Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Thank you D A D D Y

After 3 nights of Chloe May crying almost inconsolably - Daddy took over:

AND THANK GOD HE DID! Chloe May got a good sleep, Daddy - not so much, and perhaps most importantly Mommy rested. Because as we all know if Mommy isn't happy- NOBODY is happy. (FYI: Daddy slept upright with Chloe May for almost 9 hours - the longest duration Chloe has gone without eating, and if you have a nursing infant - you know how much Mommy wanted Chloe to wake the last 2 hours haha).

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Until next time Grandma

Mommy was busy calming Chloe May this morning when I asked Grandma to help Matteo with a little workbook he has...and the result.....(see Matteo's forehead below)!

When I walked into the room they were in, Matteo told Mommy how pretty he that is how he remained all day with Green marker on his forehead :-)

And sadly our Grandma left today...... we could not see Grandma off as the monsoon has yet to subside...however I have a feeling we'll see Grandma again Sunday.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Enjoying Grandma

After a trip to our local shoe store, Target and library for some fun with animals, Grandma and Matteo settled in to watch a movie together.

And we received 5+ inches of rain. Wow!

As for Chloe May update: she enjoyed the distraction of being out today, however she skipped her long afternoon nap and opted for 30 minutes instead - to which one would think well she will sleep like a baby (punny) tonight- BZZZZZ....Chloe may once again sobbed for over an hour, so Daddy & I took her downstairs to play, actually I went in body only and fell alseep - and then took her back up after another hour and she was out like a light and Daddy and Chloe slept until 8:30!!

A funny line from our Dr. Seuss book: "Teeth, they are very much in style, they must be very much worthwhile." Well I'm wondering Dr. Seuss, have you ever spent now TWO sleepless nights with a teething toddler? Get back to me and then see if they are still very much worthwhile :-) Thankfully the LLL book arrived today and shed some positive light on being awake late with an infant :-)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

First ER visit with Chloe May

When the day starts with a hospital bracelet on Chloe's ankle,

and continues with a soccer ball and some shinguards,

and then you throw Grandma into the mix,

and end with Grandma,

you know the day went from bad, to worse, to better, to peaceful :-) (and then night came).

Chloe May obviously had her first ER visit after a hellish night of her up for over 2 hours, sobbing, pulling her ear, not eating, etc. Finally at 6:45 AM Mommy took her to the local hospital where they assured me no ear infection, just a $100 (co-pay) tooth popping up.

Soccer went horribly, Matteo was cold and too excited for Grandma's arrival soon to want to play.

And then Grandma arrived and the Heavens smiled on us, the sun shone (not really it rained - but it felt sunny) and Grandma came. If only ever day ended so wonderfully!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Popping out

If you get our your 10000000 resolution magnifying glass, you can see the white of Chloe May's tooth popping through her gums!

And in other exciting developments, Matteo has learned to use the potty standing up. I think this developed out of his growing fear of falling in, though he obviously has to sit sooner or later (I'm sure you get my drift).

Friday, March 26, 2010

Tooth tooth come out come out under those gums.

Chloe May's first tooth made its debut today - - or rather just poked up a bit to let me know it was there and on its way out...kind of like the flowers we see slowly popping up out of the ground :-) Hence a biscuit as a reward for all the pain my poor Dolly must have endured (and how about some Tylenol for me haha).

And Daddy is feeling so proud as he seems to have perfected our Friday night pizzas!

Way to go Daddy and I'm enjoying the $12-$14 savings !

And in case you are wondering Daddy too got a haircut today - because you see when one of us gets a haircut, WE ALL get a haircut. NOt really, just didn't feel like being part of the Easter rush next week (no doubt).

Thursday, March 25, 2010

House of Style!

Why the smile - - - well simply because our Darling Chloe May is styling in this outfit - - all for $4 (brand new - Children's place outlet rack THANK YOU).

Amy put Katelyn in her pants and take a pic and show me !!!!

PS - notice the drool on the side of the mouth an indication of whats to pop up.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Do (not really)

Mama got a haircut (it's been 17 weeks - i'm due!).

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Why the cool shades in the house? Matteo is hiding out from the snaparazzi - they've been seen trying to photo his new haircut!!! :-)

Just in time for spring!!!! :-)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Jeans

New jeans for mama today - because those yoga pants (much as I love them) I have run into the ground (though I will continue to wear them).

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fun/sad times

Why the smile?

Simply because we got to play with our friends Rory and Caleb today :-)

However on a less than happy note, we note the passing of our Dear Male Beta Fish: Marshall. Life duration: 3 years (silly me when I got him thought it was 3 MONTHS...)-- we'll miss you Dear Marshall.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Sunshine day!

Tell me, does the sun shine so brightly where you are as well??

And tell me, pray tell does Matteo find so so funny this evening?

