Thursday, September 30, 2010


Hindsight said I should have let him play in the rain in his Pjs and THEN dressed him for school :-)

In other school related news: a few days ago Matteo told me he wished he went to school 5 days a week. Today he told me he "loves" school. And then proceeded to tell me about a little boy who hits the students in the class (Matteo included) and sits on them....... a call to the school will be made tomorrow - - thought Matteo told me this doesn't bother him...... again, a call to the school will be made....check back for an update.
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Oink Oink

Trying to get Chloe May to get used to her Halloween costume - -

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Pumpkin socks continue

Going to school today of course Matteo asked to pick out his own outfit - okay no problem. I thought he looked very nice - of course the pumpkins on his socks had to be facing forward - or so he told me :-) Yes Grandma, obviously we are still making wonderful use of our socks.

And Chloe May has been eating like a champ lately - the proof is all over her face :-)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I recently discovered Matteo "reading" two pages from his Dr. Seuss Sleep Book verbatim!

Isn't life grand? :-)

Saturday, September 25, 2010


When you get 4 boys on a tire swing all laughing and having fun,

you know it's been a great day! Cheers to friendship.

Friday, September 24, 2010

walking and biking

So I have to wonder, what came first, the chicken or the egg - - or in this case Chloe May walking or Matteo riding a 2 wheeler :-)

Yes, it was a busy week, then again I expect next week to be not as eventful, but busy nevertheless with us practicing all of our new found skills :-) So hope you check back often.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Sent out our 4 year old birthday party invites today, are you on the list?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pumpkin socks

Yes Grandma, we got our pumpkin socks - -

and Matteo wore them all day yesterday :-) Thanks so much!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


It's a good day for a bike ride, wouldn't you say :-)

all I can say is move over Lance Armstrong!

Monday, September 20, 2010

On the move

Still going strong from yesterday, Matteo is continuing to ride his 12" bike without training wheels (though with Daddy's assistance of course) -
and when he is not riding outside, he is taking his sister Chloe May for a ride indoors on Mater!

Silly Chloe, don't you know you need more than 2.5 teeth to bite into that apple (though I do see #4 poking through up top)

And in other update news: my piano lessons are coming along nicely (though the summer was brutal as far as practice went).

ANNNNDDDD (and perhaps more exciting) - Chloe May took SEVEN (7) steps this morning!!!! She just stood up on her own and walked to Matteo and myself and would have walked further, except a toy tripped her up! The excitement never ceases, one day I will get footage of this walking, until then you are going to have to take my word for it - - or stop by :-)

Check back later in the week!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Training w/out training wheels

Soccer, snack and church, all before 1 PM today!! Whew is this Mommy tired :-)

So after about 2 weeks of asking to ride his bike without training wheels, I finally realized that Matteo was not "just asking" - he was serious. Hey if you want to play with the big boys, you have to keep up and I think Matteo gets this as some of his older friends who he really really likes ride w/out the training wheels, so may I present to you Lance in training ;-)

Learning on his old 12" bike is working out very well - 2x a day for about 10-20 minutes each time. Daddy says he is getting better each time - - so as always check back in to see progress!

And in case I failed to mention, look who is forward facing for about a week now:

our little Dolly.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Acorn city

Today we spent the morning raking up all the acorns and junk in the yard - something I have been meaning to do since July when all the acorns fell earlier than normal.

And Chloe May (yes that is her in those boy clothes) took to playing in Matteo's green truck.

Late in the day we also enjoyed celebrating our friend Gregory's 2nd birthday with him (again sans the camera). And since Chloe May fell asleep before the party, I was able to transfer Her to Her new turned around (Matteo's old) car seat - and hence she went to the party looking like our little brother :-) No worries. But she did take FIVE steps in a I"m thinking check back often this week for the actual footage of her's only a matter of time :-) Though I have been told numerous times I will regret wanting her to walk, I think it is exciting. and she's doing it so much sooner than Matteo (he walked at 15.5 months!) -- - - clearly she is a genius! :-)

Friday, September 17, 2010


Sometimes at night...

before bed...

you just have to

get those last giggles out!

