Grandma of course! That's right we enjoy a nice visit from Grandma & Gramps today.
Daily posts (almost) of our life here on the Lane.
If we keep it simple, laugh frequently and smile often, our day was a successful one.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Pumpkin pie
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When Chloe May kept waking up last week due to her and Matteo bumping each other at night, I decided it was time for a change and below is the result.
Everyone is sleeping PEACEFULLY! I even left the room with them both awake and they went to sleep on their own! I think Chloe May followed Matteo's lead.
And today we made two pumpkin pies by peeling an actual pumpkin. LOVE IT!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Swimming in Fall
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for Matteo and Chloe May to be able to enjoy 30+ minutes in yet another neighbor's pool!
Always loving those last days of Summer/early days of Fall when you can swim!!

Sunday, September 25, 2011
Choo Choo
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the local steamers of course!
A great time was had by all today riding the local steamers. Matteo in partiuclar had been waiting for over 2 weeks to ride the "high rise" ones - and indeed today his wait paid off as he road "big boy" (must be 4 years old) steamers. For that train ride, Chloe May & I
And may I introduce the newest tying member of our house - Matteo!!
After reading a headline in a magazine this summer that said more children can program the DVR (whatever that is) than tie a shoe, I said "well not my child" - and hence this week Jules sat Matteo down and taught him to tie - like the bike he seemed to master this very quickly. One night at dinner Matteo even told me he tied one of his friend's shoes in school that was coming undone - which when I later asked the teacher about it, she confirmed same. Well done Matteo - watching you grow and learn is so breathtakingly wonderful.
And today we bid farewell to our Dear Poppi who has been visiting since Tuesday - Matteo was full of tears (as I expected) - but with the promise of visiting soon, Poppi pulled away. It is lovely to be a part of such a Happy and Healthy Family.
Have a fun filled week.
A great time was had by all today riding the local steamers. Matteo in partiuclar had been waiting for over 2 weeks to ride the "high rise" ones - and indeed today his wait paid off as he road "big boy" (must be 4 years old) steamers. For that train ride, Chloe May & I
And may I introduce the newest tying member of our house - Matteo!!
After reading a headline in a magazine this summer that said more children can program the DVR (whatever that is) than tie a shoe, I said "well not my child" - and hence this week Jules sat Matteo down and taught him to tie - like the bike he seemed to master this very quickly. One night at dinner Matteo even told me he tied one of his friend's shoes in school that was coming undone - which when I later asked the teacher about it, she confirmed same. Well done Matteo - watching you grow and learn is so breathtakingly wonderful.
And today we bid farewell to our Dear Poppi who has been visiting since Tuesday - Matteo was full of tears (as I expected) - but with the promise of visiting soon, Poppi pulled away. It is lovely to be a part of such a Happy and Healthy Family.
Have a fun filled week.

Saturday, September 24, 2011
When you're here, you're Family
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After Matteo's 12 goals (yes 12) at soccer today - he continually reminds me he has scored 19 goals this season) - we took a small venture back to the vineyard where we went last weekend. We certainly were not disappointment as this week proved just as exciting as last weekend. First off, the wine was just as excellent -
When it came time for a wag on ride (which you had to pay for) - Matteo came back to sit with us as we weren't going at the moment- but as the family walked to the wagon, there they were calling for Matteo to come :-) The look of joy on his face was priceless. However soon enough he was in tears as he didn't want to go without his Mom & Dad - so we all paid to go with the family that we met and oh what a time we had. We saw Mr. Entaman't house -
saw even more vineyards then before - learned a bit about Estate and just really enjoyed ourselves.
I can't even describe to you the sense of warmth I received from this Vineyard - other than to say "When you're here, you're Family."

