Monday, February 2, 2009

Wood-A-Helper (i think i've used that title before)

Ok well with the big snow storm expected here on Tall Tree on Tuesdays (2-4 inches, possibly 5-6!!), Matteo and Daddy took to loading up our wood room with wood in anticipation of being snowed in for days and weeks to come. Here Matteo is helping Daddy. This picture was taken during happier times, because it only goes downhill from here!!

Daddy's wheelbarrow is filled and ready to be moved and so is Matteo's. However Matteo doesn't want to push it, so guess who did---MOMMY! I think I was practically on my knees pushing it, however we made it to the garage where our "shoot" is.

And like any good team, sometimes disputes arise. Here, for instance, Daddy typically puts the wood in the hole and Matteo pushes it down. However Matteo ALSO likes to stand right in front of the hole, hence making Daddy's job near impossible. Yes folks, tensions are high here (as was the water last week in the oiler room). Look at Matteo's face...not happy. Of course Daddy is being a good sport and trying not to laugh.

Matteo has had enough and walks off the job! And that is the end of our wood story.
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1 comment:

  1. You guys are always working hard on Tall Tree. And Matteo is always so helpful, I guess sometimes he has a little melt down but that's ok all and all he's a good boy!!!


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