Saturday, January 30, 2010

Visiting Grandma

With Gramps working OT today - we took the opportunity to spend some one-on-one time alone with Grandma today - - hence we ventured up to Her house early :-)

After a successful trip to BJ's (and a $24 savings in diapers later), we met up with our cousins Andrew (5) and JJ (9).

JJ and Andrew decided to play "7-up" (BLAST FROM THE PAST)...hence here are Andrew (5), Matteo (3) and Kimmie (2) "attempting" to play 7-up with JJ and Uncle Jules...needless to say it didn't last but 2 rounds.

Great pic of JJ (my Godson) and Chloe May.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Office relocation

With the windchill as cold as they were today (I think something like a real feel of 3 degrees) Daddy moved his "office" downstairs today (and yes he took the car to work - - hence the red car in the pic haha).

Thursday, January 28, 2010

hand painting

I realize I am becoming a stage mom, but really - - all I want Matteo to do is COLOR!! Hence, knowing his new found love of paint I told Matteo he could finger paint as long as he stayed in the lines........

obviously from the picture above, it turned more into hand panting! We'll try again soon (and PS - I do give him crayons--to which he takes them and "builds" with them--clearly not their intended purpose).

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


An article I have been meaning to share with you:

This article is simply mind-blowing: a woman pays for another woman's eggs, pays for sperm, pays for ANOTHER woman to carry the baby, pays for the fertility clinic to handle the implantation, etc. So the question arises, WHOSE BABY IS IT? Other stories too are very similar in the article, but WOW, what a story.

click here

smiles abound!

No matter how silly we get with Chloe May......

she's always smiling......

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010


8:22 AM - All I did was say I'd be right back....

:-) e.
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Monday, January 25, 2010

Stay in school

This video goes out to our 5 1/2 year old cousin Andrew who flip-flopped in Kindergarten today - -

Have fun!
Thanks for the call Cousin Kimmie!

Chloe May was too busy working on her push ups to talk :-)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Love fruit

Auntie, we still have the "fruit" you gave us 6 1/2 years ago - - Matteo LOVES to play with them....

Mommy loves to hide them in the cabinet! haha.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

So Innocent!!!

What a great morning we had with Daddy-- we went for a walk, played outside for over 1.5 hours, and then had lunch together. And Daddy said the most interesting thing at lunch: "I wish I could freeze Matteo in time." WHAT?? (Now don't get me wrong, I love Matteo and all, but maybe [DEFINITELY], 3 would not be my "freeze in time choice").

And then the second half of the day, we went to confession at Church (as I have been delinquent in my weekly attendance at Mass), went to Church (the first two things Matteo had to be quiet for), came home had dinner and bedtime..... and you know what---Daddy wasn't wishing he could freeze our THREE YEAR OLD in time anymore!!!!

Oh Daddy---you are so so innocent :-) HAHAHAH.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Breast pad....

Today at lunch Matteo told me his belly hurt and he needed my breast pad to make it feel better. Interesting I I asked him again what he needed and again he repeated he needed my breast pad. So I thought maybe he meant an icepack (sound alike - no? haha) - so I got him an ice pack. WRONG...he continued to inform me that he needed my breast pad. So we just let it go and went on with the day.

However later on as he was settling down to watch a movie, he again informed me his belly hurt and would I get him a breast pad. Then he proceeded to walk me around the house looking for luck finding it. Then he said again he had a belly I told him that I would get him the heating which he replied "Oh is that what you call it?" HAHA.

Once again the innocence of a 3 year old.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Strolling around

Oh Grandma...........

this new stroller makes me SOOOOOOOOOO happy for obvious reasons :-) haha. (it was a hard day allow me this).

And speaking of "Moms" - - tonight I was just reflecting how happy I am to have a "mom" and a "mother -in-law" in my life. They each have taught me so is what TO DO...and the other.......... well i'm in enough trouble over my ipod humor (see older post) so i'll let it go :-)
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Why so serious?

This one is for the forgotten men of the group.
Well, at least, they have a better shot at getting this...

WhY So SeRiOuS?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today I decided to finally set up the jogging stroller Grandma bought us back in July......

(note to self: should have set it up in the garage as we had to fold it down to take it out of house!). And while I don't like pushing Chloe (prefer to wear her) - she enjoys sitting next to her Big Brother (who wouldn't).

And in today's edition of "Whose Side are you on" - Daddy received an ipod touch for his b-day 2 years ago (I gave it to him) - he used it for about 2 days until I took it over (really why did he need it when he sits in front of a computer all day?). So essentially it was mine..... until Monday when I handed it to Daddy and said "the button feels funny" (it was working at the time - a fact which contiunes to be disputed) - and he said "well it's broken". So I took it to the Apple store in the mall (with 2 children - one of whom said when we walked in the Mall - "mommy they are playing music" poor child is so mall deprived haha) - and for some reason they said it cannot be fixed (button was broken) - - so essentially it was garbage. They did however GIVE ME a new one.....however they gave it to me.....MOMMY..... hence Daddy's is BROKEN and I have a new free one.....I explained this to Daddy all day (a few fights broke out over him not understanding my sense of humor over the situation).....but it's mine and I would prefer daddy NOT to touch it as he clearly did not take care of his and it's broken. :-) Good so you're on my side.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Walking without wearing

Decided to start walking without wearing Chloe today....

she loved it, fell asleep, and I hated it to be honest.....I missed her :-(

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Grandma visits!

Grandma and Gramps came for a late day visit on Saturday HOORAY!!

Not sure why Grandma has Chloe May all bundled up (house is typically 75), but Chloe's a good sport.

