Saturday, July 31, 2010


After doing some household chores this morning (the majority of them were done yesterday)

We put on Matteo's happi (festive japanese clothes) and headed to our friend Yukki's house for a party!

Now obviously EVERYONE there was Japanese - except this family of 4 :-) However none of us speak Japanese so we did our best to communicate and just enjoy each other's company - - however when listening to a convversation from time-to-time the one constant word I did make out "Matteo" - - hahah!! Also, and this I found very funny, Matteo was the oldest child there - and here is the blond boy coming in his happi - - and all the Japanese children are wearing their American clothes! Very funny I thought. So when the party was over - - -well we simply moved the party to our backyard and most of the children came over to play for about 90 mintues - - great fun for all - especially Matteo who is really doing a great job sharing these days (though we still have our moments) - and really who just wants to have fun :-)

Looking forward to our Dolly's 1st birthday celebration tomorrow - but wasn't it just yesterday that:

My time flies (and a little bit of my heart aches).

Friday, July 30, 2010

Bits and pieces

The party bags are in place !

Homemade ice cream cake No. 2 - CHECK.

Chloe May is enjoying a bit more solids these days.

And who doesn't need an oreo from time-to-time - - and so Chloe May enjoyed her first one - well I actually smashed it up - and she dumped the majority of it on the floor - and some on her face, a little in her diaper - but I do believe I saw a few morsals in her mouth :-)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Garage update

The garage is painted, back door hung, floor painted as well, stairs and landing in place - - however we are still waiting on the railing - -

check back next week :-)

And I do believe I thought this was initially a 3 day project -- possibly 4. However we are fastly approaching 3 weeks!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Homemade ice cream cake

Today I went over our friends house to learn how to make a homemade ice cream cake- - - and after making one today I feel safe in saying it will be a long time before I buy a Carvel cake again!!!

However in between layers, we took time to swim - - and I captured Matteo diving off the diving board -

Later that same day, Matteo was so thrilled not to have to wear his arm floaties in the pool - - as he learned to bounce back and forth between his feet just like his friend Daniel.

and here is the younger crew - enjoying some diaper time :-)

Hope to see you Sunday so you can sample my cake :-)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


And oh our little Dolly's big day is fastly approaching and in anticipation of this happy event, Aunt Lois and Uncle Frank mailed Chloe May her first birthday card! Chloe May certainly enjoyed receiving mail, take a look at how excited she got from the pictures below:

And what followed in the mail: a package from our Dear (though noticeably absent on her blog) friend Katelyn!

Well this is a large package, and no doubt filled with great treasures, however we are going to have to wait until Chloe May's birthday to open this box of surprises! PS - Note to Danny (Katelyn's Daddy) your WIFE did not include the zip code and I am sure as a USPS employee you are none too pleased with her...... perhaps in the future you need to check all of her outgoing mail in order to ensure proper delivery of same :-) haha. AMY!!!!!

And in other birthday news, I think Mommy is on the hunt for a tutu for Chloe May for her first birthday - not the actual day, but just one to wear around the house for fun - - - - any ideas where I can get one (sorry I'm new to girly stuff!). The hunt is on!

And in my last bit of USPS news, because apparently today was all about the Postal Service, THANK YOU TO THE PERSON WHO FOUND MY LICENSE AND STUCK IT IN A USPS BOX - at which point the Postal Service mailed same back to me. I am sure you are reading my blog (hardly haha) and I just want to say, why didn't you come to my house for a reward? Well really I thank you for all your kindness - - - e.

Monday, July 26, 2010


What a treat, Daddy spent the better part of today (unexpectedly!) with us!

And one of our many activities included:

a bike ride for 3 (Mommy ran along side with Walt because I don't own a bike). Yeah for family time :-)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Nieces Day!

Today was the annual Niece's Day at Aunt Lois' house - and when I say Mommy looks forward to this gathering yearly - that might be an understatement. Yes, Aunt Lois and Uncle Frank put on a very nice BBQ yearly for all the nieces, nephews and their children.

Below with Matteo and I are Cousin Sally Ann, Aunt Lois and my sister Colleen (smaller crowd then usual this year but all the better for a more intimate setting).

Uncle Frank - the Grill Master - took some time out to enjoy a moment or two with a barely dressed Chloe May. (Today was a scorcher, hence Chloe's dress came offf shortly after arriving).

One of Aunt Lois' two sons - Frank Jr. and his Blushing Finance - AKA birthday girl - Christina, spent the day with us.

And ever the generous one, Chloe May allowed Aunt Lois the privilage of holding her for - oh - all of 10 seconds before she wanted Mommy again :-) (Mommy really doesn't mind Chloe May).

As I mentioned - it was a hot one at Aunt Lois - but always prepared i travel with my beach unbrella and blanket, so I took them out and - instant shade and a nice place to sit. Aunt Lois too put out umbrellas, so even though hot you cannot beat the great company....

however was that a rain drop I feel? And sure enough just as soon as I packed my diaper bag to go inside - my foot wasn't inside for 10 seconds and the skies opened up!!! and I don't mean a heavy rain, I kid you not a DOWNPOUR!

And Daddy was enroute to go to my car to load it with our stuff when he got caught in this storm.... Why didn't you turn back Daddy I asked (to which responded that I told him to go to the car!?!? hmmm ...) and then I said well why didn't you stay there (to which he responded he dind't know how long it would last!

But as always I have come to expect a few things on Nieces Day: Sally Ann is usually sick of some sort, the rain will happen and our family WILL show up and bring our blanket :-)

Thanks to a very wonderful Aunt and Uncle for a wonderful day and making the day of two very special children of mine.

