Monday, January 26, 2009

Amy to the Rescue

Amy you have rescused us! If you recall our "monkey" pjs were getting holes in the plastic feet and really could not be fixed, only cut, but that leaves a toddler with no feet pjs and a ccold bedroom. Well Amy looked tiredlessly for these monkey pjs and sadly did not find them. However she did suggest we go to Kohls (kudos amy), which advice we followed and lo and behold, we didn't find monkeys, but WE DID FIND "RACE CAR" and anyone who is familiar with Matteo knows he enjoys the movie, books and characters from "cars" very much so. So thank you Amy, you save us (unless of course these get holes in the feet).
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1 comment:

  1. Well I am glad I could be of service to you. And I love the Car PJ's and am glad Matteo like them!

    I was looking for some more PJ's myself for Katelyn but everywhere I went they were out of the warm fleece ones and no 12 months. Booooo they only have the new spring light weight PJ's. So needless to say we'll just have to make do with what we have.


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