning?
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1 comment:

  1. Look Matteo is doing the Steve Urkel dance! Do the URRR URRR URRR URRR URRR URRKEL!!!


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