Friday, July 24, 2009

Too busy to deliver!

Friday was such a busy day, so I really COULD not have gone into the hospital then.

You see on occasion Walter (dog) likes to roll around in...well poop. Not sure why, I personally consider it disgusting, but he prefers that activity over something more productive (i.e. digging holes), hence Daddy and Matteo took to washing Walter.

And yes Grandma, the water is cold.

Also with Grandma leaving matteo so so many phone messages (and Matteo not quite understanding the use of the phone), he decided to try to share his juicebox with Grandma as he was listening to her phone message.

(Notice he has not been mentioning Gramps - - - I'm wondering if they had a falling out.

And lastly, in an effort to cram yet another activity in before Baby arrives, Mommy enlisted Daddy's help - because she has the ideas and Daddy executes them - into making Matteo a sandbox. A nice little nook which we can't wait for cousin Andrew to come and help us dig in.

1 comment:

  1. Boy oh Boy Walter looks possessed with those glowing green eyes!!! I think Walter just likes baths!!

    And what a smart idea of putting a sandbox in that space by the deck, it's like his own little Island!! Way to go Mommy good idea!!!


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