Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Halloween! We decorated for you about 6 weeks ago and have been eagerly anticipating your arrival ever since.

We picked today to carve our pumpkins, simply because I don't think it occurred to anyone prior!

Our first stop (as has become a fun little two year tradition) is our friend Rory and Caleb's house.   While Caleb was in school and Chloe May not feeling very photogenic, we had Matteo & Rory represent both families :-)

After lunch we were eager to get to school to show off our costume and see what our friends were for the celebratory day (can you find the skeleton zombie? below).

School was a particular treat for Mommy today as I volunteered my services for a short while.  Sure enough about 45 minutes before pick up I arrived to wipe down tables, stack chairs and finally read a story and listen to the goodbye routine.  I loved volunteering and hope to do it again soon!

When we arrived home we were barely inside long enough to use the potty when we started trick-or-treating.  Yuuki our first stop of the afternoon.

Our friends Brett, Jake, Joey & Alexa were all too willing to give us two pieces of candy each per child - - we gave some back of course :-)

Love it.

2.25 hours later we were done trick or treating.  We came home to find our candy bowl empty and though the doorbell continued to ring until well past 8 PM - - Mommy delighted in taking the candy she didn't find appropriate for Matteo & Chloe and handing it out.

Can you find Matteo in the below pic - staring at the vampire pumpkin.

 Well Happy Halloween - hope it was filled with more treats than tricks. 

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Another windy day - too windy to enjoy enjoy the great outdoors - so let me update you on our little family.  Chloe May is no longer in a diaper of any sorts - even bedtime she has refused to wear one since early September.  So goodbye diapers - - sometimes I smile remembering the handful of people who raised their eyes at me potty training a 19 month old..... sometimes Mommy & Toddler know best :-).

In other Chloe May news she now refuses to use the potty seat on the big potty.  No she'd rather  her a$$ hang so low in the potty that I swear it touches the water, but nevertheless goodbye potty seat - hello only big girl potty :-)

In Matteo news he is doing phenomenal in preschool - the best decision Jules & I ever made was to hold him.  He shines in both his mannerism, cooperation (usually) and his ability to write and color.

Jules' work is picking up lately - which is good considering he has to work 40 hours a month for free in order to afford medical insurance.  Thankfully we rarely use the medical - that is one bill I don't mind paying and never using.   

and me..... I'm taking one day at a time and loving being a Mom to two.

PS - we love watching the squirrel proof bird feeder whether from the kitchen as I wash dishes or from the sofa in the living room as we read books.

Life is simple and we are enjoying it.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Rainy Saturday

With the wind and steady rain on Saturday soccer was cancelled (boo hoo!).  However we did find comfort at our friend Marisa's house - as we were watching her cat since they are away.  We decided to rent a movie off her tv (Bolt) (with permission of course) - and enjoyed a nice lunch and movie there for the early afternoon.  Before leaving Matteo made every design our magnetics came with.  Below is one illustration - see the pride on his face?

After the movie we came back home and Matteo did some worksheets I printed out. 

He must have done these worksheets for about 1.5 hours.  For an addition 1.5 hours Daddy and Matteo made up games on the worksheets - and Matteo loved every minute of it.  And here I was dreading the "homework" i so often heard about in preschool - - I think I still have a lot of learning myself to do - - thanks Matteo for opening up my eyes to the joy of homework/learning. 

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Harvest Parade

As has become customary every Friday before Halloween for Matteo & I (and now Chloe May) for the past 3 years this year we went to celebrate the Harvest Parade at the local K-2 Elementary School.  Needless to donned our Halloween costumes for the celebratory march (though we were only spectators).  

After the parade we met up with our gal pal Rory - funny story.  Pre-meeting them we were walking over to meet them (they did not know this).  Well I see our friend Sarah with an odd look on her face as Matteo stood there talking to her (this is before she saw Chloe or myself).  Seems as though she didn't recognize Matteo in his skeleton zombie costume and I didn't realize it! 

