So folks today was Matteo's last day of Snow Plow Sam 1 with ice skating. Daddy and Matteo both graduated to the next level so with next week off, we will continue the first week in March with ice skating - for 7 sessions.

And on the way to the car in the parking lot, Matteo (holding Daddy's hand - ahem) - fell while walking. See photo below:
And on the way to the car in the parking lot, Matteo (holding Daddy's hand - ahem) - fell while walking. See photo below:
Now let me tell you Matteo and I have, at this point in his life, clocked hundreds of parking lots and never has a fall looked so bad! And you wonder WHY I don't leave the kids with Daddy - imagine if I did - - - Matteo would probably be missing a leg!
And of course our little Dolly (whom I started calling "Me 2" in my head) saw Matteo's bandaid and she too had to have one - below she is demonstrating how to put it on (not that i wasted one putting it on).
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