With this winter being milder than usual, you know once at Amy's we had to visit the local park. This park was great, complete with a small playground (though there was no complaining by anyone), a baseball field, tennis courts, a skate park, and about a .7 mile hike.
So first things first.
Lining the playgroud were these gorgeous woods complete with larger than life rocks (small exaggeration). However Matteo quickly took to the rocks and wanted to climb same. So we all did (minus Chloe May who was swinging) - and I was able to snap this great photo - playing "King of the Mountain."
Next we took a hike into the woods in search of a rock that was a slide Amy told us. Well we hiked for about 5-7 minutes and then came across this beautiful waterfall that turned into a stream. Upon closer examination we found the rock slide!

Matteo, Amy & Katelyn were all to eager to go down - I on the other hand didn't think my yoga pants would last such a venture - but next time I know to bring my burlap sack!
And what did you expect after such a day filled with fresh air and hiking - nothing short of a slumber party.
And while Amy was most helpful in making Matteo's 5 year old eyeball cake - I on the other hand laid down with Chloe May to get her to go to sleep - and feel asleep until 11 PM - only to wake and see Amy was just about done with the below masterpieces.
Since the theme of the party was "Max & Ruby" - Amy made a Ruby birthday cake.....
and for the "max" part of the theme, she made a "worm" cake - complete with "worms" and "dirt". Gross you are thinking but in hindsight, I am kicking myself for not bringing a slice of this delicious 3 layered cake home!
And then the good friend like I am went back to bed around midnight when Chloe May woke up. Sorry Amy - but you always woke up to a sink full of clean dishes and one day to a crumb cake!
PS - thanks to amy for indulging this chicky again with a mushroom burger! I think I want to marry you simply for your mushrooms :-)
I had such a great time at the Park that rock slide was awesome! Chloe and Katelyn looked so cute in there jammies!! :)