And for pajama day at school today Matteo wore this feetie scoobie doo pjs.  And I thought 4 was great - 5 is looking just as fun :-)  

Lessons learned this week and duly noted to be incorporated into my every day living: 1) If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all; and 2) if you don't want to know, don't ask.  The first I feel is perhaps most important and the second a constructive reminder from a Dear Friend - thank you.

Cheers to your Friday night, hope it was as fun as mine ;-) 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Post-B day Celebration

What a splendid way to unofficially/officially end Matteo's birthday week, with a visit from our Dear Friends the E Family.  Rory, Caleb & Sarah stopped by to extend Happy Birthday wishes to Matteo - as they were unable to make the celebration Sunday. 

I cannot think of a better way we wanted to spend 45 minutes this afternoon then reconnecting and playing with our buds :-)  Showing them our toys, what we learned, how we hang upside down, or simply....playing side-by-side.

My how they have grown.  Check out 2009

Here's to great friends and memorial moments.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wacky Wednesday

Waking up to find this - I knew Wednesday was 1) going to be a great one and 2) was wacky indeed.

PS - Don't they know there is a larger, more accommodating bed to their right :-)

So what does this brand new 5 year old do for Wacky Wednesday at school::::: wear our shirt backwards and his underwear on the outside of this pants (though we also wore a pair of underwear on the inside as well).

Still loving last year's birthday present from Aunt (not really) Jen - look what Matteo built.

Funny story about Jen - she has a twin sister Marisa.  So Marisa we call Ms. Marisa and Jen we call Aunt Jen - go figure :-)

And boy does the below pockbook have a story to tell.  You see about six weeks ago Nanny & Great Grandma visited and we went clamming and hte time got away from us so they just spent the night.  Well when they left apparently Nanny's purse was missing.  Never found.  Seems as though she left the purse in her car in front of my house and well.... who knows.  Jules & I couldn't believe it - especially with Walter - surely he would have alerted us to any criminal activity.  Fast forward to today - the neighbor two doors down knocks on the door - seems as though she found the purse in her bushes - right   in    front    of    her house!  Right there.  Not plain sight, but right there.  I walked past that very spot about 5-6 times a week - she obviously mowed - nothing.  Then she goes to rake and boom PURSE!  Well despite canceling all the pertinent credit cards and obtaining a new license, Nanny is still joyed to have her purse back.

And so the case of the missing purse is solved and another chapter is complete in the Story of Us. (a nice tie-in indeed, kudos to me - thank you).
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Back to school night at school had us asking our friend Sarah to sit with Matteo & Chloe for an hour.  Well I put the kids to bed early (justified since they were still a bit tired from Sunday) and left the computer for our friend to use - - - so now I'm wondering...should she pay me (insert LOL)???  I mean when else can a mom sit there - uninterrupted - for SIXTY minutes and just do as she pleases?  Granted there was no tv to watch..... :-)  Thanks Sarah for helping out. 

And at B2S night we were introduced to the following: children & tv   Think I'll print this out for Grandma for the holidays :) 


Monday, October 24, 2011

See you soon Amy

We were no short on tears this morning - having to say goodbye to Amy & Katelyn.  We promised to skype (a first for this G family) - so I decided to show you my two favorite photos from the weekend.

The first is on Matteo's birthday morning, I was out running errands and Amy with the kiddos.  Three kids sitting around in their pjs, smiling and playing.


The second a picture of Amy & I - totally candid.

Posted by PicasaWe promised to visit again soon and with Katelyn's birthday in February we are sure to see each other than (though I do hope before). 
A M Y - three letters - and just like her name she is easy.  Easy to be with, easy to talk to, and easy to host.  Another three letter word: fun.  No coincidence there :-)  Love you Amy!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


SOMEONE woke up 5 years old today (well actually not until 4:24 PM - but really let's go with Matteo woke up 5 yrs. old!).

...and isn't he handsome :-)

oh and fun, fun beyond belief! Energetic, loud - so loud in fact that his teacher initially thought he had fluid in his ears, but then has come to realize it's his energy.

