If it's a day of the week that starts with a "T" and ends with a "y" - you know Matteo's bottom has been in the timeout chair at school - and today was no exception. So all weekend I mention to Matteo - not really lying - how the little boy who WAS in his class who used to sit in the timeout chair alot is no longer there probably because he got too many timeouts (certainly not too far fetched) - and that it would be a shame if he too had that consequence. Made no difference. When I picked up Matteo today I asked the teacher (who really looks exhausted at the end of the day) - if Matteo rolled around on the floor to which she replied: not as much as usual...... (I did ask!). Then she continued with (but really Ms. Teacher I stopped asking!) - she has to hold his hand alot! Ho hum.... this our school experience continues......
Have I shown you Matteo's school picture?

He just makes me melt :-) - So handsome.
So today before school, Matteo - who has helped make yesterday's turkey craft for his two teachers, principal and 2 special friends - informs me he wants to give another turkey to another boy in his class - and with 40 minutes before school (and still have to eat lunch, brush teeth, etc.) that is exactly what we did - make another 11 Tom Turkeys! :-)
And again, so handsome, when picked Matteo up at school today, he was wearing a pilgram had he made - or the teacher made - but oh so adorable! Oh to be 4!
Have I shown you Matteo's school picture?
He just makes me melt :-) - So handsome.
So today before school, Matteo - who has helped make yesterday's turkey craft for his two teachers, principal and 2 special friends - informs me he wants to give another turkey to another boy in his class - and with 40 minutes before school (and still have to eat lunch, brush teeth, etc.) that is exactly what we did - make another 11 Tom Turkeys! :-)
And again, so handsome, when picked Matteo up at school today, he was wearing a pilgram had he made - or the teacher made - but oh so adorable! Oh to be 4!
AND AUNT LOIS recognize this familar face???? BUNNY!!
Please notice how well we are taking care of Bunny (Aunt Lois gave Matteo Bunny back over the summer when we visited her house - much to my dismay - she swears Santa is bringing a pink flamingo to which I reply no way!). Anyway, with tonight's (it's 4:15 pM look at how dark EEEK!) - warmer temps (60s!) - Matteo took to building Bunny a warm home outside for the winter. And he still remembers who gave it to him "Aunt Lois!". See you in 31 days!
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