With Nanny & Poppi in tow (love the mini-van) - we took a road trip. One that lasted: 3 potty breaks, 2 hours and 1 vomit (matteo taking his vitamin on an empty stomach).
WE ARRIVED at the lighthouse.
WE ARRIVED at the lighthouse.
Matteo had such a delightful time - we climbed all 137 steps 3 times and was asking for a 4th and 5th time.
Of course we visited the beach at the lighthouse as well - and our little clan took to a rock walk - where Matteo and Poppi found two muscles still alive - so of course we took them home to continue to examine them. Below three generations - breathtaking isn't it.And what Dolly doesn't love her Poppi.
And while Chloe May napped, I knew we should have left, but oh you can't leave a place like The End without sampling some seafood and that is just what I did. The ride home only involved one potty break - and it was easy as it was Matteo. Now we are talking about the next lighthouse we can visit - I think that will be in September as Matteo is really smitten with them.

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