Daily posts (almost) of our life here on the Lane.
If we keep it simple, laugh frequently and smile often, our day was a successful one.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Playing together
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Loving when Matteo & Chloe May play together NICELY ;-)
Also, Daddy's truck update: DID not get fixed today as the man said he had the wrong window - -
And we have our kitchen tile picked out - things are shaping up nicely!!!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
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Chloe May has taken the initiative of wiping herself (there was barely any pee in the potty!) -Thanks Chloe :-)

and yes, I still keep her potty in the living room. And I know our friend Sarah would get a kick out of this: FINALLY a blue shirt for Matteo (see below).
I went shopping yesterday and Matteo picked out this skull shirt and asked to buy it - $6 - no biggie, he doesn't ask for his own clothes often. However it's blue and if you know me, I don't like Matteo in blue. Well he had to have this shirt - I showed him another in green (his fav color) - but it only had one skull rather than a whole bunch of skulls making a peace(?) sign...so I let him get it - along with Buzz and Wood white and blue shoes - so for a boy who has not worn anything blue (except for jeans) in over 2.5 years - - - today he certainly made up for it.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Getting ahead.
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Sometimes when we try to get ahead, we get kicked to the curb, see below.

After yesterday's hefty oil bill and subsequent burner bill, when we heard the chainsaws today, Daddy took to the streets to find out 1) who was chopping a tree; and 2) if they were willing to part with the wood! SCORED us some wood, unfortunately at the cost of Daddy's back windshield. (wood for our wood burning stove for next winter and hence continue to use oil for hot water only). However, seems as though either Daddy or the man helping him load the wood busted Daddy's back window - which cousin Andrew had previously semi-broken climbing through it two years ago - only this time it pretty much rendered the truck undriveable. However, and I do love them, Allstate came through and our truck is scheduled to be repaired Wednesday! Tune in.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
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Spent $875 on oil today - not bad considering the last time we got oil was 10/1 -
It was the $200 service charge for the broken burner that hurt- in addition to learning we needed a $700 part that the man told us to get pre-September - OUCH! Goodbye new kitchen?? Who knows?!?! In other news, Matteo spent over 3 hours stamping today - - guess who needs to go to Michael's for new paper!!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
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We started our seeds for our garden inside -

the kids really enjoyed this - and I am looking forward to our first garden - so be sure to check back and see how our little seedlings are doing!
Also- I think I failed to update you on pre-school - Matteo had his evaluation today - and *surprisingly* Matteo is d0ing really well in preschool - knows his address and phone number, can spell a few words and write his name - the teacher said he IS kindergarten ready, however maturity-wise the teacher said all Fall birthday boys might to best waiting a year - otherwise he could conceivably be going to college at the young age of 17 - - in addition to other factors. Ho hum, decisions decisions. Chloe May did excellent telling us during the interview that she had to potty - and going with Daddy to use the car potty. We still have 1 accident a day or every other day with Chloe - but I have yet to go back to diapers and I really don't think we will ever go there with her - Potty trained a 19 month old - - many said she was too young, but with the right support system, I had a feeling...... :-) Thanks.
the kids really enjoyed this - and I am looking forward to our first garden - so be sure to check back and see how our little seedlings are doing!
Also- I think I failed to update you on pre-school - Matteo had his evaluation today - and *surprisingly* Matteo is d0ing really well in preschool - knows his address and phone number, can spell a few words and write his name - the teacher said he IS kindergarten ready, however maturity-wise the teacher said all Fall birthday boys might to best waiting a year - otherwise he could conceivably be going to college at the young age of 17 - - in addition to other factors. Ho hum, decisions decisions. Chloe May did excellent telling us during the interview that she had to potty - and going with Daddy to use the car potty. We still have 1 accident a day or every other day with Chloe - but I have yet to go back to diapers and I really don't think we will ever go there with her - Potty trained a 19 month old - - many said she was too young, but with the right support system, I had a feeling...... :-) Thanks.
Monday, March 21, 2011
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It's not that we thought our newly widowed neighbor was hungry, but it's that we wanted to feel useful and didn't know how. So over the course of the last 3 days we sent over a soup, banana bread, 2 lbs of ziti, and two sour cream coffee cakes - and I had a great helper :-)

