Friday, February 11, 2011

Back to the kitchen store today and not sure if Chloe is sick or it's just her upper teeth wreaking havoc on her body....time will tell :-)

and yes I just really feel as though I have truly figured out this whole preschool...I do in my heart of hearts believe Matteo just wants his friends attention and is unsure of how to get it, we're working on positive ways to get it, but I really must comment I feel as though a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulder.

A special hanks for the many chats Sarah.

Also honorable mention to Ms. Marisa, for the 30% off kohls coupon, we knew you would have it!

Lastly, Daddy's client is trying to get him to come to Florida for business, enticing him with a trip to the beach, etc. Check back to see how that plays out (much to this household's dismay).

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