And clearly Daddy was having such fun he took photos of Matteo's dinosaur.....

while of course Gramps slept :-)

Would you expect anything different from him?

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Last week I was bargain hunting (as I do so well - - toot toot my own horn) and came across this great outfit for Chloe.

When I showed Daddy he said it looked like "leopard print"......SERIOUSLY..... I would not dress Chloe in leopard print..... I thought it looked like soft/warm/fuzzy pink.....well you be the judge....I'm considering returning it, but after seeing this picture I fell in love all over again.
What do you think?
And Amy how sweet of you to remember my birthday - thanks for the surprise package in the mail. I was tickled pink that you made Matteo a journal - with dinosaur stickers - how appropriate! :-) And Yes I loved my necklace as well... :-) :-) You're the best chicky...but perhaps my favorite was the "Happy Birthday Ellissa" wrapping job you did - I actually cut that out and hung it in the kitchen so every time I pass the cabinet I'll think of you (as if I needed a reminder). I miss you too!

And I have some sad news:::::::: BRACE YOURSELF::::::::: This evening when eating dinner with Matteo - I asked him if he would marry me and he said no, he was going to marry "Caleb". I thought well maybe it's because he and Caleb had a play date yesterday, so I asked again (I mean 3 year olds change their mind like the wind, right?) - and he confirmed he was going to marry Caleb (not Rory his sister - though he did tell me she "eats food"). Yes dear followers, my heart is broken.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Recently I was speaking to Grandma about a jar of honey that I asked Jules to pick me up.....he got me a square container.

I told Grandma and she agreed, we like the honey jars that are bears because they always smile at us :-) So next time I visited Grandma she gave me a jar of honey that was......A BEAR!

When I visited Grandma 5 days later....... she gave me an EVEN LARGER jar of honey....that was a bear :-) :-)

There's no one like a mom---especially a mom like mine :-) I miss her sometimes---- and the other times I'm sleeping.

PS - We're good on the honey Grandma.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Take Chloe to work day

Monday was "Take your Daughter to work day".....

at least in our house it was :-) Yes, Mommy rec'd some work from her old job (which hasn't happened in about 3 or 4 months and no, I didn't miss it - haha).

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Helping out!

This is what happens when I ask Matteo to bring Chloe May a toy.........

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Baby it's cold out!

All dressed up and out in the cold we go!

And Matteo was tickled pink when we returned back from our cold trip outside to see a neighbor dropped us off a bag of used toys (new to him) and inside were a pair of goggles......


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mommy's Birthday!

What comes after Grandma's birthday.....MOMMY'S BIRTHDAY!

Today for my special day, I decided to take Matteo to see his first movie: Alvin and the Chipmunks...though rated PG - I was certain he would not have enough exposure to anything horrible to retain it (I was right!).

Mommy & Matteo inside the movie theatre for the first time :-)

and yes, Matteo did enjoy some popcorn (another first) - however no way was he sharing with Chloe May (nor would Mommy allow it)!

and at the end of the day we enjoyed a slice of ice cream cake that was left over from Grandma's party yesterday.

Happy Birthday Mommy - no need for wrapped up presents, I have the two greatest gifts on my lap :-)
What more could a Mommy want?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy Birthday Grandma

What a joyous celebration we had today - not only did Grandma visit, but she visited us on her birthday!! And not any special birthday but her......

65th birthday! Yes those are 65 George Washingtons :-) (Don't count on it come your birthday Gramps).

Chloe May was so excited for the big event, she got dressed up in something other than pajamas! haha. However much to Grandma's dismay she was not in socks. (Grandma when our house is 76 degrees - she doesn't need socks, or a sweater or sweatpants!).

Yes Matteo was tickled pink that Grandma came and could not show her enough :-)

Always one final photo before Grandma leaves.

Happy Birthday Grandma :-)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Thanks Ambrose Family

Well a couple weeks ago - 2 to be exact- we received this box in the mail from our Dear Friends Danny, Amy & Katelyn. However, being the oh so wise mommy that I am - I knew to quickly hide the box and save it for a "rainy day." Alas with the wind chill -1, TODAY WAS OUR RAINY DAY! :-)

However Amy with Danny working for USPS - I was a bit disappointed at the condition in which our box arrived. Please have Danny advise me of where I should log my complaint :-)

Reading the puzzle box, Daddy says: "Its gonna be this big!?"

What a great idea Amy - you gave Mommy & Daddy a movie (bonus Popcorn!) for Christmas - and a girly movie no doubt :-) Kisses.

How many times has Matteo done this puzzle a day - no less than 2 - sometimes 3! Yes folks 2010 is the year of the dragon, dinosaur & puzzle :-)

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Saturday, January 2, 2010

More Snow

Another day...another burst of snow...

So far about 2" I think..just enough to take out the sled (thanks Uncle Jason!) and go for a ride!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

And what a fun way to start the New Year - by visiting Grandma and Gramps....

Of course our cousins were there (joy!).

Gramps rested (would you expect anything but)

And Chloe enjoyed some alone time with Grandma while the cousins played outside (soon Chloe you too can join them).

With the food cooking inside, the boys (and Kimmie) took to Auntie's play set outside.....
and this included some snowballs of course..and in case you are wondering who that man is...DADDY of course - he's "snow" much fun :-)

New Year's III

Of course you didn't expect New Years to end without some sort of birthday cake did you? :-)

The two birthday girls before our big day!

It's much more fun watching the children blow out the candles then it is the birthday girls..wouldn't you agree?

These two always seem to sit next to each other at some point or another, augh cousins and their love :-)

Sorry Chloe May next year you'll get some :-) But you do look cute in the new outfit Grandma got you.