Wednesday, April 29, 2009

With bike season full underway, our neighbor, who deigns bikes for a living - in addition to entertaining us with his bike tricks -, stopped by and suggested a larger helmet for Matteo as the one he had was not as effective as a newer one. Below you will see Matteo's new helmet, courtesy of our neighbor. PLEASE NOTE: it does not contain a monkey or a car, and IS NOT GREEN. But the helmet is a really great one, hence we decorated it with Mater & Lightening stickers and he loves it!

Oh my, take a peak above again, you catch a GLIMPSE OF MOMMY! Clearly that was unintentional by Daddy.
Yes, below is more like the picture Daddy was trying to take ;-)

A little to the left Daddy, you can still catch a glimpse of Mommy hard at work.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hot hot hot

Baby it's hot out today! Today our springtime weather reached about 85 degrees!

So to help beat the heat Matteo took to sitting in the dirt....don't pigs do that?

I love the above picture, any picture where Matteo is entertaining himself I feel is good for him. And a bucket heart is all a twitter.
Here Matteo is making use of his bicycle.

And finally just when we thought we could not take the heat anymore, our friend invited us over for some sprinkler fun!

Monday, April 27, 2009

A Guest!

Well much to Mommy's surprise when I was making toast today, look who ran out from behind the toaster!

A little mouse! Daddy and Matteo caught him and took him way far out on our 1/3 property! All the way to the wood pile. Be happy dear friend.

UPDATE: Sadly now our friend has returned as of Thursday of this week. We have a trap - - Daddy purchased it. I don't think it is the kind that politely asks the mouse to stay, but rather I have a feeling it may be harsher than that.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Well for all of you wondering what Mommy looks like at 7.90 months...below Daddy was kind enough to take my photo so that way I have it to help memorialize the pregnancy (as if the baby isn't enough!).

Yes, no photo of me for MONTHS from the waist down, despite numerous friend requests and now....Daddy clearly takes my "best" side. mmmmm................Sarah you have more company than you know :-) hahah.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Grandma & Gramps Saturday!

Hi guys, sorry we've been away for a bit, Mommy has been getting lots of work from her job, so let's hope YOUR birthday is coming up! Although sadly Daddy's work has come to a sudden slow down. Let's hope that doesn't last.

While waiting for Grandma & Gramps to arrive today, Matteo took the opportunity to demonstrate to Katelyn how we were recently taught to hold a juicebox by the wings. Please note Katelyn, NORMALLY, we do not drink on our reading chair, however we were grandfathered in as this rule was just made recently.

And yes, Matteo got all dressed up in Mommy's shoes while Grandma and Gramps visited. (He previously had on a larger pair of heels, but those pumps just weren't as comfortable).

And why if Mommy is 7 feet tall does she need heels, what woman doesn't need heels?

Matteo loves when Grandma comes and gives him undivided attention. Here Grandma is reading a Thumper book to Matteo.

And as we all know, when Gramps comes he is he sleeping here or playing peek a boo?

I'd go with sleeping, it's a safe bet! :-) Sorry Grumps, you pose for photos like that and they get posted.

Friday, April 24, 2009

hair today, gone tomorrow.

When brushing Matteo's hair this morning, I noticed just how uneven it was in the back.

So Matteo andd Mommy went back to the kids place and let the lady even it out, which apparently she thought meant cut off more AND THEN even it out. No biggie, just hair and yes thankfully it does grow. And you know what, I think i'm liking the shorter do! Just in time for school pictures next week :-)

Also new onthe homefront (please ignore the underline), Matteo had his 2.5 year check up at the doctor of which all of his limbs are working, he can jump, talk and listen (though not always obey). So happy to have our little fellow in our lives.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Haircut - take 1

Matteo's new haircut.

Sadly it doesn't end there, scroll up.
Although let me comment, I did get his haircut in time for his school picture next week.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


What do you get when you leave a 2.5 year old alone with 1) a desktop computer; 2) a cup of water; and 3) a pencil?

A NEW KEYBOARD ONLY ......if you're lucky.

Well that is the situation Mommy and Daddy found ourselves in last week when we were having a "discussion" - Mommy wanted to rest and Daddy wanted Mommy to get up (we both lost) - and Matteo was conducting business in the office at Daddy's computer. Now I could tell you how I prompted Daddy many times to check on him, play with him or even "what's that noise" (him putting the pencil in the glass of water), but i'm over it now. However suffice it to say, the keyboard wound up with water on it and Matteo is not quite as computer savy as Daddy as he used pencil on the monitor as opposed to pencil to paper. But in the end EVERYONE lucked out: 1) Matteo got to continue living with us; 2) Daddy only had to replace the keyboard ($50); and well i'm sure i've slept between then and now. :-)

Fun inside

With all the rain we had early this week here on Tall Tree, we had to find a way (not that hard) to have some fun inside.

