Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Easter Bunny has arrived!

Waking up Sunday was quite the adventure with the easter bunny having visited us, left us presents and hidden our eggs (which as of mid-day were still hidden).

Below is a picture of the goodies Matteo received, a 24 piece puzzle (he is growing up), red and stanley from the movie cars (the best present so far) and a chocolate bunny (of which Matteo ate some wrapper too~!).

Below is Matteo showing Daddy his new cars.

The outfit didn't last long, but ohhhh he's so adorable. And did you really doubt the sweater would be anything but green, Matteo picked it out of course.

Please take notice of the Sperry boatshoes which are oh oh so adorable. Honestly, every little boy (and perhaps girl, THAT is how adorable they are), should have a pair of Sperry's every spring.

And even Daddy washes up nicely for Church.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Easter Everyone!!! Matteo looks very handsome in his Easter outfit!

    Giulio looks handsome too, but where is Mommy all dressed up, I think she's still in her PJ's!! Am I right? Am I right? HeHe!!!


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