Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Ok, the "big day" is finally here. Just so you know we start talking about this day from mid-December until it arrives...............MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! What a treat it was. First Matteo and Mommy went to school, wherein during circle time we were tickled pink when our teacher called was patting Matteo's lovely curls and called him his friend Caleb's name about two times! Matteo didn't do so well in school as having been off for 2 weeks I believe made him forget the routine. However let's hope next week he is back on the horse.

Next when we came home to our delight Grandma and Gramps came to celebrate my birthday. Of course with the pending ice storm coming (we got rain, they got ice), they could only say 2-3 hours. Nevertheless fun was had by all and Mommy always loves when Grandma and Gramps come and visit (even if they do suck up the heat from our wood burning stove...I swear I seee them pocket it and take it home).

Here is Mommy on her special day sharing it with Grandma and Matteo.

Of course, Matteo loves Grandma's attention. Not sure what had him laughing here, but I can only imagine it was Gramps, who was sitting across the table from him.
And before they were off, one group shot. Notice Matteo who hadd a fit at having his picture taken without his permission.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday Dear Ellissa
    Happy Birthday to you!! How old now 45! 50!! J/K I know I'm the old bag!! Well miss ya and hope you got all your birthday wishes!!


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