Today it's as if someone switched toddlers on me - 19 month old toddlers that is!
Right off the bat (5:30 AM) - Chloe May sat on the potty and by 6:52 (yes I recorded the times) - SUCCESS~!
by the time the second success came - which averages every 2 hours - Matteo was reading Chloe May her "Big Boy Potty Book" (handmedown obviously) - and SUCCESS #2!

Matteo is an excellent helper today there were less getting towels to clean up and more about feeding Chloe May peas and encouraging her to drink - the old saying "you can lead a lead a horse to water but not make him drink" has taken on a whole new meaning as Chloe May is not one for liquids.
Right off the bat (5:30 AM) - Chloe May sat on the potty and by 6:52 (yes I recorded the times) - SUCCESS~!
by the time the second success came - which averages every 2 hours - Matteo was reading Chloe May her "Big Boy Potty Book" (handmedown obviously) - and SUCCESS #2!
Matteo is an excellent helper today there were less getting towels to clean up and more about feeding Chloe May peas and encouraging her to drink - the old saying "you can lead a lead a horse to water but not make him drink" has taken on a whole new meaning as Chloe May is not one for liquids.
But alas as the end of the end of the day we have 4 success (all of which were Mommy lead - though Daddy assures me this is acceptable as I am "teaching her" - which I don't understand because Matteo honestly was 1/2 day to learn - though 12 months older) and 2 times of half success (she starts going on the floor and I quickly put her on the potty.
So tomorrow is another day - P3 (Potty training day 3) to be exact.
Wish me luck - or rather clean floors :-)
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