Friday, January 30, 2009


Not sure how we survived Friday, and yet here I sit, typing the blog. Well Friday started out a bit unusual as Matteo and Mommy had to make up a day at school (our last day to be exact), hence into the tub early Matteo. Next Mommy showered and with 25 minutes to spare before school started, I went downstairs to our WBS (wood burning stove) to dry off with Matteo. Well as I was watching Matteo and Daddy play together, I said to Daddy, "mmm the carpeting feels wet" to which Daddy replied "no it doesn't." Granted, Daddy was ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM, so of course he wouldn't know! So I proceeded to prove backwards and sure enough as I moved, my socks got VERY WET. Daddy inspected and upon opening our storage room doors, discovered everything inside was wet/soaked/ruined. The time is now 8:55 AM. Next Walter (dog) comes downstairs, looks very upset, sure enough about to throw up. Mommy runs him upstairs and outside WE MADE IT! Okay, all that happened within a span of 10 minutes to Mommy did what any other Mommy would do, threw on some clothes and quicckly left with Matteo for school, this was clearly Daddy's mess!!! Below is Daddy emptying all my "treasures" out of the storage room. Also included, useless stuff, regifts (Not anymore), never worn clothes (i just donated them), yet to be opened christmas and birthday gifts (we opened them now as the boxes were ruined).

Please take note, this is Daddy's 3rd time mopping.......clearly not happy. Also, please take note of the target mop and pail which if you refer back to December Mommy had to drive for, etc. Well clearly daddy is mopping in style.
Mid-day the mood is lightening a bit, Daddy with happy with his caffeine fix (tea).

THE CULPRIT (spelling is not an issue at this point, as I am exhausted!). Not that our house is ever below freezing or 65 for that matter, however let this be a lesson to everyone...really there is no lesson just dam frozen pipes :-)
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1 comment:

  1. Man, That stinks that your pipes froze. You need to tell Giulio when you say something is wet it's WET!!!

    But you really have to give it to him, he's a good sport about things!!!

    Oh in all this craziness how was Matteo's last day of school?


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