Never fully having his full of us here on Tall Tree, look who took a trip down with Grandma and Gramps this weekend - COUSIN ANDREW (age 5)!!!!!! Now Andrew had a 2 year old birthday party to attend at Chucky Cheese, so when I invited him, I could not (actually I could) believe he said yes. Clearly this child knows fresh air is more inviting then inside, stale environment, etc.
So after Mommy and Grandma hit the outlets for a quick hour, we took our "tres amigos" to the beach with us and as always oh what fun we had :-)
And, as is becoming customary, Daddy picked up a we didn't take him home to/for dinner, rather let him free after showing Grandma.
And yes here we all are :-) 39 weeks pregnant..can you tell - - haha.

And in case you are wondering where Gramps is, he stayed back at home to clean his new car. Yes loved the visit with you too Gramps (actually I don't care, but it would not be me unless I otherwise mocked him on this every chance I get).
And in case you are wondering where Gramps is, he stayed back at home to clean his new car. Yes loved the visit with you too Gramps (actually I don't care, but it would not be me unless I otherwise mocked him on this every chance I get).
I think it's sooo nice that Grammy and Adrew came to visit, it always looks like the boys have so much fun together.