A great time was had by all today riding the local steamers. Matteo in partiuclar had been waiting for over 2 weeks to ride the "high rise" ones - and indeed today his wait paid off as he road "big boy" (must be 4 years old) steamers. For that train ride, Chloe May & I
And may I introduce the newest tying member of our house - Matteo!!
After reading a headline in a magazine this summer that said more children can program the DVR (whatever that is) than tie a shoe, I said "well not my child" - and hence this week Jules sat Matteo down and taught him to tie - like the bike he seemed to master this very quickly. One night at dinner Matteo even told me he tied one of his friend's shoes in school that was coming undone - which when I later asked the teacher about it, she confirmed same. Well done Matteo - watching you grow and learn is so breathtakingly wonderful.
And today we bid farewell to our Dear Poppi who has been visiting since Tuesday - Matteo was full of tears (as I expected) - but with the promise of visiting soon, Poppi pulled away. It is lovely to be a part of such a Happy and Healthy Family.
Have a fun filled week.

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