Saturday, April 25, 2009

Grandma & Gramps Saturday!

Hi guys, sorry we've been away for a bit, Mommy has been getting lots of work from her job, so let's hope YOUR birthday is coming up! Although sadly Daddy's work has come to a sudden slow down. Let's hope that doesn't last.

While waiting for Grandma & Gramps to arrive today, Matteo took the opportunity to demonstrate to Katelyn how we were recently taught to hold a juicebox by the wings. Please note Katelyn, NORMALLY, we do not drink on our reading chair, however we were grandfathered in as this rule was just made recently.

And yes, Matteo got all dressed up in Mommy's shoes while Grandma and Gramps visited. (He previously had on a larger pair of heels, but those pumps just weren't as comfortable).

And why if Mommy is 7 feet tall does she need heels, what woman doesn't need heels?

Matteo loves when Grandma comes and gives him undivided attention. Here Grandma is reading a Thumper book to Matteo.

And as we all know, when Gramps comes he is he sleeping here or playing peek a boo?

I'd go with sleeping, it's a safe bet! :-) Sorry Grumps, you pose for photos like that and they get posted.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love it, Matteo is holding the little tabs on the juice box. Katelyn doesn't quite get it yet but she's trying.

    It's always nice to see Grammy and Grandpa come for a visit. It looks like your Dad is playing peek a boo in the last picture, HeHe!!!


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