After a relaxing morning playing with Amy & Katelyn while Mommy & Daddy got the party set up, we dressed in our best (or in Matteo's case his new star wars shirt) and got ready for the party to begin.

Funny story, initially I was just going to invite a few special friends and 4 boys from his class. Then I felt guilty and invited all the boys. And then a few weeks later I invited the 4 girls in the class. So pretty much it was a few special friends and Matteo's preschool class. But that's not all look who else came to celebrate:

G R A N D M A.

Now Grandma tends to overwhelm me with all the presents, but Matteo doesn't seem fazed by it, so I'll go with it.

For the first time ever celebrating with us: AMY & KATELYN! Amy being my elementary school BFF (the last "F" says it all) and Katelyn being our new friend. They are the best house guests: Amy helped with desserts and fun "Halloween" food ideas, while Katelyn is quiet as a mouse and just goes with the flow. So adorable.

Uncle Rocco is a constant in our lives - always there to celebrate and ready for a fun time.

I feel like we have grown up with Patrick - handsome isn't he?

We were delighted our friend Johnny could perform at Matteo's party.  He plays music for the children professionally and is beyond amazing. 

The pinata was something out of the old movie "parenthood" (thanks Amy for reminding me of that movie).  After everyone had about 4-5 turns each - we gave Matteo, Cousin Rocco, Patrick and Johnny several more turns...and still no success.! So we had Big Johnny take a few "soft" wacks.....and still no luck.  So finally little Johnny just went to town so to speak and we had success - - prizes that glowed in the dark (though it was light out) everywhere! 

Aunt Lois - another constant.  Always reliable.


Funny thing when Grandma asks who sent my children a card for their special holiday and I recite three people: Grandma, Aunt Lois & Uncle Bob - without fail always remember.  When Matteo and I had a few moments alone at this birthday and I asked him what was his favorite part he said "at the end of my party when Aunt Lois arrived."  Now Aunt Lois arrived towards the close of the party - and stayed for 45/60 minutes -(three hours travel time no doubt) and it made such a positive impact on Matteo. Special thanks to our Dear Aunt Lois.
So with an eyeball for a cake and donuts (which I don't normally give my children) for desserts, along with homemade pumpkin pie (made from a real pumpkin - thanks Kathy D. for the recipe), and a hot apple crisp we were ready for the all important happy birthday (see below).

Singing Happy Birthday to Matteo (Turned 5!)

I have always said the best part of any birthday is when everyone comes around and sings happy birthday to the birthday person.  All eyes and recognition is on that person - that special birthday person and in this case:    M A T T E O.

Indeed it was a "happy birthday".

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Saturday mornings here in our house are turning out to be very exciting with soccer at 11:30!  This week, same as last, Matteo played against his friend and preschool friend Tyler. 

It really was an exciting game.


Thanks to Amy & Katelyn for coming to root on Matteo and for adding to the excitement.sta

The day was thisclose to being severely spoiled by someone make a most inaccurate statement about myself.  A true but sad reminder how words can be like a sword and cut deeply.  Thanks to Sarah for always being there and helping me to see what was clear as day (though to be honest to this day - Monday - I still feel very poorly about the situation and wish it were not as it is).

So later that evening the Mommies & 1 Daddy took to getting our desserts ready!

First on hand was donut eyeballs!

 Then we made an eyeball cake - complete with spiders and bloody fingers!

More for the adults I also made a pumpkin pie and apple crisp -- yum yum.  Also a specical thank you to Ms. Marisa for teaching me how to make an apple cider/cranberry juice cocktail drink - complete with spices and some rum (for those who so desire).

Friday, October 21, 2011

Say Cheese!

What has Matteo looking extra handsome at school today - - PICTURE DAY OF COURSE!

But first a trip over Ms. Marisa's for an early birthday celebration and to learn how to take care of her kitty for when she is away.  One of Matteo's birthday presents was a pogo stick which Ms. Marisa said she wanted to get for Matteo for about a year now!  Other presents included soap (green of course).  And a homemade tent for our basement (pics to follow next week).

