Chloe May gets nothing but compliment after compliment when we go to the beach on how adorable she is - the Moms esp love her boots.

The boots were my idea after her being upset at the feeling of sand for the first 3 or 4 days last week. Well HELLO of course she is upset about it, how would I feel if someone made me walk on play doh without ever having really been in it before? So the boots really help to combat any "sand feeling" while she is walking and I am slowly introducing Chloe to standing in the sand in the water and she will stand/play in the sandbox at home - hopefully by next year she feels more comfortable in the sand - in the meantime, yes she does look A D O R A B L E!
And I simply continue to fall more and more in love with this beach - 5-7 minutes from home, no season pass, just gorgeous!
The boots were my idea after her being upset at the feeling of sand for the first 3 or 4 days last week. Well HELLO of course she is upset about it, how would I feel if someone made me walk on play doh without ever having really been in it before? So the boots really help to combat any "sand feeling" while she is walking and I am slowly introducing Chloe to standing in the sand in the water and she will stand/play in the sandbox at home - hopefully by next year she feels more comfortable in the sand - in the meantime, yes she does look A D O R A B L E!
And I simply continue to fall more and more in love with this beach - 5-7 minutes from home, no season pass, just gorgeous!
I just love love love that bikini!! Super cute!!