I'M OVERDUE!!!!! :-) Officially. Yesterday I gave this baby the benefit of the doubt, saying "perhaps s/he is on a different time zone", today, there is no hope. I told Grandma yesterday, I had trouble getting the baby to stay in, now can't seem to get him out!!! :=)
Just having some fun, don't mind me. Speaking of fun, guess what Matteo did this morning in his PJ's (whom he is often confusing with TJ [or DJ] from Cars) - - played outside in the pouring rain! Yes and despite his repeated requests to have Mommy come outside, he failed to understand that Mommy has 2 outfits that currently fit her and with one in the wash, I cannot get my last remaining outfit wet or dirty. Hence, my Matteo took to the yard himself..........
BUT WAIT! Mommy enlisted Daddy's help (much to HIS dismay -- - why does he have only 2 outfits?) to set up Matteo's slide and pool (free water is just that - - free water).
And when we had enough playing outside, Mommy decided to put together our new tandem stroller. Actually I read the directions (not that he really needed me to, but it's nice to be included) and Daddy put it together. Note: Matteo can sit or stand on this stroller, but for now I said to Daddy let's not introduce the "stand" and buckle him in instead.
PRESTO! (can't spell the french word I am thinking of) so this will have to do.

And that Dear Friends is how we spent our 70 degree rainy July day. I read today many forecasters are saying this is going to be the Summer that wasn't - - meaning no heat wave, not many days above 90 (if any) - - - time will tell. One thing is for sure, in the next 10 minutes to 15 days this child is coming out! :-) Tomorrow perhaps?
That is a really neat stroller and it looks like Matteo likes it too.