When we were done - we went shopping for our neighbor - - - I'm sure through our actions she knows we care, because there simply are no words.
When we were done - we went shopping for our neighbor - - - I'm sure through our actions she knows we care, because there simply are no words.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
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God's will isn't for us to understand, but rather accept.
Having said the above, I still find myself wishing I could wake up from this sadness.
Having said the above, I still find myself wishing I could wake up from this sadness.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Moving forward
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At some point we did take out the green truck late yesterday and watching Matteo drive Chloe May around bought a little smile to me - especially seeing their innocence and smiles :-)

Matteo tells me he is sad Charlie died - me too Matteo, me too.
But alas I think the best way to honor the passing of someone is to live your life fuller and so we did. Matteo took to ice skating today and Chloe May and I went to Target for some necessities (and maybe 1 or 2 non-necessities). And then we were fortunate enough to be invited over our friends for dinner. Thanks to Ally & Elissa for the great company :-)
Matteo tells me he is sad Charlie died - me too Matteo, me too.
But alas I think the best way to honor the passing of someone is to live your life fuller and so we did. Matteo took to ice skating today and Chloe May and I went to Target for some necessities (and maybe 1 or 2 non-necessities). And then we were fortunate enough to be invited over our friends for dinner. Thanks to Ally & Elissa for the great company :-)
Friday, March 18, 2011
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I always say the best way to make God laugh is to make a plan.
I went to bed with a plan last night.
Planned on getting up, getting the kids and myself dressed, taking out our green truck and working in the yard.
But when I pulled up the shades, there were police cars at our Dear Neighbor's house.
So I sent Jules out in his PJ's - right away - to see if all was ok.
But it wasn't.
Seems as though our Dear Friend Charlie died early morning.
Shock is all I can say. Shock.
This was not only a neighbor for the past 8 years, but also a man who had become part of our family . A man who I say was a grandfather to our children, a best friend to Jules, someone to wave to and say hello, share a pleasantry to me. A true friend. We spent countless nights sitting outside in the summer together, thousands of phone calls back and forth, emails, a dog walker, a storyteller, a treasure.

Our hearts are broken and yet we feel enriched to have had his friendship for 8 years.
I went to bed with a plan last night.
Planned on getting up, getting the kids and myself dressed, taking out our green truck and working in the yard.
But when I pulled up the shades, there were police cars at our Dear Neighbor's house.
So I sent Jules out in his PJ's - right away - to see if all was ok.
But it wasn't.
Seems as though our Dear Friend Charlie died early morning.
Shock is all I can say. Shock.
This was not only a neighbor for the past 8 years, but also a man who had become part of our family . A man who I say was a grandfather to our children, a best friend to Jules, someone to wave to and say hello, share a pleasantry to me. A true friend. We spent countless nights sitting outside in the summer together, thousands of phone calls back and forth, emails, a dog walker, a storyteller, a treasure.
Our hearts are broken and yet we feel enriched to have had his friendship for 8 years.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
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Dear Chloe May,
I wanted to share with you how great of a big brother Matteo is becoming (and how much he is really enjoying you). Today he took the liberty of making your new bed feel familiar for you by taking stuffed animals from his bed, toys and even his PILLOW and putting them on your bed so you feel comfortable on it.

