Friday, April 10, 2009

Llams and ostritchs and buffalo..OH MY!

Another dear friend of ours this week was kind enough to invite us to the game farm, apparently also referred to as the "zoo" here on the Island. What was so great about this is she organized this outing for her mother's group at a discounted entrance rate of $5.83/adult! That is a savings of over $10! And in today's recession who doesn't love a savings?

Well, we've never been to the zoo, so imagine all the new animals we experienced (close up!) and the fun we had.

Below Daddy and Matteo are feeding some animal. Don't know what, but it was fun because we walked among them.

Next at the nursey, a baby goat enjoyed Daddy feeding him a bottle.

And the sheep were a little too up close for Matteo, so he monkeyed around on Daddy's back.

And this is a working picture, hence our tax deduction :-) You see Daddy is working on a buffalo website and if you look in the back, that DOES look like a buffalo to me!! So clearly Daddy was doing research and come tax season next year, our write-off. JUST KIDDING UNCLE SAM.....maybe.

1 comment:

  1. I love that big beautiful smile on Matteo's face in the first picture. It really looks like a fun day at the farm.


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