Thursday, September 22, 2011
Musuem of Natural History
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Thanks to the fine taxpayers of our Town, today we were able to visit the Museum of Natural History - FREE! :-) That's right we took out our local library pass and, along with Poppi, hopped on an earlier than expected train and away we went!
Obviously the dinosaurs were the first attraction we took in -
We must have spent well over 3 hours just on one floor. Watching a brief movie, reading all that was to be read and just being in awe at the magnificent creates that once roamed the earth before humans.
Then when we needed to decompress we took to lunch outside the museum. Thanks to the sandwiches I packed, we were able to feed the birds - - and yes wouldn't you know it Matteo did eventually get the birds to eat out of his hand and yes, Daddy too caught a bird.
Back inside the museum we went for more fun, this time the first floor - which ironically dealt a bit with NYS. Seeing all the seasons change, all the different animals, etc. After awhile Chloe May feel asleep and Daddy, Poppi & Matteo took to the planetarium while I enjoyed a bit of fresh air with an ever so peaceful Chloe May. When the boys came out, I showed them this wonder I had discovered and wouldn't you know it, it came complete with a sprinkler - and really we never met a sprinkler we didn't like - :-) Yes, indeed Matteo is in his underwear (but so were about 3 or 4 other kids there). I always say the innocence of children is so breathtaking.
One for the road - loving three generation pictures.
So after a brief 1.5 hour trip to central park (climbing rocks, swiming on swings, etc. we went to a nearby burger joint where at Mommy's suggestion we ate on a bench on the sidewalk - once again soaking up everything the City has to offer - people, taxis, dogs (tons of dogs!), apartments, etc. I mmust have told Jules no less than 10 time I wanted to move to the City - - of course he said we could only afford the Projects, but I'm flexible :-)
The ride home was quieter than usual :-)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Be true to your teeth
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I've said it before and I'll say it true to your teeth or they will be false to you.
Having had a last minute emergency a friend who was going to help me out by watching Matteo & Chloe May had to cancel today - hence I found myself bringing them to an hour long dentist appointment. Angels they were (honestly).
However 5-7 needles in the mouth later I am sore as anything (that back molar just didn't want to go to sleep) - and is a great reminder to Matteo how important oral hygiene is.
However every cloud has a silver lining and true to that, Poppi arrive for a few day visit!
Having had a last minute emergency a friend who was going to help me out by watching Matteo & Chloe May had to cancel today - hence I found myself bringing them to an hour long dentist appointment. Angels they were (honestly).
However 5-7 needles in the mouth later I am sore as anything (that back molar just didn't want to go to sleep) - and is a great reminder to Matteo how important oral hygiene is.
However every cloud has a silver lining and true to that, Poppi arrive for a few day visit!
Monday, September 19, 2011
beans & fish
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Imagine my surprise when I hear someone on the trapeze bars downstairs and come to learn that Daddy moved the bed under the bars so Chloe May (age 2) could have easy access - - the joy on her face says it all.
Matteo planted some "bean" (that is what the teacher told me) plant in school back in .... march.... well we kept it, planted it in the garden and ... BEHOLD...... the results (much much to my surprise).No clue what it is ..... except to say I learned too late that the pink "shell" probably should have come off and hence I think we have lima beans(?) - - - feel free to correct me.
And so that small amount made up part of our dinner tonight - - along with the delicious fish from our E family who so graciously gave us some of their delicious salmon as a "thank you" for fish sitting when their power was out for a few days.
Come to think of it - - another friend gave me her soup when the power was out and we had that for do I hope the power goes out more - - - - well it wasn't a bad day - - :-)
And lastly I miss Matteo when he goes to school for 3 days - - - I think I secretly wish he didn't want to go or didn't like it - - I did give him the option of not going - though he enjoys going. Made friends and even speaks of them. We are teaching Matteo to tie his shoes and today at dinner he told me one of his classmates shoes were untied and he tied them for him. Again confirmation holding Matteo and having him be the oldest in the class is a good move on this Mommy's part.
And lastly I miss Matteo when he goes to school for 3 days - - - I think I secretly wish he didn't want to go or didn't like it - - I did give him the option of not going - though he enjoys going. Made friends and even speaks of them. We are teaching Matteo to tie his shoes and today at dinner he told me one of his classmates shoes were untied and he tied them for him. Again confirmation holding Matteo and having him be the oldest in the class is a good move on this Mommy's part.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
A quiet day
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After such a busy Saturday I decided a quiet home day on Sunday was well in order.
We stayed home today and while I made a ziti, Daddy and the kids took to planting the spring bulbs.