Next when it was time to go out he sat you down and helped you put on your shoes.
I wanted to share with you how great of a big brother Matteo is becoming (and how much he is really enjoying you). Today he took the liberty of making your new bed feel familiar for you by taking stuffed animals from his bed, toys and even his PILLOW and putting them on your bed so you feel comfortable on it.
Next when it was time to go out he sat you down and helped you put on your shoes.
Finally in the car ride today, he held your hand for no reason, but rather just to hold your hand (I like holding hands too).
These my Dear are the times to cherish :-)
So after school today, and no doubt a fun green celebration Matteo's teacher told me he and another boy got sent to the "principal's office" - - - so when we got in the car I asked Matteo why and he said because he kept saying "shamrock" (in a funny low voice) - - luckily I was in the front seat so Matteo couldn't see me smile - and we just drove off - he's 4, it's St. Patrick's Day and after all the good and caring he showered his Sister with that morning am I really going to get upset for a little "shamrock" - not any more and not this day. Top of the morning to you!
And well because he gave Chloe May his pillow (not that she sleeps in that bed), Matteo found the pillow his Cousin Jay J made for him when Matteo was just 2.5 months old....he stuffed it and sewed it himself and Matteo loves that fact that it has his favorite color (green - though not light green like he prefers he pointed out). Matteo now uses and LOVES his new pillow :-) Thanks again Jay J.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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In between the crackers, toast, ginger ale, Gatorade and coke today, Chloe May got a bed of her own!!!

(I think she likes it). Now don't worry I'm not going to spring a new sleeping place on her in the middle of her potty training, rather just a place to call her own and hopefully come September she will be sleeping there all by herself.
Matteo, still not quite himself today, took a late afternoon nap.
(I think she likes it). Now don't worry I'm not going to spring a new sleeping place on her in the middle of her potty training, rather just a place to call her own and hopefully come September she will be sleeping there all by herself.
Matteo, still not quite himself today, took a late afternoon nap.
With Matteo napping, Chloe May got all dolled up for "me time" on her bed, hammed it up for the camera and I took the opportunity to turnover the closets - put away the winter coats and thin out our house.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
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There's a story behind this empty bottle.

After picking Matteo up from school today I started to feel really horrible, so I came home and laid down. After complaining of stomach pains and needing a heating pad, Matteo too told me he had the same symptoms. About 2 hours later I"m vomiting and about 10 minutes after that so is Matteo - of which at the exact same time Chloe May is having diarrhea. Poor Daddy - it was almost comical - who should he attend to first and mind you Chloe May has yet to use the potty with Daddy and tonight was no exception....... so when we all went to bed - Daddy decided he might be getting sick and as he told me took matters into his own hands and did what the sailors do - drink some hard liquor to kill any bugs (though there was only a little left in the bottle when he started out).
Certainly not a fun way to spend Tuesday evening for any of us.
After picking Matteo up from school today I started to feel really horrible, so I came home and laid down. After complaining of stomach pains and needing a heating pad, Matteo too told me he had the same symptoms. About 2 hours later I"m vomiting and about 10 minutes after that so is Matteo - of which at the exact same time Chloe May is having diarrhea. Poor Daddy - it was almost comical - who should he attend to first and mind you Chloe May has yet to use the potty with Daddy and tonight was no exception....... so when we all went to bed - Daddy decided he might be getting sick and as he told me took matters into his own hands and did what the sailors do - drink some hard liquor to kill any bugs (though there was only a little left in the bottle when he started out).
Certainly not a fun way to spend Tuesday evening for any of us.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Top of the mornin' to you Lass
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Top of the mornin' to you! Today we attended our local parade which I look forward to every year - I feel such a sense of community out here in our little town - really a great time by all despite the wind (and yes we are wearing green under our jackets!).

The bag pipes are my favorite (Chloe May kept signing "more" whenever the drums passed up by).
The bag pipes are my favorite (Chloe May kept signing "more" whenever the drums passed up by).
And after the parade Chloe May walked most of the way home - like 2 or 3 years ago when I let Matteo walk home for the first time. And walk home we did - to some delicious corn beef and cabbage - which Matteo enjoyed (Chloe not so much).
And sometimes I wonder why we have toys when all the kids want to do is play with ordinary household stuff.
And finally three times today Chloe May stopped what she was doing (one of which was playing with water so major props) - and came to find me to indicate she had to use the potty. One time however I was too occupied and soon found pee in the potty - only to inquire who used her potty----- but realized Chloe May sat on it with her pants on (she has yet to learn to pull them up and down) - so I am thinking that counts as success. What a difference a week make - last week she didn't want anything to do with the potty and now not only is she peeing & pooping (TMI?) on it - but she is initiating same - - - way to go Dolly!!!
Enjoy a safe week and thanks for checking in.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Hello Kitty!
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Lately, I cannot get enough Hello kitty underwear photos - so please excuse me :-)