Below Daddy and Matteo took to blowing bubbles in the kitchen (at Mommy's suggestion of course - toot toot Mommy) :-)

Look how much fun Matteo had.

And always, reading a Halloween book 5-6 times a day is just as entertaining.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Various Photos

Ok well Week 3 of my Recession Garden has found Daddy and Matteo transplanting the plants into larger pots.

Please all tree huggers save your hate mail, our kind neighbor TOLD US to put it in Styrofoam. Not my first choice, but he knows the know? I think we are about an 1/8 of the way done transplanting.

Also below is such a funny picture, or at least you had to be here to understand the funniness of it. The first time Matteo climbed the slide below he got to the top and fell off the back. I mean literally fell off the back and if you know anything about me, you know how hilarous I found that. So much so that I could not contain my laughter and that caused Matteo (who had just fallen backwards and landed on his head) to laugh too and get right back up and do it again. Below is a SUCCESSFUL trip down the slide :-)

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Sunday, April 19, 2009


Surprise Surprise Grandma, Gramps and Cousin Andrew came for a visit today, much to EVERYONE'S DELIGHT!

Matteo loves acting out a bit when we have visitors, below you see Grandma and Matteo are playing together by Matteo's dollhouse.

However company doesn't stop Daddy from working. Below Daddy is spreadingg the mulch around.

And when Matteo bores of Grandma, he takes to tormenting poor Andrew, who really takes it quite well. Lets all say it together "poor Andrew."

And yes, here is Gramps hard at work helping Jules.

And no, Gramps didn't stay there ALL DAY, he went inside and took a nap on my red chair :-) haha.

Last, but certainly not least, it was Cousin Andrew's birthday, so we took him out to friendly's and had some yum yum, can you taste it, ice cream :-)

PS Always a funny story when you have two children together with ice cream under the age of 5 (he had yet to "turn"). Andrew's ice cream came with M&M's - matteo's favorite - so Grandma gave matteo ONE, not two - ONE of Andrew's M&M's ANDREW GOT SO MAD, HE PUSHED THE ICE CREAM AWAY AND DIDN'T WANT IT~!!!!! hahah. It was only when Auntie Pooh (me) offered to eat it did he change his mind :-) Oh so funny.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring has Sprung

It was so georgous out today, that Matteo ripped the tags off (gently of course) some of his new spring clothes and got to wear them out.

Could not resist taking a picture, in the hopes that the sunshine would stay :-)

Friday, April 17, 2009


Yes, I am a softie for Matteo. After much back and forth on a chilly night Matteo decided THIS is what he wanted to wear to bed - his new "sheriff" pjs. See pic below.

Of course there were tears invovled (on his behalf), and really when rewarded with a smile like that, how could I say no? :-) Good night Matteo.
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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Comment of the Century

Today I was complaining to Jules how huge I feel (no picture necessary). And jules was kind enough to tell me I look great for someone who is 9 months pregnant. Only problem: I'M 7.5 MONTHS. That's okay DAddy quickly realized the error of his way....and Mommy has lived with Daddy long enough to know what he meant. Still I teased him about it most of the day. Not too much though..never bite the hand that feeds you....or rubs your back nightly :-)

Nighty nighty Daddy.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Just a reminder.......

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Why the celebration you ask? Well simply because today is our 6 year anniversary here on Tall Tree :-) And how does a young couple with a toddler such as ourselves celebrate? Dinner and a show of course. Doesn't that sound very rich and proper "dinner and a show." Well let me tell you Jules & I have not been out to the theater since pre-Matteo so we were LONG LONG overdue.

The dinner took place at Friendly's for the three of us (four if you count Baby) $25 total (tip included) and the show.....a free puppet show at the library, of which Matteo LOVED it (though initially was fearful of all the children yelling in delight) and Mommy found herself dozing (caught 2-3 times by the librarian). :-) 7 PM comes around quickly these days.

Happy anniversary house and oh boy...if these walls could talk, the story they would tell. shhhhhh.


Screen too.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter PM

With Mac & Stanley having arrived earlier in the day (need to be a Cars fan to understand) and not caring much for an egg hunt, the only thing left to do on Easter was attend to the business of putting in the door.

Well below, after about 5-6 hours of hard work, there she stands.

And a close-up.

Funny story, after the door was hung, but tools were still around, Mommy was in the kitchen preparing dinner and Daddy was also in the kitchen (under foot no doubt)..hahha. Anyway, we hear "bang bang bang bang" and Daddy says "wahts that", goes to inspect and well our little Matteo was still hard at work installing the door. Seems as though he picked up Daddy's hammer was was hammeing the glass. :-) Much MUCCH to Daddy's dissatisfaction. Thankfully Matteo and the glass are still both in tact, though I am not sure if my order of that sentance was correct. :-) Gotta love a toddler.

The Easter Bunny has arrived!

Waking up Sunday was quite the adventure with the easter bunny having visited us, left us presents and hidden our eggs (which as of mid-day were still hidden).

