Saturday, July 4, 2009


Boy today is an exciting day, not only is it the 4th of July, but Matteo got to wear his "95" lightening maqueen shirt!!! (If you would also notice his new sandals, which we purchased back in March/April and have been waiting ever since to wear).

Boy our little Matteo sure is growing up!

Baby check: Looks like Mommy is still pregnant! Since our little bundle hasn't arrived yet, we took off to see the parade this morning.

ANOTHER family photo? Pretty soon my arms will be REALLY full.

And SURPRISE, we saw our friends Caleb and Rory at the parade. Believe it or not, this was the only photo Mommy got of Matteo and his friend, as they were so delighted running around in circles, smiliing, jumping. However I think Caleb's Mommy got a better photo as she had more patience to keep her camera out longer.

And as a special treat tonight, SPECIAL treat as i would never promote soda for anyone unless a super special occasion, I think I am going to let Matteo have his first root beer float! I know i know, we brush before bed and it will not become a habit, however who doesn't like the occasional treat....and mmm mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmm doesn't the memory of a root beer float bring you back to your youth :-)

Happy 4th of July Dear Friends and Family, no I don't think the baby is coming just yet and s/he certainly cannot come on Monday (Gramps' birthday).

1 comment:

  1. Now that's what I'm talking about great family picture, very festive.

    95 was a great year, for the both of us that is when we fell in love with our future baby daddy's!!


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