At school Matteo bought in granola and juice boxes - was line leader and received a crown which he decorated and wore proudly. 

Later that evening, again with the kiddies nestled in their bed, Amy & I hatched our plans for Sunday involving the food.  The excitement is building. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Road trip!

Our day started out early today as we went to pick up our friends Amy (!!) and Katelyn (!!) about 1.5 hours away.  Amy has been telling me for a couple of months now that she wanted to come to Matteo's 5th birthday party (5 IS a big number), so the plans have been back and forth back and forth about how she would get here, the lenght of her stay, etc. etc.  The only thing that was a constant was that it WAS going to happen!

Sure enough 8:40 this morning the kids and I took a trip two counties away and picked up Amy - - we had not seen her in almost 3 years - - and obviously she had never met Chloe May.

By 12 noon we were back home and it's like the kids knew each other

Matteo enjoyed showing Katelyn all of his toys and games.

Later that night when the kids were asleep, Amy & I stayed up "mommy late" with some wine catching up on old times, enjoying FB and just enjoying being in each others presence.  We also discussed what was on the menu for Matteo's party as well as cake and other fun party details.  Stay tuned to see what we have cooked up!Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Today Chloe May & Mommy enjoyed a luncheon on our block with the ladies.  Granted just about all these ladies are collecting social security or widowed, but that is my type of crowd for sure!  What a lovely time we had - and we met a new little one who was recently born.  Meanwhile Matteo & Daddy caught up on some tasks that needed attending to.  Life is lovely.

Monday, October 17, 2011

C day

C day at school today had Matteo bringing in his "favorite" "c"ar.  This is the car that Daddy pulled out of the attic yesterday after it had been up there for well over 15 months!  Favorite car - - doubtful :-)  but man once this child gets an idea he doesn't let it go :-)  LOVE IT.  A man who knows what he wants and sticks to it.  For instance we were in Target the other day (love it) - and Matteo wanted a chocolate chip granola bar - normally we don't have these - and so I got him one.  Then I asked what he wants to bring into school for his b-day coming up - chocolate chip granola bars!  No matter what else I suggested that is what he wanted to bring in and that is what we are bringing in this Friday.  School is great this year - though I think part of me sometimes gets sad thinking of next.  I wonder what Chloe May & I will do without Matteo - how lonely will we be.  Then I try to stay in "today" and not think about that - - Daddy has revisited homeschooling... only thing is who is going to teach the teacher what needs to be taught :-)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

30 lbs lighter

After Sunday Services, Jules & I spent a good handful of hours today cleaning out the attic.  Getting rid of more carpeting than I can imagine (but yes, it's gone), old high school sweetheart memorabilia, and other assorted things that while once treasures were now dust collectors.  Ironically Jules was more "girl" than I in wanting to keep so much while I just kept putting it back in the trash.  So pretty much if you gave me anything in the past 15 years, it's gone.  Magnets, cute photos, whatever.  I am too young to be a hoarder.  My house is lighter and I feel great!  Spring may not be in the air, but it certainly is in my step :-)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Matteo playing defense

As is becoming customary - Saturday morning was soccer.  This week Matteo learned how to play defense - as he has scored 19 goals in three games, I think the coaches want to (rightfully so) give other players a turn.  Hence, I taught Matteo that when playing defense he is not supposed to go beyond the white halfway mark.  

In the below video you will see a boy in black dribbling the ball down and Matteo (yellow) comes upon the boy to his right and watch Matteo stop the boy from scoring AND dribble the ball ..... 

Sadly, then see the moment Matteo steals the ball in front of our goal two boys collided heads resulting in black and blue eyes (we know b/c the boy in black is in our class).

An action packed game for sure.