And a very special Congratulations to our E family's newest nephew and cousin - Benjamin - how excited we have been for you all since finding out the Blessed news - and thank you for letting us be a part of this special event these past THREE days! No one was telling that little boy when to be born - - so excited everyone is healthy. Happy times are continuing.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

School - day 3 and biking

Starting to think about Matteo's four year old birthday party - I usually make the invitiations, so here is a sneak peak of a picture I may or may not use:

He's so funny - - look at that crazy smile. And I have come to learn about matteo - he just wants to make people laugh and have a good time - though he doesn't always go about it the right way (i.e. throwing mulch). But really his heart is larger than life and he's a great boy.

So day 3 of preschool - the drop off is not getting any easier, but I was on time to pick him up (early as a matter of fact) - and then we enjoyed some bike riding with our friends Caleb and Rory.

Well the girls got a push - - but the boys not only did a great job riding their respective bikes/choppers each, but also a really awesome job sharing - way to go everyone!

PS - Sorry to be so hard on school on Tuesday - the drop off is just really hard (on me!) - I'm hoping it will become easier in time.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Deciding to apple pick when it is less crowded, I took Matteo, Chloe May and of course Daddy apple picking today - - and oh boy what fun we had!

First we measured Matteo -

and attempted Chloe May

Next Matteo, Daddy and Chloe May took to the slide

and then the fun began....and we rode the tricycles for about 30 minutes - -

isn't Daddy fun :-) He probably liked the bikes more than Matteo which is saying ALOT!

And then took to the corn maze.

Apparently having him wear a green coat was not the best idea! :-)

And after about 1.5 hours we FINALLY picked some apples.

Even Chloe May enjoyed the apples

And look who decided to walk some of the way home....

practice makes perfect Chloe May!!

And a very special Happy Birthday to my nephew and Godson Jay J - who turned DOUBLE DIGITS TODAY 10!!!!! We wish him continued happiness and good health in the road of life.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

School - Day 2

Let's talk about Matteo's 2nd day of preschool. He went there today - and after a few extra good byes - and Mommy peeping in to be sure he was okay - he seemed a bit nervous - but when I walked out I could not help but tear up - I really think this preschool thing is a bunch of crap (sorry). I mean - it just is. Kindergarten should be 1/2 day - but because of all these crazy ass tests and standards, etc. kindergarten has become what USED TO BE 1st grade - you have to know how to write and read a little before kindergarten nowadays. Also, we have a friend in 1/2 day kindergarten and because it is only 1/2 day, no snack time, no play time and no lunch! Crazy . I think this whole school system is out of control - - - and leaving a 3 year old with a bunch of people I barely know just seems wrong. I hate it. It's horrible - - but you know what Matteo is taking to it slowly - and I feel like he will fully enjoy it once he gets to know the teacher better - - - so we will stick it out and see what develops - sorry for being so negative, it just makes me sad to leave a 3 year old MY THREE YEAR OLD, with someone I don't know. But if you ask me in front of Matteo, I"m all smiles and happy - because for him I feel that is what I need to do/be.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


That's right folks, Matteo is signed up for soccer again -- and I might add he did better this time around, obviously knowing a bit more of what to expect, not to use our hands, etc. Also is more fun having our friend Johnny play on the team with us! Go YellowJackets!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Birthday fun

What a wonderful day for a birthday party - today we visited the local county farm and enjoyed some good old farm fun with sheep, donkeys, cows, pigs, llamas, etc. Of course we also enjoyed an extended wagon ride. There were plenty of great pictures of Matteo with all the farm animals, however helping out our neighbor who has a semi-newborn, I took her 2 kids, and Matteo & Chloe May with me the better part of the party, so I had four kids ages 5 and under and hence it didn't lend itself to having a camera. But it was great, just getting back in touch with our calm, peaceful side. Happy 3rd birthday Lilly.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Step and First day of School

Today was a day of two firsts here on the Lane:

First, Chloe May took her first step (to Mommy of course!) -

And then my little Matteo started preschool.....that's right after a year spent going back and forth I decided to enroll him in a two day a week program for not quite 3 hours each session and the result: happy at home....

excited outside....

