Today started with Matteo looking really great for our big day out...until he insisted on wearing his fire truck shirt which incidentally are his PAJAMAS!

However our attention soon turned to the delicious pumpkin spice muffins our friend Caleb's Mommy brought over.......mmmm.......delicious. Thank you Caleb's Mommy.

Next on our big adventure day, we took a pit stop at a local duck pond, where Matteo enjoyed seeing the "quack quack". Here, he started to learn to walk and hold my hand.

Next, sadly, we had to visit the doctor for Matteo's 2 year wellness shot. From the moment we arrived in the parking lot, Matteo understood where we were and kept saying "home home home." Followed by "no doctor." Mommy was so sad, even moreso because Matteo sobbed (honest) for an hour straight. Our visit consisted of two needles, but the tears soon vanished when Matteo was presented with TWO stickers....what none for Mommy?
Sounds like a busy day. Sorry mine was very boring. I promise to post more tomorrow!