Surely you didn't think that was the end of our saga. Oh no, whatever comes out, must go back in. Well first things first, Daddy is here lying the new carpeting courtesy of Gramp's closed carepting store. Boy am I glad I stocked up Grumps (no spelling error there! haha).
Next, as always a fine helper, Matteo is helping Daddy vacuum the new rug.
Well Mommy bores easily. Hence she (really had DAddy do it) assembled one of Matteo's almost ruined birthday gifts.
What happened next is pretty funny (to someone with my sense of humor). You see Matteo is so into hammering that he does so without being cautions (as if a 2 year old is ever cautions). Here if you notice, Matteo hammers once, twice, and on the third time he hurts himself, hence he disappears without so much as a peep. Matteo often lays on the floor with his head down when he gets hurt, not wanting to be touched or consoled, however I don't think my laughing made him feel any better!
Oh no wait it did, here he is coming for a hug and kiss that only mommy can give :-)

In the end our storage room is back together and our rug needs new padding and to be set back into place. Only a small portion, so other than two days lost, we made our pretty lucky.
Matteo is way too cute! Is that the new toy you put together that was in the storage closet? It looks like fun, minus the concusions!! HeHe!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's a good thing you had carpet from your dad, I had no idea he closed his business!!! Also I love to see Matteo helping Giulio work it's sooo adorable!!!