Check back in -- - - oh - - 7 months to see the results of our labor (haha).
And yes yes I know it's early but when you have two kids who love bones and things that go "boo" when you walk by, below you will see part of our early graveyard.
We stayed home today and while I made a ziti, Daddy and the kids took to planting the spring bulbs.
Check back in -- - - oh - - 7 months to see the results of our labor (haha).
And yes yes I know it's early but when you have two kids who love bones and things that go "boo" when you walk by, below you will see part of our early graveyard.
The skull bushes shakes and shouts when you walk by and please also note the bones in the other bushes. Can't tell you how much use our graveyard gets with the kids just loving it - - - check back later in the week when Matteo told grandma this special decoration he wanted and of course Grandma went to get it - - aren't Grandma's grand :-)
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Soccer & Parties
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Matteo is always delighted when he can play with his friends at soccer Below is a picture of him fooling around with his friend.
And I'm not going to lie, when the past 2.5 seasons I used to hide, as people would encourage Matteo to play, turn the ball around, stop fooling around, this time it feels great to cheer his name and hear others cheering it for good :-) I am proud to say I have learned other children's names and cheer for them as well. A lesson I have been trying to teach Matteo is use your ears more and you will learn more. So when he asked how I learned the names on the team so quickly, I easily responded that I used my EARS.
We then traveled to a semi-local vineyard (new to me) - where we celebrated our friend Kevin's 2nd birthday.
At this vineyard we enjoyed walking through the vines filled with grapes, seeing the animals, Matteo played more soccer with a boy he met and just sitting together and celebrating.
Chloe May honestly could not stop talking about the horses. I told her next time we would pay for the ride.
We never met a byson we didn't like.
Exhausted after spending 4 hours at the vineyard, we stopped on the way home at another vineyard and picked some mums, and other fall decorations.
And to get in the spirit of Halloween, we put on the new pj's grandma gave the kids.
They glow in the dark great - however are not camera friendly :-)
Exhausted we all went to bed together - a great day by all.

Thursday, September 15, 2011
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Today Daddy took the afternoon off work so we could go and say goodbye to his Grandmother (our children's great grandmother) who was visiting from FL). Before going to see "Granny", we stopped by my friend's house to wish her a happy birthday, played a bit, then continued on to a park where I spent countless summers as a child.
Man that tree brings back memories :-)
The bridge where I used to fish is gone. The waterfall that I used to walk across was rebuilt by Daddy's brother who now works at the park. Man that tree brings back memories :-)
And then we went off to enjoy one last dinner with Nanny & Granny - and once again in the pouring rain 9:30 PM ventured home.
Thinking I have to get a summer house back "home" - so we don't have to travel back and forth so much - but loving where I live :-)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
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With the warmer temps today you know we enjoyed our friend Marisa's pool :-)
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God at having made the decision to hold Matteo for a year - next year at this time I don't know what I will do without him.
And really did we need such an obvious article???
There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God at having made the decision to hold Matteo for a year - next year at this time I don't know what I will do without him.
And really did we need such an obvious article???
Monday, September 12, 2011
Apple picking
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8:50 AM the phone rings and my camera has been found! So happy and even more happy to see that there are still so many good and honest people - when you hear the opposite all too often. Just a note to that special person out there, I spent all morning praying for you to have good karma all day. Quick funny note, those animal pictures I posted yesterday (I have more) - I told Matteo the animals must have had fun with our camera at night taking pictures - - and he believed it. :=)
So with camera in hand an apple picking we will go.
Who doesn't need a little lift at the end of apple picking?
And at the end of the day with our 1/2 bushel of apples, we are all set to make applesauce and apple crisp and pies galore!
Special thanks to Daddy who did run out to get me a new camera yesterday - a new sleeker, modern camera - - that now has to be returned to the store.
Nanny's pocketbook - still missing and at the end of the day we are safe to assume forever.
Special thanks to Daddy who did run out to get me a new camera yesterday - a new sleeker, modern camera - - that now has to be returned to the store.
Nanny's pocketbook - still missing and at the end of the day we are safe to assume forever.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Down on the Farm
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On a day that is sad and remembered by so many thousands, today we celebrated life again - by attending our friend Lily's 4th birthday party down on the farm.
This farm contains a natural playground - which the kids just loved.
We were treated to our first pumpkin picking of the season - and let me tell you with a recipe for a pumpkin pie my friend's mother gave me, I am dying to try it out - those pumpkins are looking mighty delicious - but alas I regress :-)
We made new friends on the farm as well.
Of course Matteo is doubled over with laughter at the site of the goats headbutting each other.
At the end, we went for two rides on the local steam trains at which point Mommy realized I lost my camera. And while we went back to the farm to search for same, we left empty handed and Mommy a bit sad - as my camera is very important to me.
We also came to learn that Nanny lost her pocketbook while here - perhaps she thinks someone took it from her car when she went to a local open house.
We also came to learn that Nanny lost her pocketbook while here - perhaps she thinks someone took it from her car when she went to a local open house.
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