Sunday, October 30, 2011


Another windy day - too windy to enjoy enjoy the great outdoors - so let me update you on our little family.  Chloe May is no longer in a diaper of any sorts - even bedtime she has refused to wear one since early September.  So goodbye diapers - - sometimes I smile remembering the handful of people who raised their eyes at me potty training a 19 month old..... sometimes Mommy & Toddler know best :-).

In other Chloe May news she now refuses to use the potty seat on the big potty.  No she'd rather  her a$$ hang so low in the potty that I swear it touches the water, but nevertheless goodbye potty seat - hello only big girl potty :-)

In Matteo news he is doing phenomenal in preschool - the best decision Jules & I ever made was to hold him.  He shines in both his mannerism, cooperation (usually) and his ability to write and color.

Jules' work is picking up lately - which is good considering he has to work 40 hours a month for free in order to afford medical insurance.  Thankfully we rarely use the medical - that is one bill I don't mind paying and never using.   

and me..... I'm taking one day at a time and loving being a Mom to two.

PS - we love watching the squirrel proof bird feeder whether from the kitchen as I wash dishes or from the sofa in the living room as we read books.

Life is simple and we are enjoying it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh that's so funny you caught a squirrel on the tree too!
    That feeder looks empty but really it's full of black oil sunflower seeds.


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