Today Daddy and Matteo took to the ice while Mommy & Chloe May went food shopping and then Chloe told me early on that she wanted to nap - I beleive it was in the form of her half falling alseep in my arms followed by tears of being put in the carriage for a walk - but WOW - how much did I clean up the house in that 1.5 hours that she napped - followed by lunch for 1 which surprisingly not having to get up and down 5 times is ....relaxing ......looking forward to next Saturday! And Daddy reports Matteo is really doing excellent on the ice - seriously improving over a just a few weeks in Snow Plow Sam II - perhaps next week I'll treat you to a movie - check back.
Oh and yes, darn as I did forget my camera for our last birthday party today - Matteo's little preschool friend turned 5 and we were treated to pizza and ice cream at the local ice cream parlor! And best of all, I braved it with Chloe May put her in underwear and she was none to proud to eat, drink and indulge with the big boys and girls! Lastly, never to toot my own horn, but I think I make more of a hostess at these birthday parties than the young girls they pay to run it - and this party was no exception (someone should pay me is all I'm saying :-) ). And thus ends our birthday run - at least for now!
Today Daddy and Matteo took to the ice while Mommy & Chloe May went food shopping and then Chloe told me early on that she wanted to nap - I beleive it was in the form of her half falling alseep in my arms followed by tears of being put in the carriage for a walk - but WOW - how much did I clean up the house in that 1.5 hours that she napped - followed by lunch for 1 which surprisingly not having to get up and down 5 times is ....relaxing ......looking forward to next Saturday! And Daddy reports Matteo is really doing excellent on the ice - seriously improving over a just a few weeks in Snow Plow Sam II - perhaps next week I'll treat you to a movie - check back.
Oh and yes, darn as I did forget my camera for our last birthday party today - Matteo's little preschool friend turned 5 and we were treated to pizza and ice cream at the local ice cream parlor! And best of all, I braved it with Chloe May put her in underwear and she was none to proud to eat, drink and indulge with the big boys and girls! Lastly, never to toot my own horn, but I think I make more of a hostess at these birthday parties than the young girls they pay to run it - and this party was no exception (someone should pay me is all I'm saying :-) ). And thus ends our birthday run - at least for now!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
p5 & a haircut
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The below picture would look really adorable with Chloe May playing peek-a-boo in our cabinets, the only thing is we have locks on the cabinets once you close them! Note to self: remove the locks tomorrow - because occasionally I hear "Mommy Mommy" - and sure enough Chloe May has locked herself in a cabinet.

Also on day 5 - though we only had a 50% success rate (due to 1. chloe may being in her booster seat for one accident and 2. a busy day), I dare say she is getting the hang of the potty - with 2 initiating using the potty).
And Matteo looks more and more grown up lately - just looking so tall - Jules and I both agree - even his sentence structure continues to improve - and he is just the sweetest boy ever - melts my heart. And while he is eligible for K next September - we are probably going to hold him back - another year of pre-school - and really who is it going to hurt - plus I think I may miss him too much (full day K!). But we will see and we have more time to decide. Oh yes and he got a much needed haircut yesterday and well if the buds on the trees weren't enough signs of spring coming for you - check back later in the week for Matteo's updated do! :-)
Also on day 5 - though we only had a 50% success rate (due to 1. chloe may being in her booster seat for one accident and 2. a busy day), I dare say she is getting the hang of the potty - with 2 initiating using the potty).
And Matteo looks more and more grown up lately - just looking so tall - Jules and I both agree - even his sentence structure continues to improve - and he is just the sweetest boy ever - melts my heart. And while he is eligible for K next September - we are probably going to hold him back - another year of pre-school - and really who is it going to hurt - plus I think I may miss him too much (full day K!). But we will see and we have more time to decide. Oh yes and he got a much needed haircut yesterday and well if the buds on the trees weren't enough signs of spring coming for you - check back later in the week for Matteo's updated do! :-)
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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Perhaps when she is reading while on the potty I dare say she got the hang of it :-)
But today continues to be a great one with 4 out of 5 hits on the potty - and best of all - she initiated one by herself (another one I believe she initiated by herself but I missed the sign).

