After 11 hours of work in 1.5 days Matteo, Mommy feels the same way.

Sorry for not returning calls, emails, etc. Mommy has been 1) dealing with a TWO YEAR OLD TODDLER, all the while reminding myself this too shall pass and 2) working. And yes Matteo is passed out cold in the picture above, that is one use for our reading chair I never thought I would see :-)
Sorry for not returning calls, emails, etc. Mommy has been 1) dealing with a TWO YEAR OLD TODDLER, all the while reminding myself this too shall pass and 2) working. And yes Matteo is passed out cold in the picture above, that is one use for our reading chair I never thought I would see :-)
Matteo must have had a BUSY day, he is down for the count, maybe Katelyn can have some of what you gave Matteo, HeHe!! J/K I can tell Mommy and Daddy kept him busy with lots of fun activities, I'd love to see a picture of you two di you even make it to the bed!! HeHe!!!