So why the big smile???
We're on our way to Austin's birthday party at CHUCK E(bola) Cheese!! Haha. First time for everything - - and I knew that the host would give the kids tokens to play games, etc. but no worries, Matteo spent (and I"m not kidding or exaggerating) 1.5 hours in the sky:
He only came down 2 times for a matter of 10 seconds to tell me who 1) stepped on his finger; and 2) touched his leg. Other than that he was up and down the slide, climbing all around inside, loving life!
Our friend Austin on the other hand, not so thrilled with the loud music and loud birthday serenading (but what an adorable reaction to it all).
And so Matteo is asking me when we can go back to Chuck E Cheese - to which I reply next time we are invited - -hey as long as he had fun and we came home and washed our hands, burned our clothes and gargled. haha.
And alas when the cake was cut I allowed Matteo to go back into the sky ever so briefly and then off we were home to enjoy the remainder of the sunshine! Spring is coming - but hopefully not without one more good snow!
And Matteo has informed me he is going to have his 5th birthday at a jumpy house - to which I replied that due to the high cost we could only invite 1 friend - to which he countered he is 4 so we would need to invite 4 friends: JayJAndrew (I think he thinks this is one person), Kimmie Kim, Grandma and Colleen (know by all the other children as Auntie).
And speaking of our extended family: look at the georgous/too soft towel (well actually it's a blanket but Matteo keeps calling it a towel) they gave him:
Matteo was delighted to wake up to it - and literally rolled around the better part of the morning in it!! Super thanks.
One final nursing update: I believe Chloe May has a sore throat - so when she cried quite a bit last night Daddy said it would be okay if I nursed her (post-bedtime) - but my Dear Followers I could not. I felt as though I am too new at our rountine and the slope would forever be slippery. So I held steadfast and rocked her, spoke softly to her and well it took a good 6 minutes, but off to sleep she went. This concludes our updates - thank you for your interest.
And in goodbye news: Daddy leaves this week. Check back to see how we all handle the departure.
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