and come bedtime Chloe May did not want to leave Matteo's bed - even threw a fit when I had to physically remove her - perhaps she loved the blanket from Auntie (which Jules continues to say is so so soft).
But today continues to be a great one with 4 out of 5 hits on the potty - and best of all - she initiated one by herself (another one I believe she initiated by herself but I missed the sign).
and come bedtime Chloe May did not want to leave Matteo's bed - even threw a fit when I had to physically remove her - perhaps she loved the blanket from Auntie (which Jules continues to say is so so soft).
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
P3 & a birthday
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P3 came and again I was riding a high from yesterday's more than 50% success rate.
Today - though never initiating - Chloe May had SIX successes and only one miss with respect to the potty - and the miss came only after I put her in a pull up for a birthday party (which I seriously considering missing but love our friends too dearly).
And it was worth the one miss to celebrate birthday no. #2 with our Dear Friend Elissa.

and thus our birthday season is winding down with one left to go - check back so see who the lucky child is late this week!
Today - though never initiating - Chloe May had SIX successes and only one miss with respect to the potty - and the miss came only after I put her in a pull up for a birthday party (which I seriously considering missing but love our friends too dearly).
And it was worth the one miss to celebrate birthday no. #2 with our Dear Friend Elissa.
and thus our birthday season is winding down with one left to go - check back so see who the lucky child is late this week!
Monday, March 7, 2011
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Today it's as if someone switched toddlers on me - 19 month old toddlers that is!
Right off the bat (5:30 AM) - Chloe May sat on the potty and by 6:52 (yes I recorded the times) - SUCCESS~!
by the time the second success came - which averages every 2 hours - Matteo was reading Chloe May her "Big Boy Potty Book" (handmedown obviously) - and SUCCESS #2!

Matteo is an excellent helper today there were less getting towels to clean up and more about feeding Chloe May peas and encouraging her to drink - the old saying "you can lead a lead a horse to water but not make him drink" has taken on a whole new meaning as Chloe May is not one for liquids.
Right off the bat (5:30 AM) - Chloe May sat on the potty and by 6:52 (yes I recorded the times) - SUCCESS~!
by the time the second success came - which averages every 2 hours - Matteo was reading Chloe May her "Big Boy Potty Book" (handmedown obviously) - and SUCCESS #2!
Matteo is an excellent helper today there were less getting towels to clean up and more about feeding Chloe May peas and encouraging her to drink - the old saying "you can lead a lead a horse to water but not make him drink" has taken on a whole new meaning as Chloe May is not one for liquids.
But alas as the end of the end of the day we have 4 success (all of which were Mommy lead - though Daddy assures me this is acceptable as I am "teaching her" - which I don't understand because Matteo honestly was 1/2 day to learn - though 12 months older) and 2 times of half success (she starts going on the floor and I quickly put her on the potty.
So tomorrow is another day - P3 (Potty training day 3) to be exact.
Wish me luck - or rather clean floors :-)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Should have slept in
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In hindsight I see that going to bed early Saturday night was a mistake. That is hindsight. You see I awoke today at 4:30 - could not go back to sleep.
Chloe must have sensed me awake because she woke up a little after 5 AM - we laid there and talked.