And all day I was missing my mom - just wanted to see her - and then I remembered why tonight. Because 2 years ago she waas there for me in only a way a mother can be. The same reason Chloe is here and another is not. And in speaking to Grandma this evening (as we talk often) - She, along with me, remembered. And as I laid next to Chloe May ever so briefly, I was sad inside for the person I will never meet - my mom remembered and that is only one of the reasons she is so great. I hope you get to meet her one day if you haven't already. Thank you Grandma for remembering a person that some forgot. I never did.

And then I looked at the ceramic outside small bunny that Aunt Lois gave Matteo that he had to sleep with (though I insisted rabbits are wild and go in a cage) and smile at the simple joys he still receives - I hope it never ends.

Busy week this week: Matteo starts storytime at the library, getting ready for Chloe May's birthday party (I'm making an ice cream cake!), pics of the new door, new railing and who knows what else - be sure to check back - ccan't believe it's only Sunday!

I've chatted your eyes off - thanks for listening! Goodnight.

Garage 2 weeks 1 day

While Matteo, Chloe & I swam like fish in our friend's pool Saturday, Daddy took the whole day to make us some new garage stairs (yes we are still working on the garage after not being able to be in there for 7 days!).

So we went from this (please note the new door on the right side which I hope to blog about later in the week should a day be slow)...

to this!

Railing is due in Tuesday - so be sure to check back.

And might I say way to go Daddy! But really we missed you a bit in the pool :-)

PS - Thanks for noticing, I did get my hair cut earlier in the week :-) - as did Jules & Matteo. Chloe is on the one year plus waiting list.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Shoe Sale

How is it at the "Buy one get one Free" shoe sale, I ended up with 3 pairs of shoes?????

To know me is to love me! :-) :-) (poor Daddy - - and I mean that both figuratively and literally).

Friday, July 23, 2010

Count your Blessings not your Problems.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Venturing out of our comfort zone today - we decided to enjoy some family time and take Matteo and Chloe May out east to a local museum (local being 60 min drive).

Daddy enjoyed himself making every crank on this board crank at the same time (they had to all touch or something...I don't know but that is so smart and so daddy-like).

Chloe May found her long lost twin (well they say we all have a twin somewhere in the world - search no more Chloe).

Matteo and Daddy made a "mouse house" -- though really it's a fort.

And of course this attracted every child in the room haha.

And before leaving Matteo and Daddy spent some time building with legos.

More fun was had which included a boat, instruments, firetruck, water fountain, library, not necessarily a day trip, but certainly fun for about 3 or 4 hours - - - so what did we do with the second half of our day? :-) scroll down.

Waves and peek a boo

ventured even further out (roughtly another 30 minutes which was great for a napping Chloe May) - - and went to the ocean!

Man, the waves were just awesome!

(please recall that the camera adds 5 lbs.)

Yes, we all enjoyed some water time - but were careful to hold on tight to Matteo as I kid you not when the waves went back out to sea you felt yourself (myself included) being pulled.

Chloe May when not being held in the water enjoyed a game of .....

PEEK A BOO!!!!! (certainly her most favorite game to date!).

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Snap happy

And just because she is such a little Dolly.....

I went a little snap happy :-) Please excuse the cuteness!


Did I mention the waves????

Pre-birthday celebration

Today Chloe May was all aflutter with joy as she received a pre-1st Birthday party package from who else: GRANDMA!!!!

What was it: a book of course -

However, I have not been able to pry it out of her hands long enough to read it to her - so until we do, it's story remains a mystery :-)

And later in the day Chloe May took to playing her favorite tune on my piano - a woman after my own heart xoxo

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Today was made richer having met Ella.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Matteo is fastly becoming little Nemo, he spends so much time in the pool. Today Matteo was invited back over to his friend's house to cool off in their pool and cool off he did :-) Mommy too sported her bathing suit and for the first time in quite a long time dove off a diving board (yes my heart was pounding).

Talk of Chloe's birthday party is all abuzz :-) Hope to see you there.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Spent some of this morning taking splinters out of Chloe May's legs - ouch - from the porches yesterday.

(rest assured, Daddy does have on something appropriate in this picture)!

And with Chloe May's 1st Birthday fastly (too fastly) approaching, I was thinking how the best gift is that which is homemade - truly nothing is as meaningful or thoughtful as a homemade gift - - at least from what I have received in the past -

so as I was sweeping the floors tonight I thought it might be fun to reflect on things money ccannot buy that were "homemade" you might say - - - I thought I might share with you throughout the course of this week - - if you care to read.

For starters, the best "homemade" gift:

(yes, more Target photos) - but certainly no amount of money can buy this wonderful Blessing/homemade gift (haha).

check back tomorrow if you will to see what else I enjoy that is homemade.

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Cousin Day


That's right, after a 3 month hiatias we reconnected with our Dear cousins and it's as if no time had passed (but boy did we miss them!).

From the above picture you can seee how long and lean Andrew got - - wearing Matteo's goggles (which were given to us by a family who often gives us their old "treasures" and really, these goggles have certainly gotten their use! Good for "recycling" I say and oh did they come at an ever so appropriate time back in March - when Matteo was loving Nemo!).

Daddy enjoyed some pool races with Auntie (middle) and Jay J - -

doesn't Daddy know he's not supposed to win all the time? haha

Then Daddy took to putting the boys on his shoulder and *ouch* letting them belly flop off.

And finally Mommy took the gals inside for some barbie, hair and story time.

And I couldn't leave without the obligatory cousin photo (sans cousins Jesse).

can't you smell the innocence??

Lastly, the old cliche is true: time does heal all wounds...or perhaps just this one.
Thanks for the call.