Only Chloe May sucking her toes during dinner!!!!!!

I guess she too found it funny - or perhaps it was her big brother laughing she found so funny!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day


Monday, March 15, 2010

7.5 months

And now at 7.5 months,

weighing in at 18 lbs. 14 oz. and measuring 27 1/2 inches....may I introduce our Dolly:


Sunday, March 14, 2010

Another great birthday part

Another weekend - another fun party -

Today we got all dolled up for our friend Elissa's 1st birthday party.

Chloe was all smiles in her yellow dress (thanks for the loan Rory).

Three out of four of us looking into the camera for this family photo is better than expected..

And with a face painted like a zebra, a giraffe for a balloon animal and the promise of cake at the end, you know a great time was had by all.

Happy 1st Birthday Elissa Heather!!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Rain rain rain

With the monsoon upon us today - we took shelter (incredibly last minute) at a nearby bookstore where a Jungle man showed us some Green friends in time for St. Patrick's day.

Matteo had no fear in going up and poking his finger in this larger than life frog.

Another animal of which I know not the name, was gracious enough to allow Matteo to touch him.

And all bundled up to go back to our car.

And while Mommy cooked and froze the food, Chloe and Matteo helped clean up????

With all this rain, when we go out for our daily walk, I let Matteo now walk (this 20 minute walk now takes over 60 minutes haha, however great exercise for his legs). We are starting to look for signs of spring, i.e. light green poking up through the ground. Have you found any by you yet?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Thanks for the loan

Thanks for the loan of the dress, hat and accessories for our friend's b-day party Rory - - the dress was a great fit, the hat however left us wondering where Chloe's face went.....


Thursday, March 11, 2010


I've been telling you all week that spring is popping up and Chloe May is proof pudding, look at the frogs all over her :-)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gearing up!

Having signed matteo up for soccer he was very excited to try out his new shoes.

Will keep you posted when the soccer season starts in late March/early April.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


With the warmer weather for a few days we decided to snack outside and have a picnic.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring is coming!

The sunshine was so abundant today - a sure sign that spring is on its way.

We dusted off Matteo's bicycle and he rode with the big boys much much to his delight :-)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Little Brother!

Have you met our little brother?

Oops sorry that is just Chloe in Matteo's PJs! :-)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Rory's party

Today was a special day as we got to help our Friend Rory celebrate her first birthday!

Matteo and Chloe May got a bit dolled up.

Rory looked beamed like the sun in yellow.

Chloe May decided to be fashionably late and slept for 3/4 of the party.

And finally the two girls enjoyed a bit of time together before we headed out.

Thanks for the festitives Rory - and a very
Happy Birthday

Friday, March 5, 2010

Storytime Spring 2010

Storytime at our local library began today---

and this was an EXTRA special day because today Matteo would be away from Mommy for a class - first time EVER (though he took a farm class with daddy last year - not sure if you can consider that with a parent (hHAHA)). ANYWAY, so there I sat outside the room all teary, as he walked into class by himself, got his name tag and waited for the libraian to read books (he really enjoys the library). Though my heart did flutter a bit when I saw him look back two times. And thanks to Chloe, Sarah and Rory for unknowingly helping me through this first experience.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

7 months!

Happy 7 months Chloe May!!!

Our Dear Chloe May has come so far in 7 months - to now sitting up and moving on her belly (backward of course). Most of all she has captured our love and attention to the fullest extent possible. Sadly though we still don't know what color her eyes are ...she is like a camelion in that she changes her eyes with the lighting. As a mother who worries, I wonder what she will one day put on her license. I never expressed this "worry" until another mother - Rory's - expressed a similar concern. Well perhaps by 8 months I will have some happy news to report in that her eyes will have made up their "mind." haha.
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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

gift bags

Sometimes I just shake my head in amazement:

click here

And what I found the funniest was the last paragraph where the woman is saying how she doesn't do gift bags, HOWEVER she is having a b-day party with 80 children!!!! hahaha. Personally, I don't like the whole "gift bag" idea - I mean we are there to celebrate another year of a person's life, a year full of accomplishments, etc. and wish them well as they venture into their next year, but I must admit, I too have fallen victim to the whole "gift bag" - though I must [pat pat] pat myself on the back as I think mine are WELL within budget. For example, for Matteo's first b-day: every child received a $1 ball. POINT MADE.

PS - sadly now you know that this is one of the newspapers i read in bed late at night.

Monday, March 1, 2010

stroller v sling

Another article i wanted to share with you:

click here

While I didn't read this story TOO intently - what struck me as funny - because for the most part it is very true is the last page where they are comparing a stroller mom to a sling mom.

As for me, I use both a stroller and a sling (though prefer the sling at all times, however it is not always convenient) - but am more sling then stroller. Just an interesting read.