Below is a picture of the goodies Matteo received, a 24 piece puzzle (he is growing up), red and stanley from the movie cars (the best present so far) and a chocolate bunny (of which Matteo ate some wrapper too~!).

Below is Matteo showing Daddy his new cars.

The outfit didn't last long, but ohhhh he's so adorable. And did you really doubt the sweater would be anything but green, Matteo picked it out of course.

Please take notice of the Sperry boatshoes which are oh oh so adorable. Honestly, every little boy (and perhaps girl, THAT is how adorable they are), should have a pair of Sperry's every spring.

And even Daddy washes up nicely for Church.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Rain rain rainy Saturday

With the constant flow of rain on Saturday, Matteo enjoyed some quiet time in his library reading books.

and as the day wore on, Matteo got more and more rambunctious.

Below Matteo is enjoying some strawberries, but notice the wild man look in his eyes. A real jungle/tarzan look.

The reason for this look is because Mommy told Matteo NOT to rub the strawberries on his bare feet and then eat them. Pretty simple request I think.........

And the end result of eating the fresh fruit Mommy was cutting is a little boy in need of a big bath :-)

Big Red.

Big Red has arrived.

Silly Gramps has never heard of having a door professionally sprayed. Where does he live, do-it-yourself ville? HAHA.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Llams and ostritchs and buffalo..OH MY!

Another dear friend of ours this week was kind enough to invite us to the game farm, apparently also referred to as the "zoo" here on the Island. What was so great about this is she organized this outing for her mother's group at a discounted entrance rate of $5.83/adult! That is a savings of over $10! And in today's recession who doesn't love a savings?

Well, we've never been to the zoo, so imagine all the new animals we experienced (close up!) and the fun we had.

Below Daddy and Matteo are feeding some animal. Don't know what, but it was fun because we walked among them.

Next at the nursey, a baby goat enjoyed Daddy feeding him a bottle.

And the sheep were a little too up close for Matteo, so he monkeyed around on Daddy's back.

And this is a working picture, hence our tax deduction :-) You see Daddy is working on a buffalo website and if you look in the back, that DOES look like a buffalo to me!! So clearly Daddy was doing research and come tax season next year, our write-off. JUST KIDDING UNCLE SAM.....maybe.

Tea cups

Our adventure at the zoo didn't end with the above pictures. No no, there were teacups there too. :-)

So I thought about letting Matteo and Daddy experience this alone (after all pretty soon they will be taking a farm class together), however THE BELOW PICTURE IS HOW IT STARTED OUT (note: the ride has yet to begin.

...but as it is seconds away from beginning, Matteo decides NOPE, needs Mommy (Mommy expected this).

And yes, Matteo did enjoy himself.


Friday was certainly a full day from sun up until sun down.

After our trip to the zoo (and lest we forget a much needed nap!), Matteo took to coloring Easter eggs with Daddy. Much like decorating the Christmas tree, Mommy IS NOT a fan of coloring easter eggs (childhood issues). Anyway, good old Daddy, he always gets me in the spirit.

Do not be mistaken, there are no rules when it comes to coloring eggs, these eggs were taken in and out of the coloring about 10 times each......

with Matteo's hands :-)

All in all, it worked out and Mommy did enjoy herself (how could you not with Daddy smiling across the table).

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Playdate after Playdate

What did we do all week you might be wondering with schools on recess and all of our normal activities cancelled? Well Mommy could not believe it when we had playdate after playdate after playdate. Thankfully most only lasted 2 hours (as that is a good amount of time for toddlers indoors I believe to have to share and take turns).

Then with Thursday's georgous weather, did you experience it too, we went for a walk with our neighbor and then enjoyed their swingset for another two hours.

I'm telling you I can't wait for our normal schedule back in place, as Mommy is e x h a u s t e d!

Monday, April 6, 2009


Our dear friend Caleb's Mommy recently told us about a free gynmastics trial that we could try out to see if Matteo liked it. Many thanks again Sarah.

Well at first, Matteo was very hesitant and would rather sit and watch than partiicpate, however after a bit of coaxing from Mommy, Matteo hesitantly joined in.

Below is Matteo on the balance beam (first attempt). He then got right down and Mommy coaxed him back up, holding his hand the entire time. However, Mommy loves this picture because top center, you see Daddy "beaming" with pride (pun intended). :-)

Upside down.

And Matteo loved climbing through the pit as well.

However, for those of you interested, at present I am not going to sign Matteo up for gynmastics, though he loved it very much. Perhaps in the Fall. For now Matteo and Daddy(?) have signed up for a farm visit every Wednesday in May from 11-12, where Matteo can learn about the new babies on the farm. Notice the "?" where Daddy is concerned, always sounds good in theory, but Matteo is certainly a Mommy's boy from 6 AM until 6 PM, then dinner and then usually goes to Daddy for a bit :-).