Today Mommy woke up and decided TODAY IS THE DAY! No no not "the" day, but "THE" day! With the soon to be arrival of our newest addition, I decided we simply cannot afford 2 boxes of diapers (one per child)...hence one of them has to go! So, as is always the case, Matteo being the oldest got the boot! Yes folks today was POTTY DAY!
Daddy was good enough to indulge a very pregnant Mommy and went out to purchase Matteo a potty seat that I was more comfortable with. Needless to say it is green :-) (if you are asking why.....perhaps you are at the wrong blog.) I kid you not this child LOVES green to no end.
And after his first time using the potty, I asked Matteo to smile for a picture. Lately this means...make a frown . So below is Matteo posing for the camera. What a ham..makes me laugh.
When Daddy came home around noonish he has some "rewards" for Matteo.......

however Mommy discovered that after one reward it was ..... not distracting...but distracting. (I know, I'm very pregnant humor me). Anyway, instead of using toys, Mommy used M&M's (one each...very cheap I am) as a reward also watching "TV" on the computer (clifford) and of course freeze pops.
Below is a picture of Matteo enjoying viewing his reward. Notice of half empty cup by him....we were always drinking today I kid you not. Betrween the hours of 12:30 and 4:30, this child used the potty every 10-15 min. Excessive? Perhaps but I really think he got the hang of it. And in between he got to watch CLIFFORD or roll cars with mommy or just read books.however Mommy discovered that after one reward it was ..... not distracting...but distracting. (I know, I'm very pregnant humor me). Anyway, instead of using toys, Mommy used M&M's (one each...very cheap I am) as a reward also watching "TV" on the computer (clifford) and of course freeze pops.
At the end of the day Mommy has much much success to report. No accidents past 12/12:30 PM and only 3 to speak of this AM (2 were my fault as I was not paying attention). Matteo initiated many potty trips, even once running across the house at one point all on his own to sit on potty! Mommy is very proud. However I cannot take all the credit, I owe many thanks to our dear friend Sarah, who spoke to Mommy on the phone, gave helpful tips and even followed up in emails. Thanks Sarah, as said before, it's great to have a friend in you.
And in case you are wondering I believe I made the right choice, this child is MUCH easier to potty train than the one coming......which has me thinking....i think this baby is REALLY coming..........stay tuned :-)
And in case you are wondering I believe I made the right choice, this child is MUCH easier to potty train than the one coming......which has me thinking....i think this baby is REALLY coming..........stay tuned :-)
Yay Matteo! Stop Potty Time!!!! HeHe!!! It's great to hear that he is initiating the potty trips. Good job Mommy and Daddy!!!