After the game, and i"m sure due to his amazingness at playing defense, I treated Matteo (per his request) to a ring pop at the local shack.  Matteo & Chloe May loved the ring pops (never had them before) - and I proceeded to run my errands/returns as I had them all lined up.  Next thing I know, Chloe May throws up monsters of puke all over herself, the carriage and anything within touching distance.  Needless to say we went home, where after a 1 hour nap she was back to her old(?) self again.  Maybe she had what Matteo had last week and well it just  had to come out.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


seems as though i had this ephipany last week that we should raise chickens....and looks like we might run with the idea come spring time!  Walter the dog is happy :-) 

Check back in oh 7 months to see what becomes of my idea.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


So today at school I decided to invite all (all 4 of them) the little girls in Matteo's class.  I originally invited just the boys - and funny thing is when I invited the girls their mothers told me how much their daugthers talk about Matteo. 

Looking forward to the 23rd - it's sure to be a joyous celebration.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

pause button

I want to pause this moment in time.  It just seems so perfect.  Though we have our disagreements - it's so wonderful with Matteo & Chloe (Jules included too of course).  Seeing all Matteo can do - riding bikes, soccer, tying, learning to write - just amazing.  Chloe too: copies her big brother more and more - she is riding a bike (though short distance) with training wheels, she wants to write and color, and today I think she even wanted to pee standing up!  :-) 

I want to pause this moment in time and yet I want to show them all that is to be seen in the world. 

Life has so much to offer - hoping you are enjoying your Day.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Though I was supposed to visit my elementary school girlfriend Amy today and spend a few days, I decided that I was not comfortable making the 3 hour trip alone with both kids  - still not sure if what Matteo had was due to an upset stomach or some bug.  So we played it safe and stayed home - sadly. 

The day was made a bit worse by the nonstop ringing of the phone of Daddy's clients.  So we escaped for leftovers and friends back to Marisa's house. 

Our mood was lifted a bit, but Amy was never far from our mind. 


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ally's party

Matteo seemed to have been feeling better Saturday late day, however I told him if he wanted to go to our friend Ally's party he needed to rest on the couch. And he agreed whole heartedly especially since he informed me he needed the "bubble drink" that I give the kids when they are sick (note: he just wanted the drink). And like a good sister, there is Chloe May to give moral support.

So after deciding to take the central vac out of our house at 10:30 AM - we were all dressed and ready to go by 12 noon.

And with the temps in the mid-70's I had to go into storage for their outfits!

Ally's Mommy never disappoints - a magician, balloon animals, candy apples and a bouncy house -

Happy Birthday to our Gal Ally!

And when everyone was gone and we stayed to help clean up - the sun was still strong so we took one final dip in the pool we have come to call our own (shhh, don't tell the homeowners).

It was on this final dip that Matteo touched the bottom of the pool - a goal he has been trying to achieve all summer.  Good going Matteo.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Stomach bug

This morning I heard Matteo mention once at the breakfast table that he didn't feel well - - had a headache, which I said a few times yesterday when the noise was so elevated in the house, so I figured Matteo was just copying me. Seems in fact Matteo's body was not feeling well and so on the way to soccer with Matteo complaining of a headache I turned around to get him some medicine. As we pulled into the driveway, I took him out of the car and sure enough his breakfast was all over the grass several times - - indeed Matteo is not feeling well. Upon me putting him on the couch, he was asleep within 1 minute.

Our weekend plans of going away are changed, but it's okay life can wait while I care for Matteo.

In other news, which I am not sure I shared with you yet, AMAZINGLY, remember how I told you Chloe & Matteo share a room but not beds anymore...well...seems as though at night I can simply say "goodnight" give kisses goodbye and close the door (1/2 way) - and they both fall asleep without me! I mean 7:30/7:45 lights out and i"m out - no lying with anyone, no nothing. I do think Chloe May is just imitating Matteo and being quiet, but soon enough she too is asleep! Siblings are awesome - of course there are down sides: every time they race, no matter who wins I hear two voices saying "I won, I won" - which then can turn into a fight. Love it.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Hoping to carry on the family tradition, Poppi came today to teach Jules how to make wine and below is what is formenting in our basement for the next 2+ months.

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