And when it came time for Mommy to leave..... a hug and a kiss, followed by 6-7 more hugs and kisses, and then I walked out the door, walked down the hall....did the forbidden turn around, went back...and there he stood crying. My heart broke. Would I want to be left in a room full of strangers - - no more than I would want to be left alone in a crib to cry it out, so I went....hold your breath.....back in. And I calmed him..... and we hugged and kissed 3-4 times more and then I sat him down, stayed for a few minutes, and walked outside and .... again don't judge me.....stood outside the door for about 5 minutes of which he looked over ocassionally and saw me (that's right I'm that mother).... and let me tell you if he so much as said "take me home" I just might have.....he's only 3 - - but he started chatting with the little boy next to him and ... well I left for 45 minutes came back and he was all smiles. A success?? Not sure. Tune back in on Tuesday to see where we stand...though I will say they did win him over with milk and cookies! :-) I can't believe he is almost 4 - - my heart breaks he is so beyond adorable and chatty, though granted sometimes he makes "rude" noises, or laughs inappropriately but I take that as he just wants to make people laugh and smile and really is there harm in that? Not at 3.

So when Matteo came home, and after a bike ride with some neighborhood friends (though matteo is riding EXTREMELY slowly these days a result of 2 recent and somewhat painful falls from his bike) - Matteo took to using sidewalk chalk like never before and decorating my stairs ever so nicely. Thanks Matteo.

And Chloe has taken to nightly emptying the books out of her birthday basket from our cousins and going inside for a "ride".

Entertaining to all, especially our little Dolly.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Oh Dora!

Yes, she was stuck!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

play doh

Not sure what sparked his sudden love for play doh again, but I say "awesome" !

Though I do wish it raining outside instead of 80+ degrees, no matter, we spent the day in the house doing play doh!

Worth repeating

Lord, please help me to live in the present. Please arrest my thoughts when I get caught up in looking to the future. Remind me to treasure the moments of the NOW. Thank you Jesus!

Monday, September 6, 2010


Today we helped our neighbor Yuuki celebrate his 2nd birthday

and visited with our other neighbor Patrick while at the party.

Matteo took the gift opening as an opportunity to show the hostess just what a big boy he is with his new underware (versus the little underware we gave to the birthday boy).

And while at the party, Chloe took their boat our for a ride.

A joyous celebration by all no doubt :-)

And with a whistle for a party favor, clearly I have upset the host and hostess somewhere in life :-)
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Sunday, September 5, 2010


Sunday we took a trip down to our local port -

with none other than GRANDMA!!!!!

That's right, Grandma and Gramps came for a Labor Day visit and Grandma always enjoys a trip down port.

And then we followed it by a trip to the "friendliest place on earth" - friendlys (Grandma's fav).

And to say Chloe May loves Gramps would be an understatement -

I kid you not, when Gramps handed her to Grandma - she cried!! :-) But like I said before, that will all change soon enough - it always does :-) :-)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Ice Cream!

Saturday was filled with a trip to Kohls where we purchased three different birthday gifts for our friends and family. And when we returned home, we enlisted Daddy to help assemble/wrap.

And then as a special end of the summer treat, Matteo met the music truck and discovered it's hidden surprise: ICE CREAM!!!!

Two ice creams for $5 - I must be crazy.

And yes, Chloe May too enjoyed some.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Welcome Earle - please wipe your feet

Today to get ready for Earle coming - Daddy took Chloe & Matteo out for a walk....and once they were around the block I kid you not when I say the Heavens opened up and did it downpour :-) Good thing they had such large umbrellas!

And of course every time it rains Daddy finds himself on gutter duty.

And Aunt Lois you have a new customer for the bubble wrap :-)

And again - as I told you - we really love our scream sessions :-)

Still reflecting on how fragile life is - Have you hugged your loved one today?

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Scream I

Frequently during bath time or eating time Chloe May likes to scream and then Matteo and I take turns screaming back....

not sure why we do it other than one or all of us eventually turns into giggles and isn't giggling and being silly what being a child is all about?? Hope you giggled today :-)

Also today we swam in our neighbor's lovely in-ground pool - can't tell you how proud I am of Matteo jumping off the diving board and how simply adorable he looks.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Happy September

Today after signing up for our library classes for the month of September Matteo and Daddy enjoyed watching Franklin Goes to School - to get him ready for school. We then enjoyed some swim time at our friend's house - always lovely to be included in their fun - came home had pizza on the porch (really trying to stretch these dog days of summer) and then went for a walk and wouldn't you know we ran into a neighbor that we enjoy so much. And I say "wouldn't you know" because the one time I don't brush my teeth after eating, BOOM, run into someone - and also I wasn't wearing a bra! Then got invited for some night time swim LOVELY - and whew what a day we all slumbered well that evening.