Well after four weeks of talking to Matteo about St. Nick, he finally arrived at Matteo's house and not a moment too soon it seems. While Matteo and Mommy slept peacefully (have you read about Christmas eve yet, we were exhausted!), Santa crept down our chimney, busily put out our toys and gifts and before leaving stopped for a snack of cookies and milk.
Here is a picture of our modest little Christmas on Tall Tree before the family woke up to check out what Santa left.

Santa also left Matteo some light up ducks, because if you know Matteo, you know how much he likes objects that light up.

After opening our presents, poor Daddy got the worst present of all. You see, I am convinced Walter (dog) was not happy with his bones that Santa left him, hence he went outside to spite everyone and rolled around in things that do not smell nice (insert your imagination). Here at 8:30 AM is Daddy bathing poor Walt, and yet having a good sense of humor about himself while doing it. NOTE TO WALTER: That was not very Christmassy of you.

And here we are on our way to Oma's house. This is the one and only picture of Matteo in his Christmas outfit. The other pictures he kept wiggling, not looking at the camera, etc.
More importantly, please let me point out how we have to travel just about 90% of our car time. Notice Kitty in the upper left corner hanging? When cousins Jay J and Andrew visited over Thanksgiving, Andrew hung a prize he received "up high" in the car and Matteo has never ever forgotten and if we fail to hang Kitty "up high" Matteo throws a fit liek you cannot believe! Matteo always has to be just like cousin Andrew - - when he is not attacking him of course :-)

Daddy, just could not resist trying on the new sunglasses that Santa gave Mommy. Still on the fence about who looks better, but DAddy does look very posh, wouldn't you agree?

Our Christmas would not be complete without a picture of the two who made it all possible and hosted this madhouse of relatives, Poppi Lou and Oma.

Gramps, the ever so festive one, saw present opening time as a time to catch up on some zzzzzzzzzzzzz's. Poor limpy.

Matteo enjoyed some quiet time drawing and Daddy loved this photo shot, as does Mommy. Look at his concentration level and the innocence of his hands, so small and tender :-)

Matteo is not quite sure what to make of Poppi Lou's piggy slippers.

And when Matteo received a penguin outfit from Aunt Lois and Uncle Frank he HAD to wear it then and now.

Once again, during all of the festivities Gramps is STILL sleeping.

Here is Cousin Frank and Matteo, kind of playing together. Matteo kept confusing Cousin Frank with Uncle Frank and hence the name switch.

And showing that he still remembers his signs (my heart is all a twitter), Matteo is showing Mommy that there are deer on his pants.

And once again, recall Christmas Eve, Matteo ended the night running around yelling, "I'm naked, I'm naked." Also, notice the way too sweet candycane lolly pop in his hands, so much sugar that he stayed awake 80% of the way home.
Finally, in closing, as Santa says: Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. And remember dear friends, it's never too late to be good for next year as Santa is always watching and listening and really we should just be good to be good.