Daddy on the other hand........
Chloe must have sensed me awake because she woke up a little after 5 AM - we laid there and talked.
Daddy on the other hand........
So I get an idea. "Chloe" I say - "would you like to wear Matteo's underwear" - of course anything Matteo has Chloe May wants...... and of course she does!
and so if Chloe May wants to wear underwear.....the next logical step is......
thus begins our potty experience - Day 1 - we could have floated away in pee with only one success early on and the rest of the day "Matteo quick get a towel!". Thanks to my sister for the call - two times now she has known when I needed cheering up - or just to vent.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Birthday fun
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Why all dressed up?
Well simply because it's our pal Rory's 2nd birthday party at Mommy & Me!
We had a rocking good time - Matteo and his friend Caleb haven't seen each other in a few months and when they saw each other it was as if no time had passed - check out their smiles (can you hear their giggles?).
And when we came home Matteo could not wait to decorate his dresser with his "winnings" (charlie sheen talk) from the pinata.
Lastly, Matteo & Daddy started their second session at ice skating - which they both have taken to very nicely and enjoy tremendously. No pics this time as Chloe May & I opted to stay home and food shop and rest up for the party.
Friday, March 4, 2011
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With a quick stop to Kohls today - I found my famous 80% off rack and so I was a bit astonished when the cashier rung up the below items and it came to $89!!!!

Until she informed me that that was my SAVINGS...... the amount due was $9 (though I did consider putting back the $3 pair of pants)! Looks like our pals Rory and Elissa will find an extra goody in their birthday present bag.
And lastly, today we refinanced the house....another 15 to go! Welcome back to the Lane!
Until she informed me that that was my SAVINGS...... the amount due was $9 (though I did consider putting back the $3 pair of pants)! Looks like our pals Rory and Elissa will find an extra goody in their birthday present bag.
And lastly, today we refinanced the house....another 15 to go! Welcome back to the Lane!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Welcome Back
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With school today, breakfast, lunch and dinner, we barely noticed Daddy gone. But he did call 2x which made our day. And like I said Daddy would be back before we knew it and sure enough, he was! When midnight rolled around so did Daddy - and his client well he got the job, thanks for asking!
Matteo on the other hand scored a new pair of toystory sneakers...much to my dismay....but I am a softie for Him :-)
Matteo on the other hand scored a new pair of toystory sneakers...much to my dismay....but I am a softie for Him :-)
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Good bye Daddy
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Today was Daddy's big day for his first official business trip (which is pretty funny considering Daddy has been in business since 2006 - and in business for himself since 2008).
So with his bags packed and new Dockers on Daddy very much looked the part of a business man (which is starkly different then the ripped jeans, turtleneck, sweater, jacket, working in his freezing office with the heating pad for warmth computer programmer we have gotten to know!).

Goodbyes were said and I took the kids out for a walk so as not to have to watch our Dear Daddy depart. Don't fret Thursday night will be here before we know it!
and a special Happy Birthday to our cousin Rocco and pal Rory!
So with his bags packed and new Dockers on Daddy very much looked the part of a business man (which is starkly different then the ripped jeans, turtleneck, sweater, jacket, working in his freezing office with the heating pad for warmth computer programmer we have gotten to know!).
Goodbyes were said and I took the kids out for a walk so as not to have to watch our Dear Daddy depart. Don't fret Thursday night will be here before we know it!
and a special Happy Birthday to our cousin Rocco and pal Rory!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Flip flops
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Today Matteo insisted beyond belief on wearing his new "shoes" (flip flops) to school. I told him if he could wear them outside for a bit he could wear them to school - well in fact he wore them outside! So I really didn't see any harm in him wearing them to school, after all it's pretty warm like inside our house......... unfortunately today was the first day in MONTHS that they went out to the playground! :-O oops.... well tell me does he look upset below?

And I'm ashamed to say - because normally I don't look at train wrecks - but man this Charlie Sheen debacle is just too interesting to turn off. I watch it on the computer when the kids go to bed - all these interviews - and yes I feel a bit dumber - -
And I'm ashamed to say - because normally I don't look at train wrecks - but man this Charlie Sheen debacle is just too interesting to turn off. I watch it on the computer when the kids go to bed - all these interviews - and yes I feel a bit dumber - -
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